King's Business - 1923-04



BIOLA CLUB OF PASADENA Elw ood P . Lyon, Supt.—O u r cen ter for Bible C lasses, E vangelistic Services an d Personal W ork, in th e h e a rt of th e C ity of P asadena.

so rt of a place Biola Club m ight be, be­ came enthusiastic and said, “ I want to help,” and brought us several thou­ sand trac ts for free distribution. An­ o th er young woman, belonging to a fam ily of some social prominence,- has volunteered her services fo r personal work, and is one of th e most enthusias­ tic of Christian workers. We are now praying and working for the salvation of a young soldier who was badly gassed in th e war, and because of his discouraged and depressed state of m ind has contemplated suicide, and, by th e grace of God, expect to see him saved. Some tim e ago we told the readers of The K ing’s Business of a “near tragedy” in the home of a young soldier which resulted so happily in the conversion of both husband and wife. The sequel is th a t th e young wife has come out so wonderfully for the Lord th a t she wants Mrs. Lyon to give h er special Bible teaching and says she is going to dedi­ cate her baby boy to the Lord and train him for a missionary, and she herself intends to be w hat a tru e Christian woman ■should be in the home and in the community.

ANY people were attracted to Biola Club during th e month of Janu ary to h ear Mr. J. .J. Sims— a well known Bible

teacher, both in this country, Great B rit­ ain and Canada— in a series of Bible addresses afternoons and evenings, as a resu lt of which some new friends were made for the work, and— best of all— a number of definite conversions. During the month^ a whole Jewish fam ily has accepted' Jesus Christ as th e ir Messiah-Ss-first the husband and fath er, then the wife, and la st of all th e daughter (a stud en t in the Pasadena High School), and they are now one of the happiest ..families possible to imag­ ine. Another Jewish man, living w ithin a block of Biola Club, has become in te r­ ested and th e way of salvation has been explained to him. A relative of his has also become intensely interested and has asked for Gospel literatu re. We are confidently believing th a t th e Lord will soon bring both these precious souls to see the light. P ray for them. One friend who came in to see what H HE good news comes to us from Ireland th a t our own Mr. Nich­ olson (who has been so won- drously and m ightily used of been stirred since the G reat Revival of over fifty years ago ), will re tu rn to us next summer, although the committee who have made arrangem ents fo r his meetings during th e th ree years he has been there, are considering ways and means of inducing him to rem ain for ano ther year. Mr. Nicholson says in a recent letter to the editor: “ W e a r e ju s t closing one of th e b ig g est m issions w e have held here, in w hich tw e n ty churches united. The church seats 3300, and both Dr. T orrey and Mr. Moody


held m eetings in it. Some n ig h ts we tu rn aw ay more th an w ouid fill It tw ice. The m eetings have continued for five w eeks now and over 1000 have come ou t for the L ord in th e la s t tw o weeks. “The fight is on here In good earn est, and all c en terin g aro u n d th e D eity of Je su s C hrist. T h e ,‘U n-bloody’ U n itarian s aré clean m ad a t me, fo r I w on’t le t them alone, and th ere a re more of them in th e P re sb y te ria n churches th an in th e U n ita r­ ian. T here is one th in g : T hey a re eith e r for or a g ain st. T hey cannot rem ain n e u ­ tra l or inditferent. "T here is a ‘b re a th of God’ on th is land a t p re sen t and an e a r for th e Gospel T h e

God to stir th a t country as it has not

crowds are trem endous. T h in k of sh ip ­ yard men a rra n g in g for th e ir w ives to m eet them com ing from w o rk w ith th eir supper so th a t th ey can g e t to th e m eet­ ings! If th ey took tim e to g e t home, they w ouldn’t be able to g e t into th e church. Tell th e In s titu te people th a t th e L ord is w o rk in g and th e fire is burning. Glory to God!” A GOOD INVESTMENT MAY BE A FOE

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