King's Business - 1923-04

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S him to give th e child her medicine. The medicine was m ilk w ith a m ixture of lime water. The dose was given. It was only a few moments un til th e child became violently ill. He called his wife and told her th a t something' terrib le was wrong. She got up quickly. The crisis seemed to have been reached. “Husband, w hat did you do?” cried Mrs. Mclnnis. “Nothing.” “W hat did you give h e r? ” “Nothing b u t her medicine.” Where did you get it? ” He pointed to th e m ilk and lime water. She discovered th a t it was chloridp of lime th a t he had pu t into th e m ilk— he had poisoned his own daughter. It looked as if it was about all over w ith the child. The doctor was hurriedly called. He soon came. But Dr. Mc­ lnn is declared th a t no one will ever know th e aw ful agony and suffering h e w ent through un til the doctor a r­ rived and assured him th a t the dose was not sufficient to prove fatal. But if th e child had died— if Dr. Mclnnis had poisoned ljis own daughter, what then? He declared th a t he believed it would have dethroned his reason. But what of th e sin-sick souls who come to the sanctuary for th e sincere m ilk of th e Word and have dealt out to them sp iritu al poison in th e form of “ advanced though t” and “ higher criti- sicm” ? How awful will be th e day when such men wake up in etern ity and discover th a t they have been preaching the devil’s lie instead of the full Gos­ pel of th e grace of God. Behold, i h e Bridegroom! “When a boy in Illinois,” said C. F. Wimberly, “ I heard th is story: A young man had wooed a beautiful young woman; bu t he was too poor to ask h er to share his life un til he was able to give her all she then enjoyed. He left for the west w ith her promise of fidelity to cheer him on; th a t when he had won his fortune he would re tu rn and ta k e her w ith him. Years passed, A WHEEL THAT BRINGS THE

378 7. Blessed are those who diffuse th e peace of God, Mt. 5:9. Woe to those w earing peaceful countenances to deceive people, Mt. 23:27. 8 . Blessed are those who endure per­ secution, Mt,. 5:10.. Woe to those who laud dead prophets, persecute living ones, Mt. 23:29-35. . —K. L. B. SEVEN THINGS PERTAINING TO THE FATHER IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN 1. The F a th e r’s Bosom. (Chap. 1 :1 8 ). The abiding place of th e only be­ gotten Son. 2. The F a th e r’s W ill. (Chap. 6:39, 40). T h at those who believe on th e Son may have everlasting life and be kept by Him. 3. The F a th e r’s Hand. (Chap. 10:28, 29). The sheep are secure in th e hand of ^ th e F a th e r and of th e Son. 4. The F a th e r’s House. (Chap. 14 :2 ). The home of th e many 90 ns called H is b reth ren by th e Son of God in resurrection. (Chap. 2 0 :17 ). 6 . The F a th e r’s Love. (Chap. 16 :27 ). Rests on those who believe on the Son of God. 6 . The F a th e r’s Name. (Chap. 17:6, 26). Manifested and declared by the Son to those who are th e sons of God. 7. The F a th e r’s Gift. (Chap. 17 :6 ). The men whom th e F ath e r gave to th e Son out of th e world. — John Meek. n n SERMON WINDOWS Dealing Out Poison Dr. Mclnnis once related an incident of his d augh ter’s illness. She was crit­ ically ill. He stayed up w ith h er one night to give his wife an opportunity to get a little rest. The tim e came for

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