King's Business - 1923-04



“The first E ssential in Gospel Song In terp retation is an unwavering belief in the message of th e song. W ithout this, tru e In terp retatio n is out of the question. Let th e gospel song pianist fully realize th a t an E tern al Issue is involved in th e message of gospel song, and th is rig h t a ttitu d e will enable In­ te rp retatio n to play its p art to th e full. How is th is a ttitu d e to be realized? You cannot appreciate the gospel mes­ sage in song unless you appreciate th a t for which th e gospel message stands. The foundation of th e gospel is Christ, and your attitu d e toward Him, will de­ term ine your a ttitu d e toward th e gos­ pel in song. If you appreciate Him, you will appreciate His gospel. And you can only dem onstrate your apprecia­ tion of Christ by your acceptance of His finished work of Atonement. In these days of innum erable “ isms” and “ cults” it behooves every gospel song pianist to be loyal to Christ. Such loy­ alty alone can make possible a power­ ful and inspiring In terp retatio n of the gospel in song. Is your a ttitu d e righ t? (Note: Mr. H arkness is on th e Music Staff of the Bible In stitu te of Los An­ geles. His course is prepared for the musical development and education of pianists of ordinary ability. The sp irit­ ual element referred to in th is article makes the course a specially desirable one for Christian young people). m Egl ate ate HASTY DEPARTURES

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|H E one g reat purpose of' Gos­ pel Song Is the presentation in an attractiv e and in terest­ ing form of th e Gospel mes-

saved goes immediately to hell, a place sage. The music is merely the vehicle to convey the life-giving m essag e/ to needy souls. Many musicians fail to realize the value of Gospel Song. The sp iritu al element of Gospel music gives it a distinction and elevation which no other muse attains. Hence it re­ quires sp iritual insight, vision and in­ terest on th e p art of the musician to properly in terp ret th e message of th e gospel in song. The Apostle Paul, h it th e nail on th e head when he said in F irs t Corinthians, 2:14 “ But th e n a t­ u ral man receiveth not th e things of the sp irit of God: for they are foolishness unto him : neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.’’ Many a church choir fails in its g reat mission of rendering the gospel mes­ sage in song because it lacks spiritual vision and interest. And th is applies also -to th e sacred pianist. It is said said th e re are over two hundred th o u ­ sand Sunday-Schools in the United States. One wonders how many pianists in these Sunday-Schools really possess th e sp iritual vision and in terest which enables them to in te rp re t th e gospel in song as it should be interpreted? Realizing the trem endous need of a sp iritu al awakening amongst sacred pianists I have called special atten tion to th e subject of Gospel Song In ter­ p retation in th e Correspondence Course in “ Gospel Song Piano Accompani­ m ent.” A paragraph tak en from Study No. 11 of th is course will explain what is in my m ind :—

“ It is th e ten m inutes afte r prayer th a t m atters,” said th e Bishop of Lon­ don lately. “You say your prayers, but before God has tim e to answer you are up from your knees and off. We do not hear w hat th e answer is: we do not w ait to hear w bat it is. It may be th a t for years God has been trying to say something to us, bu t we have never given him tim e to speak to us, "Be still, and know th a t I am God!”— YOU CAN INSURE YOUR INVESTMENTS FOR

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