King's Business - 1923-04

393 On th e hum an side, He is derived. His hum anity is of th e seed of th e woman. Joseph was Jacob’s beloved son. (Gen. 3 7 :3 ). Jesus was th e beloved Son of God (Mt. 3 :17 ). Jacob made Joseph a coat of many colors (Gen. 3 7 :3 ). This coat was such as was worn only by an heir. Our Lord is set fo rth as the heir (Mt. 21:38; Rom. 4 :13 ; Heb. 1 :2 ). The coat signifies exalted dignity or lordship. In giving Joseph th is coat, Jacob publicly exalted him. See Phil. 2 : 10 - 11 . The coat was of many colors. Color in Scripture stands for quality, function, title. Blue, th e color of th e heavens. Scarlet, the color of kings and royalty. The many colors give us th e many of­ fices and titles of th e Son of God. (Rev. 19 :12 ). Joseph had visions of fu tu re sover­ eignty (Gen. 37:5-11). The central word of prophecy .is th e declaration th a t Jesus Christ shall rule and reign over His b reth ren according to the flesh (Lk. 1 :3 3 ). •Joseph responded willingly when his fath er called him (Gen. 3 7 :13 ). See John 6:38. Joseph’s fath er sent him to seek his brethren. Our Lord Jesus, according to th e will of the F ath er, came into th e world to seek His b reth ren (Mt. 15 :24 ). Joseph’s first announcement of his mission was made to his b reth ren as shepherds (v.13). The first announce­ m ent of the mission of Jesus to the peo­ ple in th e land of Israel was to shep­ herds. Joseph on his mission to seek his b reth ren became for a tim e a wanderer in th e field (v. 15). The field is the world. (Mt. 1 3 :38 ). See Lk. 9:58. Joseph found his b reth ren in Dothan (v.17) , meaning law or custom. Jesus found His b reth ren dwelling under the bondage of law, slaves to formalism (Lk 11:39; Mk. 7 :8 ). Joseph’s b reth ren mocked and refused to receive him (v. 19). See John 1:11. Joseph’s b reth ren took counsel how they m ight slay him (Gen. 37 :20 ). The Jews took counsel to slay th e son of God (Mt. 27 :1 ). Joseph’s b reth ren set him a t nought (vs. 18-19). Cf. Lk. 23 :11 ; Isa. 53:3. Jud ah counselled his b reth ren to sell him to the Ishm aelites (v. 27). The selling of th e Son of God was foretold (Zech. 11:12-13; Mt. 26 :15 ). Christ was tu rned over to th e Ishm aelites of history, the Romans.

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S tim e had no t come. They become self-convicted. Gen. 42:21; Matt. 27: 25; Rom. 5:8. Then he revealed him ­ self w ith mingled joy and sorrow, say­ ing, “I am Joseph.” Israel in the lat­ te r day will look upon him whom they have pierced and hear him say, “F ear not, I am Jesus whom ye crucified.” The b reth ren of Joseph confessed th eir sin and were forgiven. P erfect love cast out th eir fear. Isaiah 53 will be the language of Israel in the la tte r days. Joseph said, “God sent me before you.” The prophet said concerning Christ, “ It pleased the Lord to bruise him .” He even as Joseph shall see his seed and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. That pleasure is th e sal­ vation of all Israel. Rom. 11:26. In the Goshen of the m illennial age they will bud and blossom and fill the earth w ith fruit. One of th e first words of Joseph to his b reth ren was an inquiry fo r his fa th e r’s welfare. In th e ir reply they said, “Thy serv an t our fa th e r,” as they p ro strated themselves before the lord of Egypt. Thus the dreams of Joseph’s youth became fulfilled. While Joseph was alienated from his brethren, he became united to a Gentile bride. A fter his reconciliation w ith them , he reigned w ith her over them and Egypt. Ephraim and Manasseh were the chil­ dren of th is espousal. Their names, meaning “ forgetfulness and fru itfu l­ ness,” point to th e blessed and eternal years when th e hand of God shall have wiped all tears away and the leaves of the tree of life shall be for th e healing of th e nations. Joseph is the one and only character presented to us in th e Bible w ithout a flaw. As such he is a perfect type of our Lord Jesus Christ, the sinless Man. Joseph was the COMMENTS son of Jacob’s old SELECTED age. Jesus was th e By Keith L. BrookSon of God’s eter­ nity. He was never derived. He was eternally begotten.

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