King's Business - 1923-04

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


tion. She counted the cost. She made; a full surrender. Renunciation is the stepping stone in life. Her resolution stifled temptation. W ith her it was “This one th ing I do, forgetting th e things which are behind and reaching fo rth unto the things th a t are before” (Phil. 3 :1 3 ), She was fully persuaded. She strengthened h er sta te­ ment w ith an oath. All bridges were burned behind her. (4) TESTIMONY OF THE ' BACK­ SLIDER, 19-22. Naomi had been chastened. She went out for gain and got gall. She went out in unbelief. She retu rn ed w ith b itter remembrances. She testified to th e tru th of God’s Word. The means she took to avoid w ant brought, it. Like the p rod igal,^-tears, self-reproach, emp­ tiness and' self-renunciation—-were her portion. This is th e history of every saint of God who endeavors to find help and com fort and soul satisfaction in the world. No m atter what th e test, whether it be a question of bread and bu tter, or pleasure, or position, or w hat­ ever th e allurem ent th a t Satan holds up before th e child of God,— if th e back is tu rn ed upon the crucified Christ, th e re must be th e bite of bitterness, th ere must be th e disappointment and sorrow, th ere must be the loss of time, and means and privilege.

world and the face towards Christ. This is the test, too, th a t comes to every be­ liever if he is to walk w ith God in the light. This decision means, on the one hand, unfest, lack of peace and joy, failure. On th e other hand, peace, rest, joy. To live a life m isunderstood by the world; to know something of persecu­ tion; to be counted as foolish, brainless, “ a fool for Christ’s sake” as P aul says. (3 ) TRIUMPH OP LOYE, vs. 16-18. R u th made an intelligent choice; Naomi occupied th e h eart of Ruth. She clave to her. H er sacrifice m ean t her world behind, her home, her kindred; identification w ith another person and ano th er people ( 2 : 11 ', 12 ). This is the love th a t should be ours for Christ. He should be everything to us. By grace we are crucified, buried, raised, seated and glorified to ­ g ether w ith Him. R u th ’s choice was definite, as was th a t of Rebecca (Gen. 2 4 :58 ). She faced hardship, poverty, derision, many disappointments. She sacrificed her ambition. Such things are included in the choice for those who go w ith Christ. (Psa. 4 5 :10 ). “ H e a r k e n , O d a u g h te r , a n d c o n s id e r ,. a n d in c lin e th in e e a r ; f o r g e t a ls o th in e o w n p e o p le , a n d th y f a t h e r 's h o u s e ." She pledges her love and loyalty to Naomi, as did Itta i (2 Sam. 15 :21 ). e A n d I t t a i a n s w e re d th e k in g a n d s a id , A s th e L o r d . liv e th , a n d a s m y lo r d th e k in g liv e th , s u r e ly in w h a t p la c e m y lo rd th e k in g s h a ll b e, w h e th e r in d e a th o r lif e , e v e n th e r e a ls o w ill th y s e r v a n t h e.” Ruth chose Naomi’s God (Josh. 2 4 :15 ). Did not Christ say (Luke 1 4 :26 ), “ If any man come to me and hate not his fath er, and mother and wife, and children, and b rethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” ? And R u th de­ clares th a t nothing bu t death shall part them. R u th ’s choice was th e resu lt of deep conviction, not impulse. H er affections were centered in Naomi. She had learned her w o r t h . She had in her h eart th e power of a new affec­

Can we learn th e lesson and ta k e our places w ith Ruth, and pledge our fidel­ ity to the Lord, and say to Him, “Thy God and F ath e r shall be my God and F a th e r; I will follow Thee w hitherso­ ever Thou goest. To be w ith Thee; to have th e consolation of Thy presence and voice, whether it be in prosperity or adversity. I covet th e crucifixion w ith Thee, the life w ith Thee, th e joy w ith Thee, th e sorrow w ith Thee. Thy people shall be my people, and Thy good will, my pleasure” ? PERTINENT QUESTIONS (1) Is a fam ine always a tim e of testing? (2 Chron. 32 :11 ). IF YOU KNEW—WOULD YOU DO?

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