King's Business - 1923-04

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


asked his fath er and m other if this man was really th eir son, and if he really had been blind, and if he really could see,' and if so, how it all happened, (vs. 18, 19.) His parents said, “We know th is is our son, and th a t he was blind and th a t he can see now;, bu t we don’t know how‘ it happened. Why don’t you ask him about it? ” (v. 21 .) So the people went to th e man him ­ self and he told them th a t a man named Jesus had made clay and put it upon his eyes, and told him to wash in the pool. “And,” said he, “ I w ent and washed and received my sight. I don’t know how He could do such a wonderful thing, bu t one th ing I do know, th a t once I was blind and now I can see.” Isn ’t it wonderful to know th a t Jesus is able to answer our prayers, and th a t if we ask th e F ath e r in heaven to keep us from doing wrong things and saying wrong things, He will do it? God loves everybody, but He loves those people most who believe in His Son Jesus Christ as th eir Saviour. How many of you believe th a t Jesus is your Saviour? Can some of you tell w hat Jesus has done for you? W hat does a boy or girl have to do before they can belong to th e family of God, and have a rig h t to call God their F ath e r ? When we have become members of the fam ily of God, then we ought to tell others about it so th a t they can belonfe to “The Happy Fam ily” too. One good way would be to tell th is story about the healing of the blind man and then give a little Gospel of John, tell them why it was w ritten (John 2 0 :31 ), and ask them if they would not accept Jesus Christ as th e ir own Saviour. Why' not try it th is week and then come next week and tell us about it. Memory Verse.— “One thing I know, th a t whereas I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25.

so glad we have ears w ith which to hear! P erhaps God lets some people be blind and deaf and helpless ju s t so our h earts may sympathize w ith them . You couldn’t even see a little dog running around on th ree legs w ithout feeling sorry for him, could you? And how much- more we ought to feel sorry for people th a t have trouble of any kind, and ought to pray for them. Now our lesson today is about a blind man whose eyes Jesus opened. (9 :1 .) When Jesu s’ disciples (th a t is, the men who went everywhere w ith Jesus and whom He was train ing to do Chris­ tian work) saw the blind man they asked Jesus why he was blind— was it because he had sinned or his parents had sinned? Jesus said No, it wasn’t because the man was a sinner, or be­ cause his p aren ts were sinners, but ju st so th a t He (Jesus) m ight have a chance to open his eyes and so prove th a t He was really th e Savious. Suppose you should tell someone th a t you could play the piano! and they would say, “X don’t believe it.” How would you prove th a t you really could do .what you said you could do? Would­ n ’t you ju st sit down and play for him? T h at would be the best proof in the world, wouldn’t it? So Jesus said, “ I am the L ight of th e W orld,” and then He made a little plaster of mud and put it on the m an’s eyes and told him to go to the pool of Siloam and wash it off. The man obeyed Jesus, and then came running back to the people and told them he could see as well as anybody! Do you th ink he was happy? Whom do you suppose he wanted to see first of all? Do you th ink it would be th e little dog th a t perhaps he had had to lead him around, or his fath er or mother? I ’ll tell you whom I th ink he would want to see first— th e man th a t had healed him. Don’t you? . Some of th e people wouldn’t believe th a t this was th e same man th a t had sat and begged by th e wayside, so they

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