King's Business - 1923-04


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

Does He love them because they are bad? Jesus is th e Good Shepherd. He died to save us from sin. He is the door into Heaven. If we take H im to be our Sav­ iour, then we enter the door into eternal life, and He will be our Shepherd and lead us into the green pastures and by the still waters. The Bible gives a good many different names to Jesus. We have already learned th a t He was B read for us, to satisfy our hungry souls (6 :3 5 ); and W ater to satisfy our th irsty souls (4: i 4). He is everything we need to help us be th e rig h t kind of boys and girls. Bach one find a story about sheep be­ fore next week. Memory ‘ Verses.— “ I am the Good Shepherd; the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” John 10:11. “ I am the Good Shepherd and know my sheep and am known of mine.” John 10:14. “The F east of L ights” because of the custom of illum inating th e city and temple. The feast lasted eight days and was accompanied by g reat festivi­ ties. It was w inter time; The w riter of th is gospel must have been an eye w it­ ness, for his description of the place where Jesus walked, “Solomon’s Porch,” is th a t of a place, which would be shel­ tered from the w inter wind and a very likely place in which to find th e Jews. (1) TH'E REQUEST OF THE JEWS, “If thou be the Christ tell us plainly.” . There can be no question b u t th a t there was a trem endous controversy among th e Jews concerning Christ and His mission. The Jew ish leaders were

In th is way, he would be the door and none of the sheep could ru n away and get lost, and nothing could get in to h u rt them. W hat does it say in the 11th verse th a t th e Good Shepherd will do for His sheep? In th a t country there were lions and bears and poisonous snakes, and the good shepherd would protect his sheep even if he had to die in doing so. Bo you remember th e story of David, the shepherd lad, who killed a lion and a bear when he was taking care of his fa th e r’s sheep, and when he got a little older killed th e giant Goliath, also? Did Jesus prove th a t He was the Good Shepherd by giving His life for the sheep? (v. 1 1 .) Why did Jesus give His life for boys and girls and men and women? (Gal. 2 : 20 .) Does Jesu s love boys and girls be­ cause they are good? Does He love bad children?

• ¿M i. gMfeJ É è É è APREL 29, 1923 JESUS CLAIMS ONENESS WITH THE FATHER— John 10:22-39 Golden Text: “ I and my F a th e r are one” (John 10 :30 ). O u tlin e: (1) The Request of the Jews. (2) The Reply of Jesus. (3 ) The Response of the Jews. Introduction:

W e found in vs. 19-21 th a t a divi­ sion had been created among th e Jews. Some claimed th a t Jesus had a devil; others claimed th a t it was impossible for th e devil to open the eyes of the blind. Our lesson opens w ith Jesus at the F east of Dedication, which commem­ orated th e re-dedication of the Temple and the renewing of the a lta r by Judas Maccabeus. This feast was also called

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