King's Business - 1923-04


T H E K l N G ’S B U S I N E S S

loved Jesus and had Him come to th eir home whenever He could. One time He was th ere and Martha was cooking the meal and Mary was sit­ ting on a stool a t Jesu s’ feet and He was teaching her. M artha didn’t like th a t and wanted Jesus to tell Mary to come and help her, but Jesus said, “Mary has chosen the best th ing .’’ It is b etter to know what the Bible says th an to know anything or everything else. But we m ust never neglect any work th a t we ought to do. Well, Jesus got a message one day saying th a t Lazarus was very sick— of course, they wanted Jesus to come and heal him or to pray for Him. Jesus was some distance away and waited a couple of days before He went to the house, and then Lazarus had been dead and buried four days. (v. 17.) They had buried him in a tomb. The tombs were like caves in the side of th e hills and had doors. They pu t big stones against the door so th a t nobody could get in. The sisters took Jesus out to th e tomb and some of th eir friends followed them. When Jesus saw them all weep­ ing, He wept too. He was so sorry th a t they were all crying, for He knew what He was going to do, and He wished th a t

they would believe th a t He could raise the dead brother. So He told them to roll the stone away from the door of the tomb, and then He said, “Lazarus! come fo rth !” And out came the man with th e grave clothes all around him. You know th e y did not bury people as we do now w ith th eir regu lar clothes on, hu t wrapped the body in strips of linen cloth w ith spices. So Lazarus could not walk very well, and Jesus said, “Loose him. Take off th e grave clothes and let him go.” (v. 44.) They did this and then Lazarus could walk ju st as he did before. Then they had a great tim e of rejoicing and many of th e people believed th a t Jesus was th e Son of God. You know Jesus can do anything for He is God’s beloved Son, and some day, the Bible tells us, all those who believe in Jesus will be raised from the dead, and they will have new bodies and will never die any more. We must all be­ lieve in Him and be His dear children, and we will be w ith Him forever. Memory Verses.— “Now Jesus loved M artha, and her sister and L azarus.” John 11:5. “Jesu s wept.” John 11:35. “ Jesus saith unto them , Loose him, and let him go.”— John 11:44.

gwggs Ék Ésk Ésk MAY 6, 1923 THE DEATH OF LAZARUS—John 11:1-19

Golden Text:

“Now Jesus loved to prove the Deity of Jesus, and to in-

Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus” (John 11 :5 ). Outline: (1) The Beloved B rother, vs. 1-13. (2) The Bereaved Sisters, vs. 14-19. In tro d u c tio n : In studying th is chapter it will be well to note th e many significant evi­ dences th a t the w riter was present and noted all of the details in connection w ith this, the seventh and last of the miracles recorded by John th e Apostle

spire faith in Him as both Saviour and Lord. Each m iracle illu strated an in ­ creasing evidence of power, and each one intensified th e h atred of th e un­ believing Jews. These seven m iracles are as follows: (1) Turning th e w ater into wine. (2) The healing of the nobleman’s son. (3) The healing of the impotent man. (4) Feeding the five thousand. (5) W alking on the water. ( 6 ) Healing th e blind man. (7) Baising of Lazarus.

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