Knockout conditions for Ethos Term products
For educational purposes only. Knockout conditions are not applicable for TruStage TM Term Life.
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance (TGA)
Alcohol/Drug Abuse or Treatment
Within 10 yrs routed to Select; within 5 yrs routed to Ethos FE
ALS (Lou Gehrig's)
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance (TGA)
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Okay if fully recovered and due to trauma/injury, otherwise rated for cause
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Angina (Chest pain)
Within 10 yrs, routed to Select; within 5 yrs, routed to Ethos FE
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Mild/controlled OK. Severe within 10 yrs routed to Select; within 2 yrs routed to Ethos FE
Rheumatoid / Auto I mmune Arthritis impacting ability to work > 5 days/month, or for those under age 3 0 - routed to Ethos Term Life Select
Arrhythmia (A F I B - Atrial F ibrillation)
Within 2 years, or if treated surgically (other than ablation) routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Assiste d Li v ing/Long Term Care F acility
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
C hronic severe routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance. C hronic moderate routed to Ethos Select.
Asthma (Chronic)
Rate for speci fi c diagnosis. N on - speci fi c autoimmune disorders routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Autoimmune Disor d er
Mild OK. Severe routed to Ethos Select
D iagnosed within 2 yrs or re q uiring inpatient treatment within 5 yrs routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
B ipolar
F or agent use only
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Black Lung
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Blood Clots
Chronic clotting disorders routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Bone Disease or Disorder
Chronic and requiring assistive devices routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Bone Marrow Transplant
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Acute - OK, Chronic - routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Excluding Basal and Squamous cell, any diagnosed within 10 years routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Okay if treated and fully recovered
Cerebral Palsy
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Chronic Pain (narcotic pain prescriptions)
Prescribed >1 narcotic for treatment of chronic condition within the past 3-6 mos, routed to Select or TGA
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Congesti v e H eart F ailure
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Coronary A rtery Disease
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
D iagnosed or requiring surgery w / in past 2 yrs routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Crohn ' s Disease
Cystic F ibrosis
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
De fi brillator I mplant / Pacemaker
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Requiring hospitali z ation / emergency care w / in 5 yrs, or resulting in disability claim or >10 days of missed work / school w / in the past year, routed to TGA
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance or Ethos Select depending on the diagnosis
Disabled / on Disability
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Disc Disease
Surgery pending or not fully recovered from, routed to Ethos Select . Otherwise OK
Routed to Ethos Select if on non- I nsulin treatment and diagnosed prior to age 31 and currently controlled . Routed to TruStageTM Guaranteed Acceptance if treated with I nsulin and diagnosed prior to age 31 and currently controlled .
F or agent use only
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Diabetic Complications
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Down's Syndrome
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Single DUI >5 yrs, OK for Ethos Prime. Single DUI within 5 years or >1 DUI routed to TGA
Substance abuse w/in 5 yrs, or history of treatment w/multiple relapses routed to TGA. Substance abuse w/in 6-10 years w/o relapse routed to Ethos Select.
Drug Use or Treatment
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
W/in 6 mos, routed to TGA or Ethos Select depending on diagnosis date, seizure frequency
Convicted, incarcerated, or on parole/probation w/in 10 yrs routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Within 2 yrs, routed to Ethos Select
Heart Attack
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Within 2 years, or if treated surgically ( other than ablation ) routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Heartbeat - Irregular/Fibrillation
Heart Disease/Disorder
Rate for or route to di ff erent product based on speci fi c diagnosis
Heart Surgery
Other than ablation, routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Heart V al v e R eplacement
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Hepatitis A
If fully recovered, ACCEPTED. If not recovered, routed to TGA
Hepatitis B
Recovered < 5 yrs or not fully recovered, route to TGA
Diagnosed in < 1 yr, routed to TGA. F ully recovered w/in 5 yrs, routed to Ethos Select. F ully recovered >5 yrs, accepted.
Hepatitis C
Requiring hospitalization or emergency care within the past 3 years, or requiring treatment with 4 or more medications - Routed to Ethos Select
High B lood P ressure
Hodgkin's Disease
< 10 yrs, routed to TGA
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Huntington's Disease
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Other than Mari j uana : use within 5 years - Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance, use within 6-10 years routed to Ethos Select.
Illegal Drugs
Incarcerated, or on parole/probation within the past 10 years routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
J ail/Incarcerated
For agent use only
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Neurogenic bladder, Kidney failure, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, transplant, or unresolved acute kidney conditions - routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Kidney Disease/Failure
Liver Disease
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to Ethos Select
OK for recreational + medicinal, may be routed to Ethos Select or TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance for high frequency or medicinal reason.
Marijuana Use
<5 yrs or >1 instance, routed to Ethos Select. Metastises routed to TGA
Mental Incapacity/Disability
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
On deployment or deployment planned, hazmat exposure or participation in high risk activities due to occupation, routed to TGA or Ethos Select
<5 yrs & requiring assistive devices, routed to Ethos Select. Progressive, relapsing or remitting, or treated with IV infusion or bone marrow transplant, routed to TGA
Multiple S clerosis ( M S)
Muscular Dystrop h y
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Muscle Disease or Disorder
Chronic or acute w / o current full recovery, route to TGA
Combined with Diabetes, routed to Ethos Select. Chronic routed to TGA
N europat h y
Ox y g en
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
P acema k er/De fi brillator Implant
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Prescribed more than one narcotic within the past 3-6 months - routed to Select or TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance depending on the speci fi c narcotic
P ain Medication
Single episode more than 5 years ago, non-alcohol related, and fully recovered - Accepted. 2 episodes - routed to Ethos Select. Multiple episodes, or any episodes within the past 5 years - routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
P ancreatitis
P araple g ia
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
P ar k inson ' s Disease
Routed to Ethos Select
P arole/ P robation ( currently )
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Student, recreational, or professional pilot not with a ma j or passenger or cargo carrier - routed to TGA
P ilot or S tudent P ilot
P re g nant
Currently pregnant with complications - Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
< 6 mos, requiring > 3 meds, or claiming disability, routed to Ethos Select. Inpatient treatment < 2 yrs or history of suicide attempt or ideation <5 yrs, routed to TGA
For a g ent use only
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Pulmonary Fibrosis
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Renal Disease
Renal failure - routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance (see also Kidney Disease)
Restless Leg Syndrome
If not related to Parkinsons, and no further treatment pending - Accepted
Routed to Ethos Select
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
W/in 6 mos, routed to TGA or Ethos Select depending on diagnosis date, seizure frequency
Sickle Cell Anemia
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Using CPAP/BiPAP irregularly, or combined with history of overweight or Arrhythmia - Routed to Ethos Select. Non-compliant with recommended treatment, or combined with history of stroke, CAD, uncontrolled Hypertension, or COPD - Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Sleep Apnea
Any form of tobacco/nicotine other than cigars, or use of more than 12 cigars within the past year - Tobacco rates
Smoker /N icotine U se
Treated surgically, fully recovered - OK. Treated surgically w/o full recovery, or surgery or other treatment planned but not completed, routed to Ethos Select. Requiring assistive devices, persistent symptoms or resudial complications, routed to TGA
Spina B i fi da
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Within 5 years - Routed to Ethos Select or TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance depending on number of episodes and residual symptoms
Stroke /TI A Attack
T erminal I llness
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
T ransplant
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Have currently & not fully recovered, routed to TGA. Recovered w/residual symptoms or complications, routed to Ethos Select
T uberculosis
T umor
Any in brain, or any diagnosed < 6 mos, routed to TGA
Diagnosed w/in 6 mos, weight loss >9 lbs due to condition, frequent symptoms, routed to Ethos Select or TGA depending on severity
U lcerti v e Colitis
W heelchair / E lectric Scooter
Due to chronic illness or disease - see speci fi c condition guidance
For agent use only
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