Neurogenic bladder, Kidney failure, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, transplant, or unresolved acute kidney conditions - routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Kidney Disease/Failure
Liver Disease
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to Ethos Select
OK for recreational + medicinal, may be routed to Ethos Select or TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance for high frequency or medicinal reason.
Marijuana Use
<5 yrs or >1 instance, routed to Ethos Select. Metastises routed to TGA
Mental Incapacity/Disability
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
On deployment or deployment planned, hazmat exposure or participation in high risk activities due to occupation, routed to TGA or Ethos Select
<5 yrs & requiring assistive devices, routed to Ethos Select. Progressive, relapsing or remitting, or treated with IV infusion or bone marrow transplant, routed to TGA
Multiple S clerosis ( M S)
Muscular Dystrop h y
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Muscle Disease or Disorder
Chronic or acute w / o current full recovery, route to TGA
Combined with Diabetes, routed to Ethos Select. Chronic routed to TGA
N europat h y
Ox y g en
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
P acema k er/De fi brillator Implant
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Prescribed more than one narcotic within the past 3-6 months - routed to Select or TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance depending on the speci fi c narcotic
P ain Medication
Single episode more than 5 years ago, non-alcohol related, and fully recovered - Accepted. 2 episodes - routed to Ethos Select. Multiple episodes, or any episodes within the past 5 years - routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
P ancreatitis
P araple g ia
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
P ar k inson ' s Disease
Routed to Ethos Select
P arole/ P robation ( currently )
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
Student, recreational, or professional pilot not with a ma j or passenger or cargo carrier - routed to TGA
P ilot or S tudent P ilot
P re g nant
Currently pregnant with complications - Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance
< 6 mos, requiring > 3 meds, or claiming disability, routed to Ethos Select. Inpatient treatment < 2 yrs or history of suicide attempt or ideation <5 yrs, routed to TGA
For a g ent use only
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