Knockout Conditions for Ethos Term Products

Pulmonary Fibrosis

Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance


Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance

Renal Disease

Renal failure - routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance (see also Kidney Disease)

Restless Leg Syndrome

If not related to Parkinsons, and no further treatment pending - Accepted


Routed to Ethos Select


Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance

W/in 6 mos, routed to TGA or Ethos Select depending on diagnosis date, seizure frequency


Sickle Cell Anemia

Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance

Using CPAP/BiPAP irregularly, or combined with history of overweight or Arrhythmia - Routed to Ethos Select. Non-compliant with recommended treatment, or combined with history of stroke, CAD, uncontrolled Hypertension, or COPD - Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance

Sleep Apnea

Any form of tobacco/nicotine other than cigars, or use of more than 12 cigars within the past year - Tobacco rates

Smoker /N icotine U se

Treated surgically, fully recovered - OK. Treated surgically w/o full recovery, or surgery or other treatment planned but not completed, routed to Ethos Select. Requiring assistive devices, persistent symptoms or resudial complications, routed to TGA

Spina B i fi da


Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance

Within 5 years - Routed to Ethos Select or TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance depending on number of episodes and residual symptoms

Stroke /TI A Attack

T erminal I llness

Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance

T ransplant

Routed to TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance

Have currently & not fully recovered, routed to TGA. Recovered w/residual symptoms or complications, routed to Ethos Select

T uberculosis

T umor

Any in brain, or any diagnosed < 6 mos, routed to TGA

Diagnosed w/in 6 mos, weight loss >9 lbs due to condition, frequent symptoms, routed to Ethos Select or TGA depending on severity

U lcerti v e Colitis

W heelchair / E lectric Scooter

Due to chronic illness or disease - see speci fi c condition guidance

For agent use only

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