Underwriting & Product Overview
John Hancock Simple Term with Vitality with ROP
Best/moderate risk class term life insurance — select agents
John Hancock Life Insurance Company, U.S.A.
Issue age
Age 20-50 (age last)
Coverage amounts
Age 20–50: 25 year Age 20–45: 30 year Renewable through age 94
Term length
Level for specified term period
States available
Not available in New York
Payment options
Application questions and third-party evidence checks. 100% instant decision.
Underwriting criteria
Preferred Non-Smoker Standard Non-Smoker
Underwriting classes
Please see the Simple Term with Vitality Underwriting Guide for detailed condition-specific ratings, disqualifying occupations, and knockout conditions.
Average customer profile
Annual policy fee
$ 7 2 (included in premium, non-commissionable)
Return of Premium (ROP) Rider: Returns up to 100% of premiums paid by the end of the level term period. 1 Vitality PLUS: Clients can earn rewards and discounts for the everyday steps they take to live a longer, healthier life. 2 Accelerated Benefit rider: Provides access to 50% of the death benefit if the insured is certified to be terminally ill with a life e x pectancy of one year or less.
Available riders & perks
1 The Return of Premium (R O P) rider allows for a return of a portion of the premiums at the end of the level term period or earlier if the policy is terminated prior to that point. The R O P benefit will begin as early as the second policy anniversary and the percentage of premiums available to be returned increases gradually over the term duration to a ma x imum of 100% at the end of the level term period. The R O P Rider is only available for term durations 25 and 30 and only for Standard or Preferred Non Tobacco risk classes. There is an additional cost for this rider . 2 V itality is the provider of the John Hancock V itality Program in connection with policies issued by John Hancock. The John Hancock V itality Program allows members to earn rewards based on healthy activities. V itality Program rewards and discounts are available only to the person insured under the eligible life insurance policy, are sub j ect to change and are not guaranteed to remain the same for the life of the policy. John Hancock V itality Program rewards and discounts are only available to the person insured under the eligible life insurance policy. Products or services o ff ered under the V itality Program are not insurance and are sub j ect to change. There may be additional costs associated with these products or services and there are additional requirements associated with participation in the program. F or more information, please contact the company at JohnHancockInsurance.com or via telephone at 888 -333-2 6 59.
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