Ethos Agent Playbook

Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos 20

Getting Started as an Agent for Ethos

Scale your business with your Ethos agent portal!

Get familiar with your portal

1 The portal is already personalized with your company name.

2 These icons let you easily manage your business with Ethos.

3 If you are a licensed life insurance agent, you can generate a quote and assist your client with the application and sale. 4 In the Agent Resource Center, you'll find a complete library of searchable training videos, product information and marketing materials for you and your clients. 5 All agents can invite clients to apply for a life insurance policy by emailing them their unique agent landing page to get a quote.

6 You can also click on the Chat bubble at the bottom right of each page.


Century Insurance Co.


Se l e c t a p rod uc t

Create a quote or directly start an application



Term Life Insurance

Index Universal Life (IUL)

Final E xpense Whole Life



95% instant decision

95% instant decision

100% instant decision

A ff ordable coverage up to $ 2 M

P rotection up to $ 1 M

P rotection up to $ 100 K


Top - rated carriers

G row your wealth ta x- e ffi ciently

U p to $ 25 K guaranteed issue


Create quote

Start application

Start quote & application

Create quote

Start application


N ew

N ew

Term with Living Benefits

R eturn of P remium Term Life



95% instant decision

100% I nstant decision

P rotection up to $ 1 M

Returns up to 100 % of premiums

refer agents

Access up to 9 0 % of death benefit

Issued by J ohn H ancock


share website

Create quote

Start application

Start quote & application


contact us

Ethos does not provide tax advice. For tax guidance please consult your own tax advisor.


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