Why Ethos? 4
Why consumers need Ethos
Too many families go without life insurance.
More than 7% of kids in the U.S. lose a parent or sibling by age 18 1 . If that parent was a breadwinner, 55% of those families experience financial hardship within 6 months. 2 Life insurance is an important way many families can stay financially viable after the loss of a breadwinner.
Many want life insurance, but don’t know how to get it.
Forty-two percent of American adults say they need life insurance, or more of it, representing a life insurance need-gap for about 102 million adults.2
Ethos can offer coverage to more than 90% of applicants ages 20–85*.
E thos makes it easy for you and your clients to thri v e. T oda y' s co n s um ers are u sed t o in s t a nt o nlin e pu rc h ases — a n d h ave littl e p a ti e n ce f or w ee k s or m o nth s o f un der w r itin g . Th ro u g h Eth os , it ge n era lly t a k es a b o ut 1 0 minut es t o ge t up t o $ 2 milli o n in lif e in s u ra n ce coverage , with n o bl ood t es t or m ed i ca l e x a m n eeded , ju s t a f e w h ea lth a n d lif es tyl e qu es ti o n s.
1. Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model, National Report 2024, Judi’s House/JAG Institute; 2. 2024 Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens and LIMRA; *Averaged across ages.
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