Ethos Agent Playbook

Why Ethos?


How Ethos works Our proprietary underwriting engine chooses an appropriate product for each client, so you don’t have to. The typical customer journey is simple and direct.

Underwriting happens quickly. Underwriting happens quickly, usually instantly, with information pulled from authorized data sources, such as motor vehicle records, prescription history, the client’s credit-based insurance score, and Medical Information Bureau (MIB) data. Our smart-routing application determines the best product fit for your client. Our algorithm will instantly route your client to the product for which they qualify. If their application isn’t instantly approved, it will be reviewed by an underwriter. They may ask your client additional questions or request documentation. Your clients can fill out the application themselves. This may be different than what you’re used to, but it’s one of the reasons we can provide life insurance coverage to your clients so quickly. Because they’re automatically routed to the right product and pricing for which they qualify, many agents find the process frees up time. Hours that used to be spent assessing products are now invested in building client relationships and growing their business.

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