Ethos IUL Car Sweepstakes

E thos I nde x U ni v ersal L ife issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.

W in a new car!

1 policy written = 1 chance to win a new car Now, any Ethos IUL policy sold between now and December 31, 2023, will count as an entry toward the raffle. That means the more you write, the higher your chance of winning a brand-new sports car!

Sweepstakes requirements:

 Minimum $12,000 in funding annual premium for Ethos IUL policies activated during the qualification perior  At least 90% of Ethos IUL policies activated during the qualification period must have their first premium successfully paid and remain in force through the free-look perior  At least 93% of the policies that paid their first premium and are active past the free-look period must have their second premium successfully paid

Discover Ethos IUL, the instant IUL that’s 3X faster than competitors* — and you could be starting out 2024 in a sports model of your own!

Start selling now http:/

*in most case s F or agent use only . A gents are required to act within the scope of their license. C ommissions are paid to life licensed agents only. A dditional terms and conditions apply. S ee Offi cial R ules for sweepstakes . Ethos IUL is issued by A meritas Life Insurance C orp. A meritas ® is a marketing name for subsidiaries of A meritas M utual H olding C ompany, including, but not limited to, A meritas Life Insurance C orp. in Lincoln, Nebraska and A meritas Life Insurance C orp. of New Y ork ( licensed in New Y ork ) in New Y ork, New Y ork. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. F or more information about A meritas ® , visit A meritas and Ethos Technologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. Ethos o ff ers policies issued by A meritas Life Insurance C orp. ( not licensed in New Y ork ) . P roducts and their features may not be available in all states . The comparison data is for informational use only and was gathered from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. The information herein is provided solely for educational purposes to provide you with information about products and services o ff ered through Ethos. In approved states, Ethos Inde x Universal life insurance ( form 3030 3 - 23 with 3030 SCH 3 - 23 ) is issued by A meritas Life Insurance C orp. In O regon, policy form I CC 23 3030 3 - 23 with I CC 23 3030 SCH 3 - 23. The product is not available in New Y ork . © 2023 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance S ervices. CA license # 0L2 89 4 9; AR license # 1001 6 4 6 2 9 . Ethos o ff ers policies issued by the carriers listed at / carriers. P roducts and their features may not be available in all states. The information and content provided in this email is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered legal, ta x , investment, or financial advice. No contract is formed or amended by this email. C lick here to unsubscribe . 1 6 0 6 H eadway C ircle #9 013, A ustin, T X 7875 4

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