Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines
F or licensed life agents only . D o not distri b ute . Term Life Product Details
Please see our Ethos Playbook for Agents for more information a b out the Ethos opportunity for agent s
For foreign national product eligi b ility, please see our Foreign National Agent Guide
Ethos Term Life - Choice
John Hancock Simple Term with Vitality & ROP (Select agents)
Ethos Term Life - Prime Select agents
TruStage TM Term Life
Best Risk
Moderate Risk
Best-Moderate Risk
Best-Moderate Risk
LGA or Protective
CMFG Life Insurance Company
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
John Hancock Life Insurance Company, U.S.A.
Av erage customer pro fi le
Excellent/good health with few to no chronic conditions. Any existing chronic conditions are consistently well controlled and receive regular follow-up care.
Good to fair health without signi fi cant, progressive, or de b ilitating conditions diagnosed or treated within 10 years. N ot permanently disa b led
Average to fair health. N ot currently disa b led
Excellent/good health with few to no chronic conditions. Any existing chronic conditions are consistently well controlled and receive regular follow-up care
Financial & credit history
Excellent/good credit resulting in a favora b le CBI score
Moderate or fair CBI score.
Good/fair/poor credit resulting in medium CBI score, age dependent
N /A
V ehicle violations
V alid license not currently suspended or revoked
V alid license not currently suspended or revoked
V alid license not suspended or revoked in last 12 months
N ot applica b le
Ma j or violations 1
N one within 5 years
N one within 5 years
D UI/ DW I conviction within 5 years
N ot applica b le
N /A
Few to none within 3 years
Few to none within 3 years
N ot applica b le
Minor violations 2
A ge
Age 20 –6 5 ( age nearest )
Age 20 –6 5 ( age nearest )
Age 20 –69 ( age last )
Age 20 – 50 ( age last )
$ 25 , 000 –$ 500 , 000
Age 20 – 50 : $ 100 K–$ 2 M Age 51 –6 0 : $ 100 K–$ 1 M Age 6 1 –6 5 : $ 100 K–$ 500 K
Age 20 - 50 : $ 50 K–$ 1 M Age 51 -6 0 : $ 50 K–$ 500 k Age 6 1 -6 5 : $ 50 K–$3 50 k *
Band 1: Age 25–69: $5K–$100K Band 2: Age 20–69: $101K– $300K
Co v erage
Age 20 -4 0 : 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , 3 0 , 3 5 * , 4 0 * y r Age 4 1 –4 5 : 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , 3 0 , 3 5 * , 4 0 † y r Age 46– 50 : 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , 3 0 , 3 5 † y r
Term lengt h *select agents † non-tobacco only
Age 20 – 50 : 10 , 15 , 20 , 3 0 y r Age 51 –6 0 : 10 , 15 , 20 y r Age 6 1 -6 5 :* 10 , 15 yr
Annually renewa b le to age 8 0 25 -year ( age 20 - 50 ) 3 0 -year ( age 20 -4 5 )
Renewa b le through age 94
Age 51 – 55 : 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 y r Age 5 6-6 0 : 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 † yr Age 6 1 –6 5 : 10 , 15 yr
U nderwriting process
90% instant decision Application q uestions and 3 rd party evidence checks. APS review for age 61+.
90% instant decision Application q uestions and 3 rd party evidence checks
100% instant decision Application q uestions and 3 rd party evidence checks
100% instant decision Application q uestions an d 3 rd party evidence checks
U nderwriting classes
Band 1: Single risk class, no T o b acco rate s Band 2: N on- T o b acco and T o b acco rates
Preferred N on-Smoke r Standard N on-Smoker
Preferred Plus N on- T o b acc o Preferred N on- T o b acc o Standard N on- T o b acc o Standard T o b acc o T a b le ratings
Preferred Plu s Preferre d Standard Plu s Standard + ta b le ratings 1 - 10
F ree look period
3 0 days
3 0 days
3 0 days
3 0 days
Availa b le
Unavaila b le
Unavaila b le
Unavaila b le
Level for speci fi ed term period Increasing ( every 5 attained ages )
Level for speci fi ed term period
Level for speci fi ed term period
D e b it/Credit, ACH
Av aila b le riders & perks
Critical, Chronic & T erminal Illness Accelerated Bene fi ts ; Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost 3
Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost 3
Accelerated D eath Bene fi t, Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost 3
Return of Premium Ride r V itality progra m Accelerated Bene fi t Rider
State and other eligi b ility information
N Y | U.S citi z ens & permanent residents only
NY | Support for ITIN, EAD & most visa s ; s ee Foreign National Agent Guide for more info .
N Y | Support for SS N holders ; see our Foreign National Agent Guide for more info.
N Y | U.S citi z ens & permanent residents only
F inancial Q uali fi cations for Ethos Term Life - Prime & Choice O N L Y
F ace amount eligi b ility
Multiple of annual household income : Age < 3 0 : 4 0 x | Age 3 0 –39: 3 5 x | Age 4 0 –49: 25 x | Age 50 – 5 9: 20 x | Age 6 0 –6 5 : 10 x
N on-working spouses
Based on household income. Coverage amount cannot b e greater than spouse ’ s total of insurance in-force and applied for.
A dditional fi nancial ma x es
Retired and single graduate students : $ 500 K | Single undergraduate students : $ 250 K
1 D UI/ DW I, reckless driving, speed > 9 0 mph, accident resulting in in j ury, driving while license suspende d 2 Minor violations : speeding < 9 0 mph, accident not resulting in in j ury, careless drivin g 3 Estate planning tools are availa b le under the Perks b ene fi t issued with eligi b le policies sold through Ethos. Policies issued in S D , W A, A K , and LA are not eligi b le to receive the Ethos Estate Planning perk. " © 2025 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at . Products and their features may not b e availa b le in all states.
Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines
F or licensed life a g ents onl y . Do not distribute . Term Life Knockouts
F or TruStage ™ Term L ife product knockouts, please see the TruStage Life Insurance Underwriting Guide.
F or J ohn H ancock Simple Term product knockouts, please see the Simple Term with Vitality Underwriting Guide.
Ethos Term Life - Choice
Ethos Term Life - Prime Select agents
Best Risk
Moderate Risk
BMI (if any weight lost within the past 12 months, half of weight lost is added back when calculating BMI)
<18 or >48.9
<18 or >48.9
Blood pressure
Average BP within the past 12 months: Age 18-39: >150/98 Age 40-49: >160/98 Age 50-59: >165/100 Age 60: >175/100
Average BP within the past 12 months: Age 18-39: >150/98 Age 40-49: >160/98 Age 50-59: >165/100 Age 60: >175/100
Total cholesterol >350
Total cholesterol >350
Diagnosed before age 40 and requiring insulin
Diagnosed before age 40 and requiring insulin
Mental illness
Severe anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, or other mental disorder with history of suicidal thoughts or attempt within 10 years, hospitalization or inpatient treatment related to condition within the last 5 years, disability or missed work/school (more than 10 days) in the last 12 months
Severe anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, or other mental disorder with history of suicidal thoughts or attempt within 10 years, hospitalization or inpatient treatment related to condition within the last 5 years, disability or missed work/school (more than 10 days) in the last 12 months
Any symptoms or positive test within the past 14 days
Any symptoms or positive test within the past 14 days
All cases
All cases
All cancers diagnosed within the past 10 years, excluding skin cancers (eg: basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, melanoma) and some cases of lymphoma
All cancers diagnosed within the past 10 years, excluding skin cancers (eg: basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, melanoma) and some cases of lymphoma
N eurolo g ical disease or brain disorder
Any other than epilepsy/seizures, multiple sclerosis, Bell ’ s palsy, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, vertigo, migraine
Any other than epilepsy/seizures, multiple sclerosis, Bell ’ s palsy, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, vertigo, migraine
Cardio v ascular disease
H eart disease, congestive heart disorder, heart failure, valve disorder, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, carotid artery disease
H eart disease, congestive heart disorder, heart failure, valve disorder, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, carotid artery disease
Li v er disease or disorder
Any other than recovered hepatitis A or recovered hepatitis B/ C (past 5 years)
Any other than recovered hepatitis A or recovered hepatitis B/ C (past 5 years)
K idne y disease or disorder
K idney failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, dialysis (other than kidney stones)
K idney failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, dialysis (other than kidney stones)
R espirator y disease or disorder
C hronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( C O PD), emphysema or chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fi brosis, cystic fi brosis ( C F ), central sleep apnea, excludes: treated obstructive sleep apnea, mild asthma or single pulmonary embolisms (more than 5 years ago)
C hronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( C O PD), emphysema or chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fi brosis, cystic fi brosis ( C F ), central sleep apnea, excludes: treated obstructive sleep apnea, mild asthma or single pulmonary embolisms (more than 5 years ago)
A utoimmune disease or disorder
L upus/S LE , scleroderma
L upus/S LE , scleroderma
Connecti v e tissue disease or disorder
N ot applicable
N ot applicable
Or g an transplant
All cases
All cases
Criminal histor y
F elonies, probation or parole within last 10 years ; multiple recent misdemeanors. Some felonies older than 10 years accepted with individual consideration
F elonies, probation or parole within last 10 years ; multiple recent misdemeanors. Some felonies older than 10 years accepted with individual consideration
Dru g/A lcohol use
I llegal drug use or drug/alcohol abuse (past 10 years)
I llegal drug use or drug/alcohol abuse (past 10 years)
Disabilit y
U nable to work more than 30 consecutive days due to in j ury/ illness within the past 12 months
U nable to work more than 30 consecutive days due to in j ury/ illness within the past 12 months
Dri v in g
D UI , D WI , hit - and - run, or reckless driving within the past 5 years, or suspended/revoked driver ’ s license within the past year
D UI , D WI , hit - and - run, or reckless driving within the past 5 years, or suspended/revoked driver ’ s license within the past year
Any medically recommended diagnostic testing or treatment not completed or awaiting results
Any medically recommended diagnostic testing or treatment not completed or awaiting results
© 2025 E thos Technologies I nc. E thos operates in some states as E thos L ife I nsurance Services. C A license # 0 L 28949 ; AR license # 100164629. E thos o ff ers policies issued by the carriers listed at . Products and their features may not be available in all states.
Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines
F or licensed life agents onl y . D o not distri b ute . IUL Product Details
P lease refer to our Ethos IUL Agent Guide for additional information .
For a comprehensive view of Ethos , including our products , carriers and industry innovation , please see our Ethos Playbook for Agents.
Ethos IUL, Indexed Universal Life Not available for all agents
Best-Moderate Risk
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Average customer profile
Excellent/good health with few to no chronic conditions. Any existing chronic conditions are consistently well controlled and receive regular follow-up care
Financial & credit history
Good/fair/poor credit resulting in mid/high CBI score
Vehicle violations
Valid license not currently suspended or revoked
Major violations1
None within 5 years
Few to none within 3 years
Minor violations2
Age 20–65 (age nearest)
$ 25 , 000 –$1, 000 , 00 0 Age 20 - 50 : up to $1M Age 5 1- 60 : up to $ 500 K Age 6 1- 65 : up to $ 350 K
T erm Length
Under w riting process
90%+ instant decision. P otential additional evidence ordered. Applicants not eligi b le for an instant I U L o ff er will b e routed to manual U / W or T ru S tage TM Advantage W hole Life . Application q uestions and 3rd party evidence checks
4 non-tobacco Preferred Plus Non-Tobacco Preferred Non-Tobacco Select Non-Tobacco Standard Non-Tobacco with table ratings 1-10
2 tobacco Preferred Tobacco Standard Tobacco with table ratings 1-10
Under w riting classes
F ree loo k period
30 days
R eplacements
U navaila b le
Flexi b le
Pa y ments
ACH , Monthly
I nc luded at no co s t S : C are 4L ife A ccelerated D eath B ene fi t U : Ter m inal I llness ( for a pp licants not eligible for C are 4L ife c : L ifeti m e I nco m e ride G : Ov erloan Protection B ene fi t ( endorse m ent c : E thos estate p lanning tools 3
Av a il ab le at an a ddi t i ona l co s : A ccidental D eath B ene fis : W ai v er of S p eci fi ed Pre m iu m
Availa b le riders & per k s
Please refer to our for age, under w riting and state restrictions on rider availa b ilit y . Ethos IUL Agent Guide
S tate and other eligi b ilit y information
N Y | S upport for I T IN , EA D & most visas ; see our Foreign National Agent Guide for more info | Max 4 apps from non-Ethos carriers in prior 1 2 months
F inancial Q ualifications
F ace amount eligi b ilit y
Multiple of annual household income : Age < 30 : 4 0x | Age 30–3 9 : 35x | Age 4 0– 4 9 : 25x | Age 50–5 9 : 20x | Age 60–65 : 1 0x
N on - w or k ing spouses
Based on household income. Coverage amount cannot b e greater than spouse ’ s total of insurance in-force and applied for.
Additional financial maxes
Retired and single graduate students: $500K | Single undergraduate students: $250K
1 D U I/ D W I , reckless driving , speed > 9 0mph , accident resulting in injury , driving while license suspende d 2 Minor violations : speeding <9 0mph , accident not resulting in injury , careless drivin g 3 Estate planning tools are availa b le under the P erks b ene fi t issued with eligi b le policies sold through Ethos. P olicies issued in S D , W A , A K, and LA are not eligi b le to receive the Ethos Estate P lanning perk . © 2025 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at . P roducts and their features may not b e availa b le in all states.
Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines
F or licensed life a g ents onl y . Do not distribute . IUL Knockouts
Ethos IUL, Indexed Universal Life Not available for all agents
Best-Moderate Risk
BMI (if any weight lost within the past 12 months, half of weight lost is added back when calculating BMI)
<18 or >48.9
Blood pressure
Average BP within the past 12 months: Age 18-39: >150/98 Age 40-49: >160/98 Age 50-59: >165/100 Age 60-65: >175/100
Total cholesterol >350
<Age 30, associated with physical complications (eyes, kidneys, neuropathy, amputation), A1C >9.5 (past 12 months), no testing or check up within the last 12 months, BMI >41.49
Mental illness
Severe anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, or other mental disorder with history of suicidal thoughts or attempt within 10 years, hospitalization or inpatient treatment related to condition within the last 5 years, disability or missed work/school (more than 10 days) in the last 12 months
C OV ID -19
Any symptoms or positive test within the past 14 days
All cases
All cancers diagnosed within the past 10 years, excluding skin cancers (eg: basal cell skin cancer, s q uamous cell skin cancer, melanoma) and some cases of lymphoma
N eurolo g ical disease or brain disorder
Any other than epilepsy/seizures, multiple sclerosis, Bell ’ s palsy, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, vertigo, migraine
Cardiovascular disease
H eart disease, congestive heart disorder, heart failure, valve disorder, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular/ artery disease, pulmonary hypertension, carotid artery disease
Liver disease or disorder
Any other than recovered hepatitis A or recovered hepatitis B/C (past 5 years)
K idne y disease or disorder
K idney failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, dialysis (other than kidney stones)
R espirator y disease or disorder
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (C O PD), emphysema or chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fi brosis, cystic fi brosis (C F ), central sleep apnea, excludes: treated obstructive sleep apnea, mild asthma or single pulmonary embolisms (more than 5 years ago)
A utoi mm une disease or disorder
L upus/S LE , scleroderma
Connective tissue disease or disorder
N ot applicable
O r g an transplant
All cases
Cri m inal histor y
F elonies, probation or parole within last 10 years ; multiple recent misdemeanors. Some felonies older than 10 years accepted with individual consideration
Dru g/A lcohol use
Illegal drug use or drug/alcohol abuse (past 10 years)
Disabilit y
U nable to work more than 30 consecutive days due to in j ury/illness within the past 12 months
Drivin g
D U I, D W I, hit-and-run, or reckless driving within the past 5 years, or suspended/revoked driver ’ s license within the past year
O ther
Any medically recommended diagnostic testing or treatment not completed or awaiting results
Care 4 Life
Rider approved for all policies rated Table D/Table 4 or bette r
R ide r will decline and applicant will r ecei v e T e r minal Illness r ide r if applicant ¾ » H as muscle, bone or j oint disorde » Re q uired assistance for Activities of Daily L iving (AD L s) w/in last 12 mo
» H as been unable to work w/in last 12 mos for more than 30 consecutive days due to illness or in j ur » H as received or claimed indemnity, bene fi ts or payment for in j ury, sickness or impaired condition .
R ide r knockout conditions r ega r dless of r ating ¾ » Multiple sclerosi » Parkinson » Rheumatoid arthriti » L upu » Connective tissue disease(s)
» Any neurological disease or disorde » Any neuropath » Degenerative disc diseas ß » Spinal stenosi » Any malignancy in the last 10 years
© 2025 E thos Technologies Inc. E thos operates in some states as E thos L ife Insurance Services. CA license # 0 L 28949 ; AR license # 100164629. E thos o ff ers policies issued by the carriers listed at . Products and their features may not be available in all states.
Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines
F or licensed life agents onl y. D o not distri b ute . Whole Life Product Details
For T ruStage ™ W hole Life product knockouts , please see the TruStage™ Life Insurance Underwriting Guide.
For general fi eld under w riting , please see the TruStage™ Health Needs Assessment Guide .
TruStage TM Advantage Whole Life
TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life
MEMBERS Life Insurance Company
CMFG Life Insurance Company
Average customer profile
Good to fair health. Not currently disabled
Poor health
Financial & credit history
Good/fair/poor credit resulting in medium CBI score depending on age
Fair/poor credit history making them ineligible for other policy types
Vehicle violations
Not applicable
Not applicable
Major violations1
Not applicable
Not applicable
Minor violations2
Not applicable
Not applicable
A ge 20–85 ( age last )
A ge 45–80 ( age last )
A ge 20–70: $5K–$100K A ge 71–75: $5K–$50K A ge 76–85: $5K–$25K
$2K-$25K . D eath bene fi t in fi rst 2 years is limited to return of 100% of premium , plus 10%
Term Length
N/ A
N/ A
U nder w riting process
100% instant decision A pplication q uestions and 3 rd party evidence checks
100% instant decision
U nder w riting classes
Non -T obacco and T obacco rates
N/ A
F ree loo k period
30 days
30 days
R eplacements
U navailable
U navailable
Level for speci fi ed term period
Level for speci fi ed term period
Pa y ments
A C H Monthly , Q uarterly , Bi -A nnually , A nnually
A C H Monthly , Q uarterly , Bi -A nnually , A nnually
Availa b le riders & per k s
Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost 3
Ethos estate planning tools at no additional cost 3
State and other e x clusions
C T, N Y | Support for SSN holders ; see our Foreign National Agent Guide for more info.
W A, N Y | Support for SSN holders ; see our Foreign National Agent Guide for more info.
1 DU I/ D W I , reckless driving , speed >9 0 mph , accident resulting in injury , driving w hile license suspende d 2 Minor violations : speeding <9 0 mph , accident not resulting in injury , careless drivin g 3 Estate planning tools are available under the Perks bene fi t issued w ith eligible policies sold through Ethos. Policies issued in S D, W A, AK, and L A are not eligible to receive the Ethos Estate Planning perk . © 2025 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at . Products and their features may not be available in all states.
Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines
For licensed life agents only. Do not distribute. Accidental Death Product Details
Accidental Death
Mutual of Omaha
18–70 (guaranteed renewable coverage to age 80)
Available riders & perks
Guaranteed issue; no health questions or medical exams
State and other exclusions
Not available in NY, MA, MN
Ethos Field Underwriting Guide
February 2025
At Ethos, we aim to be the name you consider first for all your clients. From the fittest to the most challenging cases and everyone in between, we can approve more than 90% of applicants. We reach this number using a broad array of term and whole life final expense products, and our proprietary underwriting platform that considers hundreds of thousands of data points. This platform allows us to make underwriting decisions with greater accuracy and fulfill our mission to protect the next million families with greater speed than underwriting methods of the past. This guide is intended to help you assess the products available to your client when applying through Ethos. To that end, you’ll find an overview of the Ethos decision platform and the product characteristics that guide it. We welcome all feedback at
How do we do it?
3 4 5
Our underwriting platform Our product offerings Benefits the Ethos way
Underwriting data and eligibility
CBI score RX history MIB MVR Criminal history Human underwriting
6 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 9 9 10
Electronic questionnaire Prior lab data Medical records
Condition-specific ratings
Guaranteed issue coverage Red-flag medications
11 12
How do we do it?
Our underwriting platform
Our proprietary underwriting engine chooses an appropriate product for each client, so you don’t have to. The typical customer journey is simple and direct.
Ethos uses a smart-routing application and information pulled from authorized data sources to find the most appropriate coverage for any applicant, adhering to underwriting rules developed in partnership with our carriers. As your client completes the application, their answers to questions about their medical history will trigger a series of reflexive questions to get more detail that’s necessary to properly underwrite them. Our proprietary process analyzes their answers in real time to determine the best product for them, and avoids offering them coverage they’re not likely to be approved for. This allows Ethos to offer coverage to the majority of applicants. In general, our process continually evaluates eligibility for the best and lowest risk policy, deferring the applicant to the next best option should their disclosures represent an increased risk as they continue the application. In about 10% of cases, additional documentation and human underwriting are required for the most selective product we offer, Ethos Prime Term. In all other cases, underwriting decisions are made 100% online.
How do we do it?
Our product offerings
Ethos works with trusted carriers to offer an array of term life products and whole life products that can be used for final expenses. These products offer face amounts up to $2 million and coverage for applicants 20–85, to fit a wide range of life insurance needs. The Ethos Term Life product suite has three products for varying risk profiles.
Every policy sold through Ethos comes with a 30-day free look period.
Mi n / ma x iss ue a g e
Product name
Product t yp e
I n s urance iss ued by Coverage max
Ethos Term Life – Prime
Up to $2M (varies by age)
Term life
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Ethos Term Life – Choice
Up to $1M
Term life
TruStage TM Term Life
Term life (increasing)
CMFG Life Insurance Company
Up to $300K
J ohn Hancoc k Simple Term with V italit y with RO P
J ohn Hancoc k Life Insurance Company , U.S.A.
Term life
Up to $500K
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Ethos Inde x Universal Life
Inde x universal life
Up to $1M
TruStage T M Advantage W hole Life
MEM B E R S Life Insurance Company
W hole life
Up to $100K
20- 8 5
TruStage T M Guaranteed Acceptance W hole Life
Up to $25K graded death bene fi t
CMFG Life Insurance Company
W hole life
45- 8 0
1 8–7 0 (coverage to age 8 0)
Accidental D eath
Accidental death
Mutual of O maha
Up to $500K
How do we do it?
Benefits of the Ethos way
Ethos makes getting a policy simple, fast, and painless.
Save your clients time and hassle Our proprietary technology analyzes data more quickly than human underwriters can, leading to approvals in a fraction of the time. In addition, because there are no medical exams in our process, just a few health and lifestyle questions, your clients can skip appointments for blood and urine samples. Streamlined support for field underwriting Our technology platform helps find you the right policy type for your client. We won’t lead an applicant to a product for which they aren’t likely to be approved, saving the time it usually takes to shop around and apply with multiple carriers. No case management By using existing data in place of traditional lab work and physical exams, Ethos eliminates your case management work following up with clients and carriers, and waiting for results. More time to scale your business Because cases are underwritten so fast, you can work with more clients and maximize potential earnings. Instead of waiting 4-6 weeks for approval of a traditionally underwritten application and another 30 days to receive a commission payment, the entire process, including payout, is much faster with Ethos.
Tip for completing the application
It can be helpful for your client to log in to their patient portals in a separate browser tab while completing their application, so they can reference their medical records for specific details they may not remember off the top of their head.
Having their records easily accessible can help ensure accuracy and avoid a lengthier underwriting process.
Underwriting data and eligibility
O ur instant under w riting platform uses the follo w ing data to appro v e applications, in tandem w ith applicants’ ans w ers during the application process. E thos under w rites policies on behalf of most of our carrier partners using rules de v eloped in partnership w ith them. Additionally, w e partner w ith C UN A M utual G roup to o ff er their T ru S tage TM product suite, a v ailable through C UN A M utual’s proprietary under w riting rules and application .
Complete and honest disclosures are essential. Lack of disclosure can lead to ad v erse ratings, ineligibility, or loss of co v erage.
9 Applicants 20-65 are routed to an initial product application, or “interview,” based on their CBI score. Final eligibility is based on the applicant’s medical and other information collected during the interview. Applicants who are ineligible for one product will be reconsidered for a higher risk product until the most favorable match is found.3 9 Applicants 66+ are routed to Ethos Final Expense. Based on medical and other information collected during the interview, those who become ineligible will be reconsidered for a higher risk product until the most favorable match is found. Initial product eligibility is based on age and a credit-based insurance (CBI) score, determined through a soft inquiry of the applicant’s credit. A soft inquiry does not impact their credit score. Credit-based insurance (CBI) score
The CBI score is predictive of mortality and policy lapse and is generated using consumer data around credit use. Here are some things to ask your client about that could lead to a less favorable CBI score:
9 Collection account 9 Foreclosure3 9 Bankruptcy
9 Shorter credit histor 9 Recent credit account delinquenc 9 Low credit limits
Underwriting data and eligibility
MIB, Inc. tells insurers if an applicant has had material medical, financial, occupational, and behavioral history discovered during the underwriting of a life insurance application with another carrier. Through our carrier underwriting partnerships, Ethos uses MIB information disclosed to insurers. Ethos can’t rate an application or determine product eligibility based on details from a MIB report but may ask the applicant or the reporting carrier for additional details about their history if the same history wasn’t already disclosed on their Ethos application. If differences can’t be resolved, we may not be able to offer coverage. MIB An applicant’s driving history is important to underwriting life insurance because it’s indicative of mortality. Applicants with a history of violations on their MVR may be approved at higher premiums or routed to another product depending on the severity of the violation and length of time passed. Motor vehicle report (MVR) Certain offenses, pending charges, or current probation/parole may result in substandard premium approvals or product ineligibility. Criminal history Prescription history includes information from multiple data sources that tells an insurer what medications an applicant was prescribed, their dosage, fill dates, and the name and specialty of the prescribing physician. This information combined with the applicant’s self-reported medical history can usually provide sufficient detail for us to approve an application without needing to gather full medical records. Rx history
Underwriting data and eligibility
Human underwriting
Currently, about 10% of applications are referred for underwriter review. This may happen because of certain information reviewed or disclosed on the application. If an application requires underwriter review, we may use one or more of the following methods to collect the information necessary to make a decision:
Electronic questionnaire
Instead of a traditional telephone interview, Ethos may reach out to the applicant via email, with a link to an online form requesting specific case information, such as a request to provide more detail about or clarify a previous answer. Your applicant will continue to receive automated email and text reminders every few days for two weeks, unless the request is completed sooner. If your client has received an electronic questionnaire, you or your client can call us at (415) 915-0665, or text (415) 702-1844 with any questions.
Prior lab data
We avoid blood or urine tests by gathering an applicant’s prior lab results from their existing medical records. Ethos can access existing lab data two ways:
\ Direct lab results If an applicant has ever had lab work completed by Exam/LabOne or Quest Diagnostics, Ethos can seamlessly gather the test results using the applicant’s original medical records consent form signed during the application process.V \ Medical records If lab data isn’t available, we may need to request the applicant’s existing lab results directly from their health care provider.
Underwriting data and eligibility
Medical records
We try to rely as much as we can on application disclosures and questionnaires, but sometimes we need to review an applicant’s medical record, also referred to as an electronic health record (EHR) or attending physician statement (APS). Medical records are required for Ethos Term Life – Prime applicants age 61–65. If this becomes necessary, we gather their records directly from their provider using a HIPAA-compliant medical release they’ve signed as part of their application. The time it takes to collect medical records varies widely, depending on the applicant’s medical providers. Some doctor’s offices or medical facilities are quick to respond, while others can take months to send the requested records. Ethos has little control over a facility’s response time, but we’re careful to follow up with them regularly on any orders to make sure the requested information is received as quickly as possible. Applicants will also be kept informed via email during this stage. Some medical facilities will require that their formatted release be signed, even if the one we’ve provided is HIPAA compliant. If this happens, the applicant will be informed via email and text and will get a reminder a few days later if they haven’t already completed and returned the medical release.
Occasionally, we may reach out to an agent directly for help in coordinating a request with their client for medical records.
All U.S. citizens and permanent residents age 20–85 can apply for coverage with Ethos. If your client is 65 or under, they can apply for term coverage. If they are over 65, they are eligible for whole life insurance.
Ethos operates in 49 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, excluding the state of New York.
Underwriting data and eligibility
B el o w fi nd commo n co nditi o n s and be s t -c a s e sc enari os fo r ea ch. “B e s t -c a s e sc enari o” d o e s n ’ t indi c ate eligibility fo r a sp e c i fic p r o d uc t o r rate c la ss b u t de sc ribe s t h e be s t c a s e h ealt h s tat us of an a pp li c ant ’s gi v en m edi c al co nditi o n . Th i s h ealt h s tat us w ou ld re su lt in t h e l o we s t poss ible p re m i um. Condition-specific ratings
Best-case scenario for this health condition*
Well-controlled symptoms, compliance with treatment regimen, no history of suicidal ideation or attempts, no hospitalizations or emergency care
Well-controlled symptoms, compliance with treatment regimen, diagnosed more than 6 months ago, no history of suicidal ideation or attempts, no hospitalizations or emergency care
Applicants actively engaged in their care with regular office visits and blood testing/A1C monitoring with A1C (measure of average blood glucose or blood sugar level over the past 3 months) levels that are well- controlled and stable on their current treatment regimen (medication, diet, exercise, etc.) Diagnosed with a sleep study and is actively being treated for this condition. CPAP/BiPAP compliant (or at least 2x per week). No episodes of falling asleep during waking hours or driving. Regular use of prescribed special devices or pillows to prevent sleeping on the back, oral appliances or dental devices, nose plugs/nose filters, surgery.
Sleep Apnea
E xcellent treatment compliance and consistent control of BP with average not exceeding the following maximum BPs by age d
Hypertension / Blood Pressure
` 1 8- 3 9 : 13 5 / 8J ` 4 0 -49 : 1 4 0/ 9B ` 5 0 - 6 5 : 1 45 / 95
Hyperlipidemia/ High Cholesterol
Total cholesterol 100–260 measured within the past year, treated by up to 2 medications
Treated or Untreated HIV/AIDS: Guaranteed Issue Only
>14 days since testing positive or experiencing symptoms, with no residual impairments, complications, or side effects Uninsurable for Ethos Prime Term: Any symptoms or positive test result within the past 15–30 days
COVID - 1 9
Uninsurable scenarios
Please see the Underwriting and Product Guidelines at the beginning of this guide for a side-by-side view of product details and knockout conditions.
While nearly all applicants are insurable at Ethos, the following conditions may make customers ineligible for various policies available through Ethos:
Terminal illness HIV/AID Uncontrolled diabetes Current confinement or admission to a hospitaz Pending criminal charges or conviction of a felony or multiple misdemeanors within the past two year~ Disability requiring assistance with care and activities of daily livinj Hospitalization two or more times within the past six month~ Unexplained weight change of greater than 15 pounds within the past six month~
Hypertension with complications within the past two year~ Any of the following diagnosed within the past two years:
¼ Cance° ¼ Mental/psychiatric condition« ¼ Stroke (all types¡ ¼ Paralysi« ¼ Brain or nervous system disease or disorder, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS¡
¼ Lung disease or disorde° ¼ Liver disease or disorde° ¼ Kidney disease or disorde° ¼ Systemic Lupus (SLE¡ ¼ Muscular dystroph¶ ¼ Organ transplan¿ ¼ Aneurys ¼ Amputatio¸ ¼ Illegal drug us» ¼ Alcohol and/or drug abuse
Uninsurable scenarios
Guaranteed issue coverage
We’re able to offer life insurance coverage to all applicants age 45 and up with TruStage TM Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life, available in all states except Washington and New York.
Red-flag medications
Any of will generally make an applicant who takes them ineligible for most products. Conversely, not using these drugs doesn’t guarantee approval. these medications
red-flag medications list.
See our current
Why did my customer’s application change in price? I quoted a different rate.
Many factors affect premiums, including medical information shared on the application, an applicant’s CBI score, motor vehicle record, and other third-party data. Please see Our underwriting platform and Underwriting data and eligibility for more information about how we use each of these data points. In addition, the agent portal now provides a recommended quote that’s most likely to be approved, to help you focus your client conversations. Other options are displayed below our recommendation. We’re continuing to evolve the agent portal to provide greater real-time visibility for agents to understand why an applicant may be approved for one product or rate class over another. Your feedback and suggestions in this effort are always welcome through your account manager or by email at
For visibility into what your client sees when they go through the application, watch the Client Experience Walkthrough.
Can I change the face amount on a policy for my customer?
Yes, before the policy becomes active. Once the application is approved, review your client’s various coverage options, including term length and coverage amount, to help them choose the coverage best suited to their needs. Once a policy is active, if the client wishes to change the face amount or term length, they will need to cancel their current policy and reapply with the newly desired face amount or term length.
How can my client fix incorrect information on their application?
T o update any information, please have your client contact E thos by email at and let us know what needs to be changed. Please note that some changes may re q uire a new application.,
How do product eligibility and routing work at Ethos?
At Ethos, we work hard to match everyone with the right life insurance policy and are able to approve more than 90% of applicants. When our underwriting logic has determined an applicant is ineligible for the product for which they originally applied, we reroute them to the next best product option for which they’re eligible. Eligibility is based on CBI score, reported medical history, motor vehicle record, and other determining factors. Product eligibility is based on internal Ethos logic prior to underwriting. We don’t have a MIB reporting requirement when determining product eligibility. Once we’ve entered into a formal application and underwriting process with a customer, MIB captures relevant information but doesn’t record an insurance applicant's rate class, approval, or decline status. Ethos is a licensed agency that provides producer, underwriting, and third-party administrator (TPA) services. We're not a carrier, but we partner with top-tier carriers to provide policies on their paper. You and your client will interact primarily with us, while our carrier partners issue the actual policies. We have offices in San Francisco, California; Austin, Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Bangalore, India. For more information, see our Ethos for Agents Playbook.
Are ineligible applicants reported to the MIB?
Who is Ethos?
All producers should be acting within the scope of their license. A life insurance license is required to sell, solicit, or negotiate life insurance. For agent use only. Not for distribution to consumers.
© 2025 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at Products and their features may not be available in all states. To help avoid requiring a medical exam, our application asks certain health and lifestyle questions. In approved states, Ethos Term Life – Prime policy (form ICC23-CDT and state variations) from Legal & General America is underwritten and issued by Banner Life Insurance Company, Urbana, MD. Banner Life and Ethos Technologies Inc. are separate and independent companies. Banner Life products are distributed in 49 states and in DC. Banner Life is not authorized as an insurer and does not do business in New York. Prime policy premiums based on preferred plus non- tobacco, preferred non-tobacco, standard non-tobacco, standard tobacco and table ratings underwriting classes. In approved states, Ethos Term Life – Choice (form 3034 and state variations) is issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. The product is not available in NY. Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefits rider (Form ICC16 CCTIABR 11-16). In approved states, Ethos Index Universal Life Insurance (form 3030 3-23 with 3030 SCH 3-23) is issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. In Oregon, policy form ICC23 3030 3-23 with ICC23 3030 SCH 3-23. The product is not available in New York. Ameritas and Ethos Technologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. Ameritas® is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company. Subsidiaries include Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. in Lincoln, Nebraska and Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York (licensed in New York) in White Plains, New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit Ameritas® and the bison design are registered service marks of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Fulfilling life® is a registered service mark of affiliate Ameritas Holding Company. ©2025 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company.
John Hancock Simple Term is issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02116. Not available in New York. Policy form series ICC21 21LFTERMHE; 21LFTERMHE.
TruStage™ Simplified Issue Term Life Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. This is a term policy to age 80 that has premiums that increase when entering each five-year band: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75. Base Form Numbers for coverage under 100k: ICC16-A10a-039, A10a-039-2016 & over 100k ICC17-SIT-2, 2017-SIT-2. TruStage™ Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. Death benefit is limited the first 2 years of the policy and is limited to a return of 100% of premiums, plus 10%. Base Form Numbers: ICC16-GAWL, 2016- GAWL. TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life Insurance is issued by MEMBERS Life Insurance Company. Base Form Numbers: ICC20-WLMLIC, 2020-WLMLIC. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any depository institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states. Corporate Headquarters: 5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705. Proprietary and Confidential. Further Reproduction, Adaptation or Distribution Prohibited. ©TruStage
Ethos 00-0523 GAWL, SIT1, SIT2, TAWL-4986178.14-1022-1124
John Hancock Simple Term is issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02116. Not available in New York. Policy form series ICC21 21LFTERMHE; 21LFTERMHE.
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