Uninsurable scenarios
Please see the Underwriting and Product Guidelines at the beginning of this guide for a side-by-side view of product details and knockout conditions.
While nearly all applicants are insurable at Ethos, the following conditions may make customers ineligible for various policies available through Ethos:
Terminal illness HIV/AID Uncontrolled diabetes Current confinement or admission to a hospitaz Pending criminal charges or conviction of a felony or multiple misdemeanors within the past two year~ Disability requiring assistance with care and activities of daily livinj Hospitalization two or more times within the past six month~ Unexplained weight change of greater than 15 pounds within the past six month~
Hypertension with complications within the past two year~ Any of the following diagnosed within the past two years:
¼ Cance° ¼ Mental/psychiatric condition« ¼ Stroke (all types¡ ¼ Paralysi« ¼ Brain or nervous system disease or disorder, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS¡
¼ Lung disease or disorde° ¼ Liver disease or disorde° ¼ Kidney disease or disorde° ¼ Systemic Lupus (SLE¡ ¼ Muscular dystroph¶ ¼ Organ transplan¿ ¼ Aneurys ¼ Amputatio¸ ¼ Illegal drug us» ¼ Alcohol and/or drug abuse
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