Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines
F or licensed life a g ents onl y . Do not distribute . Term Life Knockouts
F or TruStage ™ Term L ife product knockouts, please see the TruStage Life Insurance Underwriting Guide.
F or J ohn H ancock Simple Term product knockouts, please see the Simple Term with Vitality Underwriting Guide.
Ethos Term Life - Choice
Ethos Term Life - Prime Select agents
Best Risk
Moderate Risk
BMI (if any weight lost within the past 12 months, half of weight lost is added back when calculating BMI)
<18 or >48.9
<18 or >48.9
Blood pressure
Average BP within the past 12 months: Age 18-39: >150/98 Age 40-49: >160/98 Age 50-59: >165/100 Age 60: >175/100
Average BP within the past 12 months: Age 18-39: >150/98 Age 40-49: >160/98 Age 50-59: >165/100 Age 60: >175/100
Total cholesterol >350
Total cholesterol >350
Diagnosed before age 40 and requiring insulin
Diagnosed before age 40 and requiring insulin
Mental illness
Severe anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, or other mental disorder with history of suicidal thoughts or attempt within 10 years, hospitalization or inpatient treatment related to condition within the last 5 years, disability or missed work/school (more than 10 days) in the last 12 months
Severe anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, or other mental disorder with history of suicidal thoughts or attempt within 10 years, hospitalization or inpatient treatment related to condition within the last 5 years, disability or missed work/school (more than 10 days) in the last 12 months
Any symptoms or positive test within the past 14 days
Any symptoms or positive test within the past 14 days
All cases
All cases
All cancers diagnosed within the past 10 years, excluding skin cancers (eg: basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, melanoma) and some cases of lymphoma
All cancers diagnosed within the past 10 years, excluding skin cancers (eg: basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, melanoma) and some cases of lymphoma
N eurolo g ical disease or brain disorder
Any other than epilepsy/seizures, multiple sclerosis, Bell ’ s palsy, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, vertigo, migraine
Any other than epilepsy/seizures, multiple sclerosis, Bell ’ s palsy, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, vertigo, migraine
Cardio v ascular disease
H eart disease, congestive heart disorder, heart failure, valve disorder, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, carotid artery disease
H eart disease, congestive heart disorder, heart failure, valve disorder, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, carotid artery disease
Li v er disease or disorder
Any other than recovered hepatitis A or recovered hepatitis B/ C (past 5 years)
Any other than recovered hepatitis A or recovered hepatitis B/ C (past 5 years)
K idne y disease or disorder
K idney failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, dialysis (other than kidney stones)
K idney failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, dialysis (other than kidney stones)
R espirator y disease or disorder
C hronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( C O PD), emphysema or chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fi brosis, cystic fi brosis ( C F ), central sleep apnea, excludes: treated obstructive sleep apnea, mild asthma or single pulmonary embolisms (more than 5 years ago)
C hronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( C O PD), emphysema or chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fi brosis, cystic fi brosis ( C F ), central sleep apnea, excludes: treated obstructive sleep apnea, mild asthma or single pulmonary embolisms (more than 5 years ago)
A utoimmune disease or disorder
L upus/S LE , scleroderma
L upus/S LE , scleroderma
Connecti v e tissue disease or disorder
N ot applicable
N ot applicable
Or g an transplant
All cases
All cases
Criminal histor y
F elonies, probation or parole within last 10 years ; multiple recent misdemeanors. Some felonies older than 10 years accepted with individual consideration
F elonies, probation or parole within last 10 years ; multiple recent misdemeanors. Some felonies older than 10 years accepted with individual consideration
Dru g/A lcohol use
I llegal drug use or drug/alcohol abuse (past 10 years)
I llegal drug use or drug/alcohol abuse (past 10 years)
Disabilit y
U nable to work more than 30 consecutive days due to in j ury/ illness within the past 12 months
U nable to work more than 30 consecutive days due to in j ury/ illness within the past 12 months
Dri v in g
D UI , D WI , hit - and - run, or reckless driving within the past 5 years, or suspended/revoked driver ’ s license within the past year
D UI , D WI , hit - and - run, or reckless driving within the past 5 years, or suspended/revoked driver ’ s license within the past year
Any medically recommended diagnostic testing or treatment not completed or awaiting results
Any medically recommended diagnostic testing or treatment not completed or awaiting results
© 2025 E thos Technologies I nc. E thos operates in some states as E thos L ife I nsurance Services. C A license # 0 L 28949 ; AR license # 100164629. E thos o ff ers policies issued by the carriers listed at . Products and their features may not be available in all states.
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