Ethos Field Underwriting Guide

Ethos Underwriting and Product Guidelines

F or licensed life agents onl y . D o not distri b ute . IUL Product Details

P lease refer to our Ethos IUL Agent Guide for additional information .

For a comprehensive view of Ethos , including our products , carriers and industry innovation , please see our Ethos Playbook for Agents.


Ethos IUL, Indexed Universal Life Not available for all agents

Best-Moderate Risk


Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.

Average customer profile


Excellent/good health with few to no chronic conditions. Any existing chronic conditions are consistently well controlled and receive regular follow-up care

Financial & credit history

Good/fair/poor credit resulting in mid/high CBI score

Vehicle violations

Valid license not currently suspended or revoked

Major violations1

None within 5 years

Few to none within 3 years

Minor violations2


Age 20–65 (age nearest)

$ 25 , 000 –$1, 000 , 00 0 Age 20 - 50 : up to $1M Age 5 1- 60 : up to $ 500 K Age 6 1- 65 : up to $ 350 K


T erm Length


Under w riting process

90%+ instant decision. P otential additional evidence ordered. Applicants not eligi b le for an instant I U L o ff er will b e routed to manual U / W or T ru S tage TM Advantage W hole Life . Application q uestions and 3rd party evidence checks

4 non-tobacco Preferred Plus Non-Tobacco Preferred Non-Tobacco Select Non-Tobacco Standard Non-Tobacco with table ratings 1-10

2 tobacco Preferred Tobacco Standard Tobacco with table ratings 1-10

Under w riting classes

F ree loo k period

30 days

R eplacements

U navaila b le


Flexi b le

Pa y ments

ACH , Monthly

I nc luded at no co s t S : C are 4L ife A ccelerated D eath B ene fi t U : Ter m inal I llness ( for a pp licants not eligible for C are 4L ife c : L ifeti m e I nco m e ride G : Ov erloan Protection B ene fi t ( endorse m ent c : E thos estate p lanning tools 3

Av a il ab le at an a ddi t i ona l co s‹ : A ccidental D eath B ene fis : W ai v er of S p eci fi ed Pre m iu m

Availa b le riders & per k s

Please refer to our for age, under w riting and state restrictions on rider availa b ilit y . Ethos IUL Agent Guide

S tate and other eligi b ilit y information

N Y | S upport for I T IN , EA D & most visas ; see our Foreign National Agent Guide for more info | Max 4 apps from non-Ethos carriers in prior 1 2 months

F inancial Q ualifications

F ace amount eligi b ilit y

Multiple of annual household income : Age < 30 : 4 0x | Age 30–3 9 : 35x | Age 4 0– 4 9 : 25x | Age 50–5 9 : 20x | Age 60–65 : 1 0x

N on - w or k ing spouses

Based on household income. Coverage amount cannot b e greater than spouse ’ s total of insurance in-force and applied for.

Additional financial maxes

Retired and single graduate students: $500K | Single undergraduate students: $250K

1 D U I/ D W I , reckless driving , speed > 9 0mph , accident resulting in injury , driving while license suspende d 2 Minor violations : speeding <9 0mph , accident not resulting in injury , careless drivin g 3 Estate planning tools are availa b le under the P erks b ene fi t issued with eligi b le policies sold through Ethos. P olicies issued in S D , W A , A K, and LA are not eligi b le to receive the Ethos Estate P lanning perk . © 2025 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at . P roducts and their features may not b e availa b le in all states.

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