Dulwich College Prospectus
Upper School
Upper School Symposium The Symposium has become the Upper School’s keynote academic event when all boys in the Upper School are taken off timetable for one day to explore academic areas beyond the curriculum. The Symposium director works with Year 12 and 13 students to select the theme, and guest speakers are chosen with the aim of promoting intellectual curiosity and stimulating debate. Afternoon seminars give pupils the chance to experience their teachers exploring subjects about which they are most passionate and knowledgeable. The Symposium also helps inform boys’ choices of university courses and career considerations. Each year 40 new students enter Year 12 (16+) to join those moving up from Year 11. Boys select three A level subjects in addition to an ‘A level plus’ course which aims to deepen knowledge and prepare pupils for undergraduate study. Through the Dulwich Diploma , which requires boys to work beyond the A level syllabus, we encourage self-motivation and independent thinking, enabling them to take responsibility for their academic and moral development in preparation for university and their working lives.
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