Dulwich College Prospectus

Strong sense of identity


Junior School

Each school has its own Head, as well as Deputies, Year Heads and Form Tutors who have daily contact with the boys in their care. These teams oversee the academic and pastoral welfare of the boys and ensure that close links are fostered and maintained between parents and the College. This structure enables many subjects to be taught in form groups and encourages a strong sense of identity within each school.

For information about DUCKS, our Kindergarten and Infants’ school of 230 girls and boys, please refer

While the Junior School is very much part of the College, care is taken to provide boys with an environment appropriate to their age. Boys join Year 3 at seven years old and make increasing use of the College’s extensive facilities as they move through the school. We help the boys to achieve high academic standards while also nurturing their individual interests and encouraging their talents to blossom. For more information please refer to our separate prospectus: www.dulwich.org.uk/junior-school or call the Registrar on +44 (0)20 8299 8432.

to our separate prospectus: www.dulwich.org.uk/DUCKS or call the Registrars on +44 (0)20 8693 1538.


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