HLR Paper - 031424 Clean

FIQH AND TAṢAWWUF : ONTOLOGICAL CO-DEPENDENCE Islamic law is, by definition, not secular, as it emanates from the Divine cWohmilme athned.sTchhoeliamrspsopretaankcoefoafnthoins-element of divinity cannot be overstated. Sharʿī realm, this does not make that realm outside the purview of Allah ﷻ . The fact that the mundane world was created by Allah ﷻ makes it a non-secular category. This has always been understood ba ryt iMc uulsal ti emds i, nf r tohme otrhye? eTahr el i et hs te toor yt hi ne vcoolnvteesmmpeorrgairnyg. Bt huet chooswm ioss t (h i s t o b e takwīn ) with the socio-legal-political arrangement of human beings ( tashrīʿ ). This way, cosmological reality becomes marinated in Allah’s ﷻ legal command ( ḥukm ). The ḥukm follows the cosmological reality. This is diagrammatically represented in Figure 1. Unquestionably, the creation and the command belong (solely) to Him (Q 7:54). Once this is understood, the legal theorist must consider how to bring tlahwe t(wdiovrineealcmosmtmogaentdh)e.rA: lHlaehmust merge the cosmos (divine creation) with the ﷻ has the power of creating and the power of creoamlimtieasndarinegi.nTcohreploegraatletdheinotroisat will be able to see how cosmological ḥukm . Consider the Ḥadīth about not wasting


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