Sharīʿah courts. These Sharīʿah courts were very popular and well-attended; twheerree fsoursep, ipc ri oo up se ro fd tohceu ms eec nu tl aa tr i oc onuorft sc,assiems iwl aar st ov ewr yh ai mt Hp uo sr st ae ni nt . ATghrea mM au shl ai ms s cited in Egypt. Qāḍī Mujāhid ◌ؒ ◌ showed me how documentation was done in the courts, but also how a judge should behave and speak ( ādāb al-qāḍī ). Qāḍī Mujāhid ◌ؒ ◌ also showed me that Islamic law is executed by one principle: justice (ʿadl ). Outside the courts, in his legal writings, he gave pa trti aocrhi tmy et on ta ttoh tehoer eḤt ai cnaal fcī ol engcaelpst ci ohno oolf iḤn ahni sa fpi semr s. oYneat l, dl eegsapl i wt er hi tiisn sgtsr, i hc te bp rr oi nacdi pe nl ee idn ht ihs ea cpopurrotawc ha si nt ot hme ackoeu rs tusr ae nndo sohnoewwe da smwer tohnagtetdh. eF oo pr ehri amt i, vt eh e qāḍī hF oa dr et ox armu lpel ea ,cicfoar dj ui ndgg et or ut hl eedporni nac ippllaeisnot iff fj uusstiincge , orneeg al er dg al el sssc ho of ot hl ,ealnedg ai tl s c h o o l . ai np pa ne ao rt he de rt hl eagt atlhsec hp ol aoi ln wt i fhf ewr eobuyl dt hbee pwl ar oi nntgi fef dw, ho eu lwd onuoltdbfei nwd rao dn igf ef edr ae nn dt rwu loi un lgd ar edvj uo dl ui ct iaot ne aarcyc oa rnddi ndgi f ft eor tehnat t f lreogma l ws chhaot oI l c. oI nf osui dnedr et hdi st hper inoor ri tmi z. aHt ieo en m p h a s i z e d tphoastsaibjlued. ge must broaden his ability to dispense justice in the fairest way 2 This approach enabled him to be pragmatic in the courts. He was, in tuht ii sl i zsienngs eu,nei vmebr os adlyliengga al apxriaogmmaat itci cparpi npcriopal ec hs (w h i c h c o n s i d e r e d c o n t e x t w h i l e uṣūl ).
2 a uAt hqoā rḍiit ywmh oa yi snaoptproeisnotretdt oa st ha i Cs ha ipepf rJ ou as tcihc eu bn yl e tshs ei ts’ st aut ne dweor ut hl de hgauvi de at nh ci se porf etrhoeg Ca thi iveef . JQu ās tḍi icse wa nh do aMrue snl iomt artu tl he ri s l e v e l o f
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