العدد 5 - فبراير/شباط 2020

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.https://bit.ly/2rQDZeG :)2019 نوفمبر/تشــرين الثانــي (5) Julie Brinton and William H. Huggins, “algorithm,” Marriam Webster on� line dictionary, “accessed September 12, 2019”. https://bit.ly/34QOXzA. (6) John Loeffler, “How Algorithms Run the World We Live In,” interest� ingengineering.com, April 29, 2019, “accessed September 13, 2019”. https://bit.ly/2RkfpgQ. (7) Andreas Tscher, Michael Jahrer, Robert Bell, “The BigChaos Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize,” Netflix priz.COM, (September 5, 2009): 1-52, “accessed September 13, 2019”. https://bit.ly/33QpAfI. (8) Samuels, Mark Gregory, “The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You by Eli Pariser,” InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Infor� mation Studies, Vol. 8(2), 2012, “accessed September 14, 2019”. https:// bit.ly/2DGVHUJ. (9) Coding Freak, “Top Algorithms/Data Structures/Concepts every com� puter science student should know,” medium.com, Jun 26, 2018, “ac� cessed September 14, 2019”. https://bit.ly/2RiQvhD. (10) Mark Stefik, Lance Good, “Design and Deployment of a Personalized News Service,” (AIMag, 2012), p. 33-28. (11) Courtney Seiter, “The Secret Psychology of Facebook: Why We Like, Share, Comment and Keep Coming Back,” Buffer, “accessed September

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