العدد 5 - فبراير/شباط 2020

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المغرب: استراتيجية الانفتاح الاقتصادي على إفريقيا وتحدياتها المستقبلية

SRO-NA/ICE/33/INF/3, November 02, 2018, “accessed November 3, 2019”. https://bit.ly/34jEBXW. ) «بعـد ربـع قـرن مـن تأسيسـه.. لمـاذا فشـل الاتحـاد المغاربـي؟»، ساسـة بوسـت، 25( https:// :)2019 نوفمبر/تشـرين الثان ـي 3 : ، (تاري ـخ الدخـول 2014 مـارس/آذار 12 .bit.ly/2PGLFZ6 (26) Messari, “Morocco›s African Foreign Policy,” op, cit. (27) “Why Banks in Morocco Are Spreading the Wealth around Africa,” Stratfor, January 11, 2019, “accessed November 3, 2019”. https://bit. ly/36oKPqP. (28) Ibid. (29) “Relations between Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa: What is the potential for trade and foreign direct investment?,” op, cit. (30) l’Agence Fran ç aise de D é veloppement (AFD) and la Direction des Etudes et des Pr é visions Financi è re (DEPF), “D é veloppement des entreprises marocaines en Afrique: r é alit é et perspectives,” December 6, 2018, “accessed November 24, 2019”. https://bit.ly/2rCePAA. (31) Ibid. (32) Global Risk Insights, “Morocco’s ambitious investments in Sub-Saharan Africa full of risks and rewards,” op, cit. (33) Messari, “Morocco›s African Foreign Policy,” op, cit.

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