Utilizing Telemedicine Tools and Staying Connected



Honora Miller:

Is a potential for telemedicine to be used in lieu of in- person visits to such an extent that the medical provider doesn't get to see the patient enough to pick up on subtleties that are crucial? Can you share any insights about this concern? I think that's wonderful insight and we are definitely grappling with that for sure, especially now that telehealth use has surged. Before this pandemic hit, we had only one channel healthcare delivery to come to the hospital or doctor's office. Now of course the answer is, let's do a telehealth visit. But the truth is somewhere in the middle, and I trust clinicians to have good instincts about that. For instance, patients that we're treating for a chronic illness, maybe we do every other visit in the office so that we can have that face time and actual interactivity. There's something about in- person interactions with patients that's very special. I take care of patients with acne, for example, and arguably that can be done online. But I would say we'll probably end up doing every other visit in the office, because you want to get to know the patient, their family, etcetera. It's just that right now where we don't really have a choice.

Dr. Kvedar:

Honora Miller:

Can you speak to privacy concerns around telemedicine?

Dr. Kvedar:

Forty-eight states have temporarily loosened their licensure restrictions in response to the pandemic. As, a patient, that may or may not hit your radar, depending upon where you live.

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