Utilizing Telemedicine Tools and Staying Connected



Financial Resources for Patients and Families

The financial impact of the COVID-19 crisis is impacting millions of Americans. Patients might find themselves facing unique financial challenges as they manage both the impact on the economy as well as treatments. Below are some organizations currently providing financial assistance and relief for patients, survivors and families. Support may include: cancer financial grants, transportation assistance, emergency food assistance, utility assistance, prescription assistance and gift certificates.

Angel Flight (800) 549-9980

American Cancer Society (800) 227-2345

Dream Foundation (805) 564-2131 (888) 437-3267

Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (866) THE-CLRC

Cancer Care, Inc. (800) 813-4673

NeedyMeds (800) 503-6897

National Patient Travel Center (800) 296-1217

Patient Access Network Foundations (866) 316-7263

Patient Services Incorporated (800) 366-7741

Family Reach COVID-19 Emergency Fund (973) 394-1411

Lazarex Foundation (925) 820-4517

Cancer Care Copay (866) 552-6729

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (877) 557-7672

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) (800) 999-6673

Healthwell Foundation's COVID-19 Fund 1-800-675-8416

Patient Advocate Foundation and Team Rubicon COVID-19 Emergency Food Assistance Program (310) 640-8787

Samfund COVID-19 Emergency Fund (617) 938-3484

Patient Advocate Foundation COVID Care (866) 316-7263

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