HELLEBORUS Frostkiss ® Glenda’s Gloss® Glenda's Gloss sports marbled foliage and the flowers are white with magenta edging, having the look of a white flower dipped in magenta paint. Growth habit is a little taller and bloom time a little earlier than most in the Frostkiss series, similar to that of Glenda’s sister, Anna. Because of the flower height, Glenda makes great cut flowers. Bloom time: December-March USDA ZONE: 5-8 LINER SIZE(S): 72 Cell for Spring Planting, 32 Cell for Fall Planting LINER AVAILABILITY: Spring 2021/Fall 2021 SUGGESTED FINISH SIZE(S): 2.5 Qt-1 Gallon SOURCE: Tissue Culture, order 12 months in advance for best avail
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