When You Were Absent


But Clyde expected nothing in camp, and was ever so pleased with what he had. I asked Mr. Bailey if he thought he could get Clyde a chess set. He had gone all over the camp and the eve of Clyde's birthday had finally found a little carved bone traveling set. It cost £1 and as we had not had word that we were really leaving, I could not have spent that on anything other than food. It took almost the last of my money. Hong Kong money would be no use after we left Hong Kong, and the chess set might be turned into currency if necessary, wherever we found ourselves. I explained this to Clyde and he was still thrilled to have the game. Fortunately, it was not necessary to tum it into cash and it is still a treasured possession. There was quite a lot of talent in the camp. There were many artists who found scope for their pencils in human models and scenes in Stanley. There were also talented musicians so that there were several concerts with the permission of the Japanese, who also attended. I remember a quartet frequently practicing "Oh! hush thee, my baby." They came to our room to practice with the baby organ. Once they asked if they would not disturb the baby. I told them that if they would put him to sleep with their lullaby, that would be a criterion on the quality of their singing! Van Dyke was susceptible to music. Lawrence had a mouth organ which he used to play while Van Dyke sat on the floor and nodded his head to keep time. With the change of time the baby would stop, get the new rhythm, and continue his "dance." Sometimes he had quite an audience and they would keep him dancing half an hour at a time, some clapping for him. Speaking of entertainment, I must not pass on without word about the Easter party for the children. After an afternoon of games, every child was given a doughnut from Mr. Hunt. I do not know where he got them, but I do know that Clyde and Celene both brought theirs home and took hours to eat them. The Japanese gave the children eggs for an Easter treat.

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