When You Were Absent


After the outbreak of the European War in 1939, our position became increasingly insecure in the East. We hoped for a Japanese Government that would see reason and not opportunity. We hoped in vain. For one day the voice of the Japanese Supreme Commander thundered "our policy is immutable," and with that he condemned millions of his own and other nationals to death. With that he brought forth, like a thunderbolt of Thor, the undeviating atom on his beloved Hiroshima. "Immutable," - an uncommon word. Where did the pagan WarLord get that word? Why did he use it? Where is it used with the greatest promise? From Hebrews six in the Bible, - "The immutability of God's counsel." God does not lie. Nor did Tojo. As he sits dishonored, bereft, isolated in a tiny cell does he think back on the immutability of his counsel? Does he regret the opportunity which might have been his in the leadership of his people towards a peaceful way of life instead of to a short lived and expensive military expansion? As the heavier smoke of battle blows away, I cannot but feel that there was Divine Vengeance on the head of him who sought to make his counsel "Immutable." Threat answered threat. From across the world Britain's Churchill replies to Tojo's "immutable," - "within the hour." With that, events moved rapidly to a climax. Our island home of Hong Kong began to prepare for a Trojan's death. In October 1941, three pages of the local newspaper were devoted exclusively to the report of the trial of local government and military grafters. Captains of industry, commerce, and service personnel were absorbed in the trial, vociferously denying their presence at the salon of a well­ known demimondaine who was in the pay of the Japanese Intelligence Service, or defending their firms' records in the defense works contracts. Japanese transports were moving in and out of the Pearl River with ever increasing regularity and with little or no pretense to mislead British Intelligence. During these fateful weeks of November we, as a family, prayed for guidance in what we should do. Should we seek sanctuary in another

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