NSLHD News December 3 2021

An emergency performance by our doctors There hasn’t been a lot to sing about this year for our

emergency doctors and nurses who have been at the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. But that hasn’t stopped a group of emergency physicians who are also musicians when they aren’t saving lives. The ED Musos - short for emergency department musicians - came together via social media in March 2020. The group is made up of healthcare workers from emergency departments in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and occasionally Ireland and the United States of America, plus some of their family and friends. Featuring some of NSLHD’s own ED musicians, the group was invited to perform recently at the NSW Australian of the Year ceremony at Luna Park with the performance streamed on ABC iView. RNSH paediatric ED fellow Dr Johann de Alwis was one of the performers who was on stage singing Better Be People Matter Employee Survey (PMES) with 31 per cent of Northern Sydney Local Health District staff participating in the survey, representative of 3620 people. The district achieved an engagement score of 68 per cent, meaning the level at which staff felt an emotional and intellectual connectedness to the organisation. Despite a year with many challenges, Chief Executive

RNSH’s Dr Johann De Alwis (second from left) and Hornsby Hospital’s Dr Clare Skinner (fourth from left)

Home Soon, by Crowded House as well as Australia’s national anthem, Advance Australia Fair. Impressed by the group’s performance of his band’s song, Crowded House’s Neil Finn thanked the ED musos on social media. ED Musos Executive Producer and Hornsby Hospital’s ED physician Dr Clare Skinner said the group was mostly a virtual choir and orchestra made up of singers, instrumentalists and dancers. “Some of the ED Musos are experienced performers

with music qualifications and professional experience. Others are beginners who are singing with a group for the first time,” she said. “Making music together has been an excellent way of staying connected with colleagues and friends during the pandemic. Creativity is a very important avenue for healthcare workers to maintain their wellbeing during stressful times.” You can check out all the ED Musos work on their YouTube channel: https://bit. ly/3p9uVve in this year’s survey are in the areas of customer service, risk and innovation and inclusion and diversity. A series of focus groups will be held early next year to seek input into actions that can be taken in areas for improvements. If staff want to get involved or find out more about team results, please contact local HR business partners. Visit the staff engagement intranet page here: https:// bit.ly/31hnbiT

People Matter Employee Survey 2021 The results are in for the 2021 Deb Willcox was impressed with the results but said

there is still work to be done to ensure staff are engaged and satisfied, and feel heard. “Our staff are our greatest asset and we want to continue attracting the best talent so we can continue providing the best care to our community,” she said. “The executive team values staff feedback and we are committed to understanding the results in more detail.” Some of the standout results



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