NSLHD News December 3 2021

Message from the board chair Trevor Danos AM

Our district recently held its 2021 Annual Public Meeting and I was thrilled to see so many of you tune in to hear just some of the achievements of the past 12 months. I was excited to confirm our commitment to our district transitioning to net zero emissions by 2035. It was also an enlightening panel discussion led by Dr Kate

the staff and the local community will benefit greatly from the $479 million redevelopment. Our district has changed remarkably during my time as Board Chair, and I am so delighted to see Ryde join Hornsby, Mona Vale and Royal North Shore hospitals with new and enhanced facilities. As another year draws to a close and we stop to pause and reflect on all we have achieved together, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for playing such an integral role in our district. There is no doubt this year has thrown up an array of challenges for all of us, both professionally and personally, but what you have achieved this year is truly remarkable. Together we emerge stronger and ready for a more prosperous 2022. Stay safe, stay well and have a wonderful festive period.

Charlesworth on Planetary Health. I would like to thank panel members Heather Gough, Dr Matt Doane, Paul

Klarenaar and Joe Portelli for joining us, and for those members of the general public

who joined and asked questions. This week I had the great pleasure of attending the district’s NAIDOC

celebrations at Royal North Shore Hospital. NAIDOC Week is an important annual date on the calendar, and while we were unable to observe it in July due to lockdown, it was worth the wait. I would like to congratulate our Aboriginal Health Service for the wonderful events at RNSH, Ryde and Hornsby Hospitals and thank Koomurri and Kiris An Tharan, for entertaining those who attended the various events. This week the decision was made for Ryde Hospital to be redeveloped at its current site, and I am really excited to see the accelerated planning commence now the hospital’s location has been decided. The site is rich with history and I know

Trevor Danos AM Board Chair Northern Sydney Local Health District



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