Spring term 2021 Curriculum information leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year Nursery 2020-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary

Personal, social and emotional development Now the children are settled into the Nursery environment the staff are working on supporting the children to develop social skills through turn taking activities, sharing and games. The children will have developed relationships with the adults and children, they will become more aware of the needs of others and will be encouraged to think of solutions to conflicts. The children are expected to be polite and use their manners by saying please and thank you. Literacy We will be reading a range of fiction texts. The children will begin to talk about the character, setting and events in stories and will be asked to predict what might happen next. The children will be provided with a range of opportunities for writing during child initiated time, this can be large mark making such as using chalks on the playground or writing on paper. The children and staff will also take part in World Book Day. Physical development The children will be increasingly independent and will be expected to put their coat on, put jumpers on and off and put their shoes on with support. Children will be aware of the need for good personal hygiene and will begin to understand the need for exercise and healthy eating. Gross motor skills will be developed through progressive skills in PE, this is taught through a story. The children experience a range of movements and positions to develop their flexibility and control of movement. Fine motor activities such as lacing, jigsaws and using scissors will also be developed. Communication and language Communication and language is embedded in everything we do in Nursery. Staff provide the children with lots of opportunities to speak but also to listen. We give children instructions, ask questions, and encourage discussions. We also expect the children to verbally make their needs known and use speech to ask for things that they want such as ‘Can I have the bike please?’ We aim to increase the children’s vocabulary through the topics such as describing texture and through reading a variety of texts both fiction and non-fiction.

Our topic is ‘Land of make believe’.

Phonics & early reading During phonics sessions and through child initiated activities, we will continue to develop the children’s listening skills. We will be learning a nursery rhyme every week to encourage an understanding of rhythm and rhyme through song. We regularly read to the children and encourage parents/ carers to read as much as possible to the children at home too. Reading to your child is extremely beneficial, you can talk about the pictures, characters, settings and events and even make up their own stories or endings!

This topic is split into ‘Monsters’ and ‘Fairy tales and Forests’ These topics will encourage the children to develop their imagination, creativity and individuality. They will be designing and making their own Monsters! Listening to lots of stories, which will enable them to develop a basic understanding of how stories are structured and talk about the main characters and settings. There will be lots of opportunities for role play, dressing up, going on a ‘monster hunt, re-telling familiar stories and making up their own stories. The children will have the opportunity to dress up as if they were going to a ball or as a Fairy Tale character to celebrate what they have been learning for our ‘Fairy Tale ball’.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Children will continue to maintain personal hygiene and grow an awareness of personal safety and emergency services such as the police. They will also learn about road safety. Children will begin to explore cooking and using a range of apparatus. Children will develop their decision making skills by becoming aware of repercussions and alternatives; these are all things that go into making a good decision. Children will develop their creativity and problem solving by making different models and choosing from a range of resources independently. Children will achieve their bucket list experiences such as making Gruffalo cakes, learning about Chinese New Year, A Fairy Tale Ball, a fairy door hunt and making biscuits.

Mathematics During this term we will continue to explore numbers, colours and shapes in the environment, we will also begin to compare quantities of objects and use vocab such as more/ less/ same. We will provide the children with many opportunities to record numbers, practise number formation and understand quantity using a range of resources such as Numicon, natural objects and large scale objects such as blocks. We will use the language of passage of time such as first, after, next and there will be plenty of opportunities for counting an simple addition through stories. Understanding the world The children have access to a range of technology both old and new during child initiated learning and group times. They are encouraged to explore how things work and find out about different technology through play. We continue to talk to the children about their families and experiences, they will have the opportunity to share their news/ bring in objects for show and tell to talk to their teachers and peers during group time. We celebrate what makes us all different and unique through following the children’s interests and providing a balance of activities to reflect this. ‘

Expressive arts and design The children will explore a range of media and materials to make models and pictures of Monsters. They will explore different textures and be encouraged to talk about the similarities and differences between fur, scales, feathers etc. We will move to music and develop stories through role play and drama.

Characteristics of effective learning The children will be encouraged to develop their concentration and attention skills by providing them with a range of challenges. This will promote independence, perseverance and a positive attitude to facing something that is not easy to complete. We encourage the children to have their own ideas and to explore open ended activities and resources. The children are able to use the resources freely to extend their own learning and to use objects in the environment to support independent learning.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Reception. 20-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is ‘The Land of Make Believe’ with a focus on ‘Monsters’ and ‘Fairy tales and Forests’. Through this topic we will be building on children’s previous knowledge of Traditional Tales and developing vocabulary related to the topic such as 'Once Upon a Time'. We will talk about different monster stories and describe monsters and the environments that monsters might live in. Your children will have the opportunity to dress up as if they were going to a ball or as a Fairy Tale character to celebrate what they have been learning for our Fairy Tale ball.

Personal, social and emotional development Children will be given opportunities to talk about making good choices and how they feel when they achieve their goals including steps that they could take to accomplish a task. Children will demonstrate what they can do and develop their self-confidence. Circle time will allow children to talk about personal safety and making healthy choices such as exercising, physical activity healthy foods, sleep and keeping clean. Literacy Our ‘Talk for Writing’ story will be ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’ A range of other traditional tales will be explored and writing/reading activities will be planned and linked to them too. A range of learning opportunities will be planned in to encourage children to give meaning to their marks and use their phonic knowledge to help them write/read in a range of ways e. g. lists, simple sentences and posters. There will be a Physical development In P.E. children will be using story to practise large and small movements which need a stronger core. This builds on strength and skills previously developed in Nursery and the Autumn Term. This includes kneeling, balances and forward and backwards weight transference. They will be developing fine motor skills through different activities such as mark making and pencil control, cutting and painting. Communication and language Children will participate in circle time discussions, role play opportunities, ask questions about the stories we read and re-tell stories including vocabulary specific to the topic. Children will have the opportunity to share their personal interests and achievements through small group activities, which will develop their listening and questioning skills.

Phonics & early reading Children will be applying their phonics knowledge to segment and blend words (e.g. sh-i-p, t-r-ee) and will recognise more tricky words (e.g. my, we, be, you) in sentences. Children will begin to read simple short sentences by using sound talk where appropriate. Children will spell and write out CVC words and begin to include tricky words in short sentences that they can begin to read themselves.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Children will continue to maintain personal hygiene and grow an awareness of personal safety and knowing how to make healthy choices. They will also learn about road safety. Children will begin to explore cooking and using a range of apparatus and equipment. Children will develop their decision-making skills by becoming aware of repercussions and alternatives; these are all things that go into making a good decision. Children will develop their creativity and problem solving by making different models and choosing from a range of resources independently. Children will achieve their bucket list experiences e.g. A Fairy Tale Ball, a fairy door hunt and making biscuits.

Mathematics Children will investigate capacity, weight, height, length and shapes in practical, hands on experiences. This builds on the work in Nursery by extending vocabulary of space and measure. Children use this language to order, compare and measure items. In Reception, children use everyday language about position, money and time. Children use materials and resources to observe and describe simple patterns. Understanding the world Children will engage in role play opportunities linked to their favourite fairy tales and characters. They will grow their own beanstalk and learn about what plants need. Ipads will be provided so children can capture, record moments in their learning and access educational apps. Children will complete simple programmes such as playing a game on a computer. We celebrate what makes us all different and unique through following the children’s interests and providing a balance of activities to reflect this. Children will take part in World Book Day.

Characteristics of effective learning Children are encouraged to use their problem-solving skills and be persistent when a challenge occurs. Children learn by taking risks, engaging in new experiences and being willing to ‘have a go’. Activities will be planned to ensure children challenge themselves. Expressive arts and design In our music sessions the children will be finding different ways to keep a steady pulse. They will also listen to some ballroom music and learn some simple ballroom steps. Children will be exploring different colours and textures by mixing and using them for a purpose e.g. camouflage for Jack to escape the giant, creating masks, making cards for events and using junk modelling to create things such as bird feeders and monsters.

focus on specific vocabulary. Children will be encouraged to discuss texts and share ideas.

Maths This half term, the children will be developing their understanding of numbers to 50, applying their knowledge of addition and subtraction to larger numbers and more complex number problems. They learning will be supported through a variety of practical resources, including tens frames, number lines and base 10. This will secure the children’s initial understanding before moving towards a more abstract approach. The children will then be introduced to length and height and will take part in activities requiring them to compare and measure objects. They will also develop an understanding of weight and capacity, making comparisons and using non-standard units of measurement such as cubes and cups. Music During Spring 1 the children will be listening to and appraising different styles of music. The terms pulse, rhythm, pitch will be further explored. The children will be introduced to using symbols as an introduction into musical notation. The children will learn to play an instrument to the beat of a song and compositions will be created using symbols. To accompany our Walt Disney focus, Spring 2 will see the children learning and singing songs from Disney films. The children will be accompanying some of the songs with percussion instruments.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 1 2020-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is Famous Scientists and Inventors. Through this topic we will be linking our History, Science and Design and Technology. This topic is about knowing and understanding the importance of significant people who have had a positive impact upon our world. Each week our history lessons will introduce the children to a famous scientist/inventor. We will then use this lesson as a basis for our science lessons, providing the children with plentiful opportunity to work like scientists themselves - predicting, investigating, observing and recording. In Spring 2, as part of our Walt Disney focus, our Design and Technology lessons will see the children designing their very own moving carriage. They will evaluate existing products, design their very own and have a day to bring their carriage to life!

Computing The children will start the term by being given the opportunity to use technology for a purpose. They will take on the role of ‘TV chef’ and camera operator, creating a video that demonstrates how to make a healthy snack. They will produce an algorithm to help them deliver the instructions for their healthy snack in a clear and ordered way. We will also be focusing on how to use technology safely and respectfully, discussing our SMART message on a regular basis in order to raise awareness. Time will be spent ensuring that the children can identify where to go for help or support if they have any concerns about online content. Religious Education The children will be learning about Sikhism. They will be looking at stories of the 10 Sikh Gurus including the importance of Guru Nanak. Additionally, the children will explore the holy place of worship - the Gurdwara and the importance of the Langar (free kitchen). This will develop their knowledge of sharing, being kind to others and equality. Science The children’s knowledge and skills will be developed through our unit of work on famous scientists and inventors. There will be lots of opportunity for the children to develop their ability to work scientifically by performing simple tests, observing closely and using these observations to suggest answers to questions. During the second half of the spring term our focus will turn to plants, looking at their basic structure and what they need to grow and stay healthy. We will also be identifying and naming common plants, including trees. English During this term, the children will have the opportunity to explore a variety of texts and genres. The children will start off by learning a non-chronological report and will then explore poetry and rhyme, traditional tales and leaflets. These texts will allow children to understand the key features required in order to be able to write in different styles. Children will also be taught how to use and apply different punctuation within their writing such as exclamation and question marks. They will also be using a variety of sentence types as well as using conjunctions such as ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘because’ and ‘so’ to join sentences together.

History Through our topic, the children will be further developing the autumn term skills spanning living and non-living memory, nationally and internationally. Looking at a range of scientists/inventors such as Stephanie Kwolek, Alexander Graham Bell, Tim Berners-Lee and Maggie Aderin-Pocock to name a few, the children will gain an understanding of why they are so significant and the impact that their inventions/discoveries have on their quality of life today. Spring 2 develops these skills further through a focus on the American entrepreneur, animator and film producer, Walt Disney. Pupils find this highly engaging and it is a relevant line of study due to their current age and stage of development. Their skills of using historical vocabulary related to the passing of time, asking questions about the past and using sources to find answers, and understanding chronology will all be developed over the term. Art & Design The children will be experimenting with colour mixing: using primary colours to create secondary colours, adding white to create tints and adding black to create shades of colour. Kandinsky is studied as a famous artist. They will make use of the colour mixing skills they have acquired

Design Technology In the second half of the term the children will be designing a new carriage for Cinderella or the Prince! They will begin by looking at wheels, axels and chassis and evaluating existing designs. They will then use this knowledge to design their own carriage using a template. A DT day will be set aside so that the children can construct their chassis and use a range of materials and fixings to help to bring their design to life! A great opportunity to develop those all-important soft skills of decision making, creativity and problem solving. PE There will be a focus on Games in Spring 1, to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching. We will also be working on developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities. Children will participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Spring 2 will see the focus shift to dance. The children will perform dances using a range of movement patterns in which flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance will be developed.

Geography History will be the main focus for this term, with Geography skills being addressed in the Summer term.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Life Skills Knowing left and right position & direction Road Safety – crossing the road safely with a adult Bucket List Colour mixing/painting Planting/gardening Making a moving vehicle Soft Skills Creativity and problem solving Accepting responsibility Teamwork

when replicating his style of work, producing Kandinsky-style concentric circles with paint.

Communication Making decisions

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 2 2020-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/year-2/ For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is Australia! Through this topic we will be linking our Geography, Science, History, Art, Design and Technology. This topic is all about Australia and where it is in the world. We shall look at living things and their habitats, including both plants and animals and spend time learning about Australian arts and their culture. Although we cannot complete a physical educa@onal visit, we will complete a virtual visit to Chester Zoo, where the children will learn further about animals and their habitats, through workshops and a tour.

Computing Children will start the term looking at how to use the internet safely and will develop their understanding of the SMART message when online. Children will use the internet to research a chosen Australian animal. They will take notes, using the internet safely. Children will be able to cut and paste images and type into a document. Children will also learn how to spell check their finished leaflet. Children will also become confident in saving their work in a folder for future use. Religious Education Children will spend the first half term looking at holy places. How do places of worship connect with what they have learnt about Christians, Muslims and Sikhs? E.g. places of worship, prayer, symbols and connect to children’s own ‘special places’. Children will then look at ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’ Children will recognise that ‘incarnation’ and ‘salvation’ are part of a ‘big story’ in the Bible. Children will learn how Christians show their beliefs about death and resurrection and connect whether they find it helpful to believe in life in heaven after death. Science The children will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, that were once alive and that have never been alive. The children compare animals from different habitats and explain why a certain habitat is suited to them. We shall be exploring desert, woodland, ocean and rainforest habitats as well as finding out about the Australian plants and animals that live there. English The focus will be on instructions, poetry and a diary entry during this half term. The children will spend time looking at the features and sentence types that are needed to create a good set of instructions. The children will then write a set of instructions for a gruesome sandwich. In poetry, the children will be looking at a nonsense poem and carrying out activities based on the vocabulary that has been used. They will finish the poetry unit by writing their own simile poem. Discrete lessons will also be taught covering spelling, use of punctuation and correct grammar (SPaG) as well as developing their comprehension skills.

Maths There will be a focus on methods that can be used to solve division and apply this knowledge with the related multiplication facts. The children will be identifying and describing the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes. They will also be taught to recognise, find, name and write fractions of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. We will also be learning about statistics, where the children will be showing and interpreting information in different ways such as; tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams. There will also be the opportunity to use units of measure such as centimetres and metres when discussing and comparing length and height. On return to school, the children will have the opportunity to use practical resources to develop their understanding of mathematical concepts and encouraged to provide reasons for their thinking. Music Children will start to understand rhythms, symbols and musical notation. They will use this when learning to play simple tunes on glockenspiels. They will have the opportunity to improvise and compose within a group and also to listen to and appraise different styles of music.

History Through our topic, children will have the opportunity to explore the history of Australian culture through artefacts, art and dance, looking at its significance to people today. Children will develop their ability to generate historical enquiry based questions e.g. Why do they decorate their bodies in this way and we don’t? We will also discuss the significance of Australia Day in the past and present and the significance of the different parts of the Australian and Aboriginal flags will be explored. Children will further develop their chronological understanding through studies of significant international individuals (Amy Johnson and James Cook.) Art & Design We shall be learning how to sketch an Australian animal and how they can be brought to life using different techniques. Children will be using their mark making skills, using pencils and pens, to create different textures to their work . Following the half term break, we will spend time finding out about, and replicating, pointillism styled Aboriginal art.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences

Geography The children will compare and contrast similarities and differences between the UK (local area) and Australia (a non-European country) which will begin to develop their global geographical knowledge. They will explore human and physical features of the landscape of Australia and key landmarks using photographs. They will look at the contrasting climates of the world, understanding the key vocabulary of North Pole, South Pole, Equator, Hot climate, and Cold climate. We will look at how Australia is made up of states and how each state has its own capital. through Games and Multi-Skills. They will know how to start and stop a ball, send and receive equipment in different ways i.e. a ball under arm, rolled, bounced, bean bags to get an appropriate speed. The Dance unit is linked to the curricular theme and the cultural Aboriginal dances. Children will design and create their own sequence in the style of the extracts seen. PE Children will develop their hand and feet control

Life Skills Map reading Computer skills E-Safety Sewing Problem solving

Bucket List Make a puppet Learn to play an instrument- glockenspiel Design a zoo Soft Skills

Decision making Communication Accepting responsibility Teamwork Creativity

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 3. 2020-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary

Science In Spring 2, we will be studying different rocks, and investigating their properties by sorting and classifying them. The children will be testing the permeability and hardness of rocks and carry out some soil investigations. The children will also be looking at rocks in their local areas and finding out which are commonly used and for what purposes. The children will be developing their sentence types by including adverbial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, similes and conjunctions. Weekly spelling tests with words, spelling patterns and alternatives spellings taken from the National Curriculum. Please help your child to practise each week. English This term we will be continuing to develop our ‘Talk4Writing’, covering genres such as instructions, non-chronological reports, diary entry and advertisements. We will also be doing Reading Comprehension activities.

Music This is a six-week Unit of Work. All the learning is focused on Rhythm. Throughout the unit the children will learn to understand pulse and rhythm, understand notation, read simple rhythms, develop reading rhythms, compose rhythms and perform rhythms.

Our topic is Stone Age (Spring 2). Through this topic we will be linking our Art, Design Technology and Geography.

French This term the children will be looking at stories and the environment around them (in the classroom). They will also be covering short units based around numbers, colours, animals and instruments. Throughout these units, the children will be given opportunities for speaking, listening and writing short phrases and sentences more independently. They will also begin to use a bilingual dictionary to support them.

During Spring 2, the children will learn about the Stone Age era. We will be finding out how Stone Age people lived, what they ate, what they wore and how they developed tools. We will be looking at how Stone Age dwellings developed through the age, and finding out about the construction of Stonehenge. Unfortunately, due to Covid -19 restrictions we will not be able to go on our educational visit, however we aim to provide the children with as much information and experiences as possible for them to understand what life would have been like for a Stone Age person.

Soft skills: Respecting Everyone, Listening to Others, Problem Solving Life Skills: Survival skills Bucket List:

PE The curricular links of Dance this half term are to the theme of superheroes. The dance will include movement to music of themed words e.g. zoom, swoop, dash, stealth along with body posture related to characteristics e.g. strong, brave along with antonyms for villains. As a final outcome we will be creating a class dance incorporating the movements developed over the half term. In Spring 2, the children will be increasing their activity levels and developing a range of wellbeing skills due to the lack of physical activity within lockdown. The benefits of this for children are healthy growth and development, better self- esteem, stronger heart, reduce stress and uplifting their mood. Mathematics In Spring 2 we move onto Money where the children will learn to convert pounds to pence and add and subtract amounts. We then move onto Statistics and tie this in with our Stone Age topic to create table data which is then converted into a bar chart.

History Our unit of work this half term will be focused around the culture and civilisation of the Stone Age, looking at settlements and housing of the Stone Age people. We will be looking at culture and artwork of the Stone Age, exploring how Stone Age people developed cave drawings. We will be developing their understanding of the key historical events of the Stone Age through to the Iron Age period plus developing their understanding of BC, AD and prehistoric periods.

Computing During computing this term, the children will be becoming Presenters! They will get the opportunity to learn different camera shots and how to record their own video. Children will get the opportunity to use digital devices to record and then edit their videos using a range of programs. They will then add sound to their videos.


Through their study of the Stone Age era, children will gain an understanding of different types of settlements and the way in which the land is used. Children will continue to develop their map/atlas reading skills and apply their knowledge of co- ordinates.

Art & Design

Religious Education This term we will explore what it means to be a good citizen in our community and find out about the values of different religions. There is a focus on Christianity, Sikhism, and Judaism some of the core morals of these three religions and some simple compare and contrasting. The topic of light allows children to see how light is important to these three religions in different ways. Children also touch upon humanism and how core morals and values may also be similar.

Art and design for this half term will be linked to their Stone Age topic, they will make a cave painting after analysing cave paintings. They study the themes and colour choices. They then move on to producing a watercolour piece to create a background with a torn paper silhouette, looking like Stonehenge. They will then develop their drawing skills using charcoal to create their pictures of Stonehenge, focusing on light and shade, depth and shadow.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2020-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is Imaginary Worlds Through this topic we will be linking our Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology. Imaginary Worlds is linking the history of maps to our understanding of modern day travel. The children will explore artists and authors of the sci-fi genre and discuss if their ideas came true. In DT children will be creating an electrical buzzer game to link with their science. Children will be exploring the locality of Warley Woods, completing walks and leading them and creating their own maps and comparing them to historical maps. (TBC) Life skills developed: Being able to follow a map in a known location safely and plan a route. Children will be able to use woodwork tools safely and accurately. Bucket list opportunities: TBC Soft skills: Able to explain personal opinions and thoughts.

Mathematics This term the children will develop their multiplication and division strategies and link these to fraction work. We will also be looking at decimals and how this helps with understanding money. Throughout all the work the children will develop their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.

Science The children learn about how electricity is produced and the different components that make up a simple circuit. The children move on to investigating conductors and insulators within a simple circuit. Some children begin to draw simple circuits using some symbols. English This term we will continue to use Talk4Writing to expand the children's knowledge of text and sentence types. The genres that we will be focusing on are an information text, diary and balanced argument. There will be an emphasis on using various sentence types and developing punctuation marks and vocabulary. We will continue to develop a cursive handwriting style In particular the children will develop their use of conjunctions, apostrophes for possession and contraction and a variety of sentence types.

French Children will be able to present orally and confidently about the weather and the months of the year. Children will readily write sentences with vocabulary learnt that is easily recognisable, independently.

Music This unit focuses on Grime and lyric writing. The children are given the opportunity to work together and produce some of their own lyrics through composition, to fit with the song. (whole class, small groups, individual). The children are given the chance to perform these compositions. Children to look at Gospel music, how is it made up? History Children develop their understanding of chronological order through a study of cartography and their understanding of people’s perceptions of the wider world and how this has changed over time and how people’s perceptions of the world would be dependent upon their location. Through following the Warley wood history trail the children compare how land use has changed within living memory and beyond.

PE Volleyball – new game – Net and wall game.

Geography The children will be developing their understanding of maps by studying the art of Cartography. The children look at how land use has changed over time through a local history study. They further develop their understanding of OS maps creating their own map of the immediate local area using the principles of OS mapping. The children generate their own routes to follow developing their understanding of navigation. Children begin to develop their knowledge of scaling by creating their own map of the local area to a set scale.

Computing The children will be looking at existing web pages and evaluating them. They will then move onto designing their own webpage.

Agility – move to meet the ball that is not aimed at you. Hands to meet the ball properly. Introduce specific shots of ‘dig it’ or smash. Important team skills of preparing the shot for partner. Simple skill selection of shot type. Small group to mini-games. Dance – Linked to the curricular theme of imaginary worlds. Well-chosen music (Harry Potter, Star wars extracts) to analyse the mood and feeling. Mini-performances link to whole class dance using the extracts selected. Greater speed, movement to convey a specific idea, change in level, moving in unison. Art & Design War of the Worlds is focused on when creating a movie poster using charcoal in the style of Alvim Correa. This is the first time the children use charcoal. Continuing with the same theme, a mixed media piece is produced using oil pastel, water colours and liquid tape pen. Oil pastels have been used in all previous years and the children are now starting to use them with greater control. In art this term, we will be looking at sculptures and models. We will look at the work of Jordu Schell. Then the children will be making Papier-mâché monsters to link with our topic this term of Imaginary Worlds.

Design Technology The children will begin to look at electricity in their science lessons which will include making a simple electrical circuit where the light bulb comes on.

Religious Education What do Christians Learn from the Bible’s creation stories? Children will explore the Creation story, and discuss and compare things they are proud of. They will explore what being a Christian means and will offer their thoughts and ideas. Children will also discuss the meaning of Temptation and Forgiveness. Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? Children will learn about the Easter Story and why it is important to Christians and how this links to Easter eggs.

Appraise and listen to examples. Provided with opportunities to play (following sheet music) using the glockenspiel.

Computing Year 5 will continue to develop their algorithm knowledge through using Purple Mash Coding. Children will then be designing and creating their very own game. The children will be developing their computing vocabulary and using it in context. Religious Education Year 5 will continue to explore the religion of Christianity and the question ‘What would Jesus do?’ This unit links to how Christian teachings about peace and forgiveness would help people in the world today. The unit includes exploring different stories in the Bible and what lessons do they teach Christians? Children explore ways in which Christians try to use Jesus’ words as their foundation for living using prayer, justice and turning enemies into friends. We will be exploring how this is achieved in the world today. they will be comparing a range of life cycles and identifying similarities and differences. They will be using classification keys and developing their previous knowledge of plants by exploring the functions of different parts and how they link to reproduction. The children will also learn about the changes in the human body, in particular, puberty. Science In the Space topic, children will be exploring how the solar system is made up by naming the different planets and the order they are in from the Sun. Additionally, there is a focus on the phases of the moon. The children will be able to label the different phases and explain the position of the sun earth and moon at certain phases. They will also discover how day and night is formed and describe the apparent movement of Sun across the sky. We will also be learning why we have different seasons and how the Earth’s tilt is responsible for the seasons. We will also find out about stars and constellations as well as galaxies and the Universe. In the Life cycles unit, through daily Guided Reading sessions and story time sessions as well as a weekly Reading Comprehension. English We will start the term focusing on how structure a balanced discussion whilst remaining impartial. This will be followed by a creative poetry unit before moving onto writing a persuasive advertisement, where the children will bet taught a number of persuasive techniques such as: superlatives, rhetorical questions and imperative verbs. We will finish the term by writing a Newspaper report about current events. Each English lesson will have a specific SPaG focus. Reading will be promoted

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 5. 2020-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is The Tudors. Through this topic we will be linking our History, Geography, Art and Design and Design Technology. During the first half term, Year 5 will be introduced to the Tudor monarchy and find out what impact each Monarch had on Britain during that period of History. During the second half term, the children will move on to learning about what life was like for different social classes. There will be an opportunity for children to design and make their own Tudor house in a team. The life skill that we will be focusing on this term is following instructions, working with tools safely. The soft skills that we will be developing are communication, teamwork, creativity and leadership skills. Our bucket list experiences for this term: (TBC). More information about these topics are shown in the specific subject areas.

P.E In Tennis (Spring 1), Children will continue to develop their agility, balance and co-ordination skills in game play. They will develop the under arm serve to over arm as well as changing between forehand and backhand and building up to a co- operative rally with appropriate control. In Dance (Spring 2), Children will be continuing the theme of our topic- The Tudors. They will be performing and creating sequences as groups before coming together to create a whole class dance. They will be learning and experimenting how to convey emotion through dance. Music We begin Music with a Rhythm unit. We are going to be learning ostinato patterns inspired by West African drumming and then move on to other themes: Indian classical music and the Samba. After that, we will be listening and appraising music from the Old School Hip Hop genre. We will focus on the song: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. We will be using glockenspiels and following sheet music. and describing clothing. French will be taught through a range of ways including speaking and listening, translating and writing activities. Mathematics We will continue to develop our mastery approach to mathematics developing reasoning skills, problem solving and fluency. We will begin by looking at a range of multiplication and division methods before moving onto fractions. The fractions unit will include, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions as well as calculating fractions of amounts. This will then lead into looking at the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. Children need to continue to learn their times tables up to 12 and we will continue to focus on a mathematical concept each week in arithmetic to consolidate their understanding. French This term the children will begin by learning the names of the planets and writing descriptive sentences about each planet. To deepen their knowledge, they will then discover the meaning of adjectival agreement and understand how an adjective changes depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine, singular or plural. They will then continue to practise this skill when discussing

Art & Design We begin this term by looking at how portraits were used during the Tudor period. Children will be able to understand how portraits were used to show power, wealth and status, particularly of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Elizabeth I. We continue the portrait theme by moving on to the works of Giuseepe Arcimboldo. After analysing and evaluating a variety of Arcimboldo’s portraits, children will be given the opportunity to re-create one of Arcimboldo’s portraits and then design and create their own Arcimboldo inspired portrait. chronological order. We will also be looking at what life would have been and how it differed through the social classes. We will also explore the different viewpoints of society and how accounts can conflict each other. History We begin or Tudor topic by learning about how the Tudor period began and the reign of each monarch. We will focus on the impact that each Tudor Monarch had on Britain and describe the changes that happened within that period of History. Throughout this topic, children will be able to place significant events and Tudor monarchs in

Design Technology Year 5 will be designing and making their own Tudor Houses. To begin they will be exploring how Tudor houses are designed and made as well as evaluating existing designs. Before making their final product, children will be experimenting and testing a range of joining techniques safely (using glue guns, staples, glues and tapes) and then designing their own prototype. They are now becoming more independent designers and will be able to select their own appropriate materials and equipment. Geography Children will be solidifying their knowledge of locating the continents and countries, using an atlas’ and interactive resources, to find Space centres across the world. They will build upon their knowledge of areas of the world from Year 2 and 4, by looking at: the lines of latitude and longitude, the Equator, the Tropics, the North and South Pole and the time zones. Children will also look at physical and human features developing their understanding using aerial photos of landmasses and examining how land has changed, as well as the development of maps since Tudor times.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 6 2020-21 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is ‘The Age of Discovery’ Following on from previous learning about the Tudors, Year 6 will journey around the world with early explorers such as Sir Francis Drake, discovering the routes that he took, the places he visited and the impact that he had. We will discuss his involvement in The Transatlantic Slave Trade, investigate how the slave trade developed and look at the roles of enslaved Africans on plantations in the Americas. This will link with developing pupils’ knowledge of how the British Empire was formed and how widely it spread. Work on longitude, latitude and time-zones will show that ‘the sun never set on the British Empire’. Pupils will finally compare and contrast people being up rooted from their homes to become slaves with the plight of modern-day refugees. As we return to school following lockdown, we will be able to complete practical work in Design Technology which relates to the history of slavery and the fight for freedom and we will also have the opportunity to handle and discuss artefacts relating to the topic.

Music This term, the children will build on their listening and appraising skills as well as playing from memory with some accuracy, fluency, control and expression. The children will also explore and incorporate the musical elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre and rhythm into their performances and will explore how these elements can be organised and used expressively within simple percussion, in improvising and composing. The children will also be exploring some African music with links to our topic. Geography Opportunities for the children to apply and develop their geographical knowledge and skills further will be provided through our topic work this term. They will focus on new knowledge of shipping routes and trade routes across the globe by plotting Francis Drake’s route around the world, investigating the time zones he travelled through as well as studying parts of the Americas, where slavery was prevalent. Further work will be completed on the position of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, using longitude and latitude, reading 6 figure grid references including map work related to the colonisation of the British Empire. Mathematics Throughout the Spring term, there will be an increasing focus on problem solving, not only in our regular Monday ‘reasoning’ lessons, but also within work on geometry, fractions & percentages, algebra, area & perimeter and ratio & proportion. We will also continue to develop our times tables, arithmetic and place value knowledge. Using a ‘mastery’ approach, we will be focusing on developing our understanding and knowledge in the areas above by looking at the area of parallelograms and triangles, solving algebraic equations, exploring the properties of circles and learning to construct 2D shapes from given dimensions.

Computing There will continue to be a strong focus on online safety and cyber bullying. Children will also consider the reliability of information the issues of ‘fake news’ and advertising in social media. We will complete a unit of work on 3D modelling, using the online program, Tinkercad. Children will learn to create designs by selecting, combining and re-sizing 3D objects. They will design their own items and then create them in Tinkercad, before evaluating and improving them. Religious Education We will be asking the questions ‘Why do Hindus try to be good?’ and ‘What will make Sandwell a more respectful community?’ This work will links back to previous studies of how different faiths are very similar, in their core beliefs, in their use of religious buildings and how they work in charitable ways to help not only their community, but other communities and groups that may be in need. Science Building on from Year 4 work’s on recognising that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways, the children will be looking at “Living Things and Their Habitats” and be able to describe how living things are classified into broad groups including micro-organisms, plants and animals as well as classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics Another unit of work to be covered is “Evolution and Inheritance” in which the children will look at fossils, the work of Charles Darwin will be explored and how he developed his ideas based on Natural Selection and adaptation. will use the theme of ‘Dragons’ as a stimulus for a variety of short writing activities. We will look at the biography of James Cook. Consequently, the children will plan and write imaginary biographies of themselves. In Grammar, emphasis will be placed on using ‘cohesive devices’ and a wider range of punctuation. English The Units of Writing will be linked, as much as is possible, to the ‘Age of Discovery’ topic. Initially, we will look at persuasive brochure writing. We will then move on to Narrative and aspects of story writing e.g creating suspense; describing a setting. Two weeks will be spent on Poetry and poetic techniques. Also, particular forms of poetry e.g. extended metaphor. After half-term we

History This term, the children will include work on early explorers (Sir Francis Drake) that develops year 4s and year 5s old world and new world understanding. Pupils will be developing their knowledge of the British Empire emergence. However, our lessons will predominately focus on The Slave Trade and the Triangular Trade. Children will finally compare and contrast people being up rooted from their homes to become slaves and compare that to modern day refugees. Links to UNICEF’s “Rights Respecting” will be made by looking at human rights. Art & Design The children will build on skills taught in the Autumn term’s by focusing on the portraiture and figure painting of Jamaican artist, Donovan Nelson. They will also explore a variety of African masks, developing their skills in gridding and shading to create detailed observational drawings in a range of sizes. The children will also look at the sculpture work of Anthony Gormley, by creating 3D sculptures using a range of different materials and joining methods.

PE This term, we will be playing Badminton, further developing the racket skills learned during the tennis unit from Y5. Children will develop the skills to play a variety of shots and be encouraged to make conscious choices of shot to win games. We will continue to emphasise the Head (conscious choice), Heart (values and fitness), Hands (getting it right) approach to PE.

MFL – French This term the children will be exploring the Francophone world and the common values of identity, self, others and the greater world outside the classroom. The children will focus on repeating language chorally and individually as well as having the opportunity for individual spoken and written work. The children will be listening to a variety of French music.

Design Technology Pupils will be given the opportunity to design, assess and then create their own “Underground Railroad Freedom Cushion” based on the designs and quilting techniques used to create ‘Freedom Blankets’ which were used to help the enslaved Africans of the American south escape to freedom in the north. This term, the children will also be asked to research, develop an African mask design and build the protype from their design.

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