المسار التائه للدولة الفلسطينية

& %1B ÚE [ -0¤O DE  . . .I w2C* …I " E127 " ‚ 7 O C2‰  4$, NF2¹ BF   >.@0 2.O n: oH2# +$I  )2O ... h zr ) 1 ( . &2&k    ) •„ 5‹I h MC B2" ;O Œ & 5 .I OX7 .k"" ."1$C . I [ &B4k  B@) ‡   @ 0n: Yh ;O P0Š: T@ ', [ u7 . PT : Ž.7 . ƒ@ u/2Z uOX7e 6¡ ;C 4k2 D5  .I w2C* 5‹.I " E127 " DE [ O8 "ˆ A E"S  `) _ s(. u7  H* ;O s & %.1B "4 z †C0 /2Z &HB/ ;.O zQ.! f#. [ YB¤.7 H ‚& %7I ± MC †H0 ƒC [ 4 .C ."z&T“ G"k GX!) %$"  %10 E!) [ %# " 0 Y‚ 3"2.@ +.)@ ) ;.C z.@ . 2O y!@) 4 H: Nz` 5 š Jeroen Gunning, “Peace with Hamas: The Transforming Potential of Political Participation,” International Affairs , no. 80, vol. 2, pp. 233-255; International Crisis Group, “Dealing with Hamas,” Middle East Report , no. 21, Amman/Brussels, 26/1/2004, at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20No rth%20Africa/Israel%20Palestine/Dealing%20With%20Hamas.as hx; International Crisis Group, “Enter Hamas: The Challenges of Political Integration,” Middle East Report, no. 49, 18/1/2006, at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20No rth%20Africa/Israel%20Palestine/Enter%20Hamas%20The%20C hallenges%20of%20Political%20Integration.ashx; and Paul Scham and Osama Abu-Irshaid, “Hamas: Ideological Rigidity and Political Flexibility,” Special Report , United States Institute of Peace , June 2009, at: http://www.usip.org/files/resources/ Special%20Report%20224_Hamas.pdf ) 1 ( LN  *    1    1? A    U $  :


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