International Women's Day 2021



It’s easy to sometimes feel that because you don’t look a certain way or you’ve reached a certain age and haven’t ‘achieved’ certain things that you’ve somehow failed. There is some sort of checklist within society that piles on the pressure and in today’s society, as great as it can be, social media really doesn’t help sometimes. I think it’s so important to have days like International Women’s Day not just to celebrate women but also remind women that they don’t have to conform to a standard model and each and every single one of us have our individual purposes and goals. It’s OK that each of our journeys are different and it’s OK to be growing at different rates, plus how boring would life be anyway if we were all growing at the same rate? My 2021 calendar has an affirmations theme and each month has a new affirmation to encourage you for the month ahead. The affirmation for March is “As an empowered woman, I empower women”. I definitely feel empowered as a woman and I can only hope that I have played a small part in helping to empower other women during my life.

I am thankful that BDO encourages us to be who we are and it’s great that International Women’s Day is just one of the many great things recognised by the firm. I think that there is something really beautiful about women coming together to celebrate each other and it’s really important for women to build each other up because sisterhood is such a wonderful thing. I’m really grateful to have been surrounded by many awesome, courageous and gifted women throughout my life. I’ve found that as I get older, I cherish the moments more; the more time I get to spend with the great women in my life such as my mum, sisters and girlfriends, all at very different seasons of their life but add so much value to mine. As someone who enjoys spending time with people, I am lucky to have a group of female friends from diverse origins and backgrounds and ages. All of them have helped to influence and enhance my life.

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