Bird Golf Academy 2024 Brochure



On The Range Begin your day at the range, where you’ll define your personal objectives and focus on honing tailored fundamentals that match your skill level. We’ll start with video analysis to set a baseline of your current swing. Throughout your school, you’ll see video proof of the progress you are making. On The Greens The putter is the one club you’ll use on all 18 holes. Learn how to use it effectively through essential putting principles using a variety of aiming tools and techniques. Engage in learning and practicing distance and direction drills that you can continue to refine even after your time with us. Short Game Your instructor will evaluate and support you in refining your alignment for chipping and pitching, enhancing your ball contact. You’ll also have the chance to practice various bunker scenarios, strengthening your ability to make successful shots from challenging lies. Your instructor will provide valuable insights into club selection for a wide range of situations around the green. The Mental Game Golf requires a strong mental approach. Your instructor will provide individualized attention and identify areas for improvement. They can help you develop a plan to maximize your strengths and provide tailored strategies to stay focused and composed under pressure. Course Management Mastering golf course management involves strategically navigating the layout, selecting optimal shots and anticipating challenges to enhance overall performance on the course. Practice with your pro each day during your 9- or 18-hole playing lesson.

Golf Course Etiquette How many of us feel uncomfortable with all the written and unwritten rules of the golf course? We will put you at ease and make this game fun for everyone!


Bird Golf Academy

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