God gives to you another year, A year o f hours and days; Akd as you face its unseen tasks And face its unknown ways, Lo! every hour some treasure holds. And every day new joy unfolds. A fragment o f eternity In which to gain and give; So many days and weeks and months To love and laugh and live. What shall those minted moments buy? How will you spend them as they fly?
They come all wrapped in silver morns, That shade to golden noons, Tied round with strings o f jeweled stars. Or sealed with mellow moons; If one brings cloudy skies and rain, A rainbow follows in its train. So all that comes o f seeming ill, And all that you deem good Are but God’s precious thoughts of love When rightly understood. Another year all fresh and new— This is His loving g ift to you. —A mh »> Johnson Flint
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T h e K i n g © B u s i n e s s E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor •- S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman JA N U A R Y , in the year of our Saviour Vol. 55, No. 1 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-four Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home ktitk THE W AY OF VICTORY FOR 1964 — Vance Havner .................... 10 SIGNS OF THE TIMES: SEX — Martin R. DeHaan ...................... 12 FAMILY DEVOTIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR — Clyde M. Narramore ................................................................ 14 HOW WATCHNIGHT BEGAN ....................................................... 16 RESOLUTIONS FOR PARENTS WITH TEENAGERS — Patricia McCormack ................................ ................ ................ 17 GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY — Roy S. Kock ..........„ .................. 18 HOW TO WEAR MISSIONARY GLASSES — J . Arthur Mouw ....... 20 A PLACE TO SLEEP — Dick Hillis ................................................. 22 REVIVAL IN THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL — Raymond H. Saxe ....... 24 CHRISTIAN STRATEGY FOR THE NEW YEAR ............................ 27 RADIO: TOOL AGAINST COMMUNISM — F. C. Stukenbroeker .... 44 CAUTION: EVANGELICAL SWINDLERS — Clyde Taylor ............ 45 THE CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE — Betty Bruechert ...................... 46 A SAINT GOES HOME ................................ ............................... 49 A TESTIMONY ON "9 9 " .......................................„....................... 50 F e a h m MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .................... 30 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore .................................. 32 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .............................. 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D, Ehlert 34 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ........................................... 37 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .......................... 38 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry .................................... 39 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. M iller ...................... 41 C o ic im iu READER REACTION ................................................... 5 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .................................................................. 7 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ........................................................... 31 — All Rights Reserved —
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
PA U L SCHWEPKER: Controller JAN E M . CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: W illiam Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts m ailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid ( at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. 71096
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three 9 r more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."
An authentic story produced for
COMPASS ION (The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60634
JA N U A R Y , 1964
Mrs. Nelson says: “ It has been encour aging the last year seeing the Holy Spirit working so mightily in the Catholic and Protestant churches. It was the last prayer of our Lord that His children would be one and I am sure we will yet.” Well, is she implying here then that we, “ His chil dren” should be one with the devil’s chil dren? John 8:44-a. Is that the type of oneness we seek? Is that what Jesus had in mind when He prayed that we should be one? The only way for His children to be one, is for us to be SEPARATE from such religious systems. This is the dogmatic declaration of Scripture: II Cor. 6:14-18. And so we might well ask, is this ecumenical movement then, the work of the HOLY SPIRIT, or “ ANOTHER SPIRIT” ? W ill the ecumenical movement unite the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, or bring in the harlot church of Revela tion? Mrs. Nelson says, “ Please think about this and truly pray about it.” Well, there are some things about which we need not pray. This is one of them. God has spoken! A SUBTLE ACCUSATION Mrs. Nelson further states in her letter: “ It is a pity to me that we cannot love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.” Well, this has been the theme song of the liberal, the cult and the critic for years. The moment a man dares to speak out on Scriptural values, such as these, he is immediately met with the retort: You’re not showing love. Well, who showed the more love, Paul or Pilate? By what standard of reasoning are we to say that the man who dares to rightly divide the Word of truth is not showing love, and that the man who disregards Scripture in order to “Win friends and influence people” is showing love? I am a graduate of BIOLA, and must say that this is a subtle accusation that cannot truthfully be laid on the doorstep of the school. On this subject, their teaching was very plain and positive. We were to hate the. system, but love the sinner! And con trary to popular opinion, these two quali ties go together. The more a man hates sin, the more he will love sinners. And the less he hates sin, the less he will love sinners. A MISSION FIELD Someone has said that the greatest mis sion field in the world today is the un evangelized church-membership of Amer ica. And I have seen this type of mission ary movement in action. I’ve seen it work in my own ministry. We must remember, that just as witch doctors have been saved, even so, Roman Catholic priests have been converted. Liberal preachers have been bora again. And multitudes of the civilized heathen within these ranks have responded to the Gospel of Christ, which is “ the power of God unto salvation.” For this is the way the Holy Spirit is working so mightily in these churches! And so I re peat again, this is our mission field. “ The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labour ers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:37- 38). Eschoi Cosby
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CHRISTIAN OR PAGAN? In reply to Mrs. W. Argyle Nelson’s objection to Roman Catholicism’s being classified as a cult, I would like to ask: How would she classify it? Christian or pagan? According to Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, the Mass, one of the most common rituals of the Roman Catholic Church, did not begin until about 394 A.D. Is it then, Christian or pagan? Wax candles were first introduced, according to Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, about 320 A.D. Christian or pagan? The worship of images and relics was first authorized about 783 A.D. Chris tian or pagan? Holy water was invented about 840 A.D. Christian or pagan? Canon ization of Saints began about 993 A.D. Christian or pagan? Prayer beads were invented about 1090 A.D. Christian or pagan? The sale of indulgences began about 1190 A.D. Christian or pagan? Con fession was introduced about 1215 A.D. Christian or pagan? In short, we might say: Roman Catholicism: Christian or pagan? Not one of these doctrines or practices are to be found in Scripture. All of them are of pagan origin. In fact, when the Roman Catholic Church (The Church and State being united) was in the process of capturing the heathen hordes round about them, they proposed to make Christians cf their captives,' not by preach ing the Gospel, but by military force. (Perhaps many have forgotten about the Inquisitions.) But someone has very ap propriately said that while the “ Chris tians” were Christianizing the pagans, the pagans were paganizing the “ Christians.” And that’s the way these pagan rituals came into the Roman Catholic Church. Remember, when you mix something else with Christianity, you always get some thing else, never Christianity. Further more, according to the Roman Catholic Church, how is a person saved? By grace through faith in Christ, or by the rituals of the Church? By the rituals of the Church, of course. Just the same as all other pagan religions. And so, I would ask again: Roman Catholicism: Christian or pagan? The Gospel or “ Another gos pel” ? How would you classify it? PAGAN PROTESTANTISM Perhaps we should also say that liberal Protestantism, which denies, among other things, the authority of the Scripture, the deity and virgin birth of Christ, and His sacrificial atonement on the cross, is also just as pagan as Roman Catholicism. And our present-day ecumenical movement is designed to unite these two pagan forces. So if we should unite these two forces of religious paganism, what would we have: Christianity or paganism? THE HOLY SPIRIT vs ANOTHER SPIRIT
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Dr. Ernest W. Wadsworth, general di rector of the Great Commission Pray er League, died November 14, 1963 at his home in Wheaton, Illinois. Dr. Wadsworth was 86 years old. Dr. Wadsworth was known throughout the evangelical world for his tireless efforts in behalf of spiritual revival. His constant insistence was that only through concerted prayer effort would revival be possible. Some of his last words were, “ tell the people to pray for revival.” Herold B. Street, former executive secretary of Evangelical Literature Overseas, has been appointed manager of the KAIM Bookstore, Honolulu. The bookstore was opened by the Christian Broadcasting Association, Inc., an affiliate of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dr. Lee to many. Hobey Lowrance, chief pilot for the Missionary Aviation Fellowship, re ported recently that plans have been made to begin immediate service to Venezuela. Radio and air transport facilities are planned for the mission aries of the Orinoco River Mission. Missionary pilot Dan Derr and his family will make their Venezuelan headquarters at Ciudad, Bolivar. Dr. Paul S. Rees is the editor of a new 40-page missions magazine to be published beginning March of this year, by World Vision, Inc. Entitled WORLD VISION, the monthly peri odical will include interpretative re ports, articles, photo spreads all re lated to Protestant missionary activity in pioneer areas of the world. Norman B. Rohrer is managing editor, and Dr. Ted Engstrom will serve as editorial advisor and publisher. Alvin T. Lewis, president of Las Delicias Bible Institute of the Orinoco River Mission, announced that the In stitute will celebrate its silver anni versary this year. Situated in the mountains of Caripe, Monagas, Vene zuela, the Institute has held classes continually since 1939. Dr. Clyde Narramore, consulting psy- JA N U A R Y , 1964 G. Lee of Memphis, Tennessee, recently celebrated their fif tieth wedding an niversary. Dr. Lee’s ministry in evan gelism a n d Bible teaching has been the source of bless ing and inspiration
chologist of Pasadena, California, Dr. Robert Smith, president of Bethel Col lege and Theological Seminary, and Ethel Barrett, gospel storyteller were among the speakers featured recently at the Third Annual Mid-winter Na tional Sunday School Convention held in San Diego, California. Some 125 workshop sessions were led by Chris tian education specialists. Dr. John F. Walvoord, president of D a lla s Theological Seminary, an nounced the appointment of Dr. John A. Witmer, assistant professor of sys tematic theology, as acting librarian, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Dr. James F. Rand, librarian since 1949. Dr. Witmer will serve in his new position in addition to his teaching duties, until a full-time pro fessional lirarian is appointed. Dr. David Allen, well-known Bible and Sunday school conference speak er, was the featured speaker recently at the Regular Baptist Press Sunday school workers’ conferences held in Seattle, Washington and El Cerrito, California. The conferences featured over forty workshops covering every phase of Sunday school endeavor. The headquarters for Regular Baptist Press are located in Chicago. The Press publishes departmentally-graded Sun day school literature under the slogan of “ God’s Word for the Family.” Inez Robb, syndicated newspaper Columnist, questioned the. Rev. Andrew Q. Morton of Scotland, a Presbyterian minister whose computer led him to the assertion that the Apostle Paul actually authored only five of the epistles attributed to him, “ . . . if St. Paul is not the author of the suspect epistles,” wrote Miss Robb, “ can the computer tell us who is? For whoever wrote the other let ters was imbued with the same fervor and faith that set St. Paul on fire. If the computer can deny authorship, should it not prove its pre-eminence, its worthiness of the Nobel Prize, by attributing authorship?” Victor Mendez, principal of the San Carlos Public School in Bogota, Colombia, was removed from his posi tion because of the influence of a parish priest of a Roman Catholic Church in the area. Mr. Mendez.was converted in 1962 and has since been harrassed by the priest. Recently the priest accused Mr. Mendez of steal ing a letter, although the letter had been given to Mr. Mendez by the priest himself. The police were sum moned, and Mr. Mendez was jailed.
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ANDREW OLSEN Bible Expositor, Sequim, Washington HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST This 75-y«ar old mission was found ed to bring a Christian witness to the Jew. Every day in many cities in the U. S. and Israel a staff of dedicated workers make their way along the streets in business and residential areas to engage Jews in conversation concerning Messiah - Jesus. Children are gathered for club meetings and are won to the Saviour. Radio messages reach millions of Jews every week, in North America and. Israel. The results — the Lord says, "Sow the seed . . . and I will give the in crease." W ill you share in this seed sowing ministry? A copy of the A.M.F. Monthly will be mailed to you free if you write today to: Archie A. MacKinney. Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 4S, III. H A THE KING'S BUSINESS 8 Other statistics have revealed the fact that, according to best authenticated reports, between 65 and 75 percent o f the nation’s coeds engage in "pre-marital sex relations.” But the young people alone can hardly be blamed if they act in such a manner. Actually, they have a most reprehensible example to follow in the lives o f the adults o f this generation. (Climbing divorce rates, obscene and pornographic literature which is allowed by adults to flood the news stands, the idolization o f individuals such as the leading characters in the moving-picture "Cleopatra,” in spite o f their multiple di vorces and the wrecking o f homes and the completely damaging in fluence which their conduct has upon their children and other people’s children, immorality, scandal and crookedness which is to be found in high governmental circles, and a tragic deterioration in almost every facet o f American life.) All o f these, along with a mul titude o f other demoralizing influences on the part o f adults o f this generation, are readily observed by the oncoming generation. Is it any wonder, then, that they simply imitate that which they see their elders doing? And the tragic fact is that there is no ringing declaration from the great denominational churches, rebuking this "froward and untoward generation.” The visible church is not even warning against this sort o f conduct, let alone endeavor ing to provide any kind o f a remedy. On the contrary, many min isters in prominent positions continue to prate o f the fantasy that the world is getting "better and better,” that Christianity is gradu ally evangelizing the world and that sooner or later all will be well. O f course, it is quite easy to assume that the world is getting better and better if the church continues to accommodate itself to the wickedness o f society all around it, and is itself no better than the godless world! But this is not what the Word o f God teaches. The true servant o f the Lord Jesus Christ who stands behind the sacred desk must continue to proclaim the message that is ex tremely unpopular arid distasteful to a pleasure-mad generation, namely that the wages o f sin is death. He will call upon his con gregation and those wherever his voice can be heard to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, to turn from their wicked ways and to allow the Holy Spirit to have control o f their hearts and lives and not to be conformed to this world but to be trans formed by the renewing o f their minds, that they might work out what is that good and acceptable and perfect will o f God. God grant that in increasing numbers ministers o f the Gospel will proclaim once again these great truths and let the people know that “ thus saith the Lord.” It is the one and only hope o f our generation. r ► 1 + 1 = 5 2 The arithmetic is correctl It means the 1964 two week JESUS THE PROMISED SAVIOUR vacation Bible school can equal the teach ing value of a whole year of regular Sun day school. Send for your FREE VBS PLANBOOK Contains a complete presentation o f the all-new course, JESUS THE PROMISED SAVIOUR, and correlated materials. Order 8-339. It's free! from your dealer, or Dept. KB164 ! ± J 1 STANDARD PUBLISHING 1 1 Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 * IV of the Bible with KEITH L. BROOKS TEACH YOURSELF THE BIBLE SERIES Topical and Bible book studies—22 courses to choose from—proven question and answer method—ideal for individual and class use. At Your Religious Bookstore, or write A m o o d y p r e s s W J ' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60610 NOW! 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Lynchburg,Virginia JA N U A R Y , 1964 by Dr. Vance Hamer r "He that loseth his life fo r my sake shall fin d i f ’ npHE deepest need of many Christians today is to get into JL God’s “ Lost and Found Department.” In these peril ous times, many saints are being misled by the world, the r plex with all the miseries of an ingrown personality, makes one demand the center of attention in the house hold. Often it is peevishness and a childish “ won’t-play- if-I-can’t-have-my-way” spirit, and what a plague that can be in a church! Sometimes it assumes a bombastic, self-assertive, dominating attitude that rides rough-shod over everybody and furnishes us church dictators and re ligious Napoleons. Self shows up in perennial chips-on- the-shoulder from the blocks above! Others with nervous ailments make the rounds of resorts and psychiatrists if they can afford it, and perhaps Bible meetings, willing to do anything but admit the real trouble, and honestly face it by the grace of God. There are many today who have real trouble and greatly need comfort, but there are others who are just living for self. God must perform an operation before they can be healed. To try to heal them without bringing them face to face with the real issue is like spreading cold cream on cancers. Our Lord has the only cure for these overgrown babies who keep others busy with milk bottles when they should be living on Bible beefsteak. He would set us at leisure from ourselves and put us in the “ Lost and Found Department” : “He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” We are to love our neighbors as ourselves so surely God intends that we should have regard for our selves. We should be at our best for God, keeping our bodies and minds in shape for His service — “ our human best filled with His Spirit.” But that self-life that seeks its own ends, self-centered and self-serving, ends with despising itself and everything and everybody else. Nor is it enough merely to lose oneself in a good cause. That indeed does lift one out of himself, making him useful to others, but what we here have in mind is a life lost not in a cause, not even the cause of Christ, but in Christ Himself. One may live and work for Jesus as one might work for prohibition or world peace, but that is not the Christian way to victory. We are identified with Christ Himself and Paul sums it up: “ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God; who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). And again: “ For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). It is not living for Christ, or living like Christ; to live is Christ. Christ was Paul’s life, and Paul, like John the Baptist, was ever decreasing that Christ might increase. THE WAY OF VICTORY Christ dwells in our hearts by faith if we believe in Him. Then, as we are occupied with Him, trusting and obeying Him, following and pleasing Him, our old self life fades out and we become like Him. Self does not die easily, and there will be things that offend, change all our plans and start us up roads we never expected to travel. But it will be like exchanging dirt for diamonds, that foul gutter of self for the mountain peaks of the Spirit. We may seem to have failed in the eyes of men, but we shall have succeeded in the eyes of God. God’s Word tells us that our old self-life is crucified with Christ. We are to reckon it to be true, to count it real because God says it is so. Then we are to yield our selves unto God and obey Him (Rom. 6:6, 11, 13). The sixth chapter of Romans is a Magna Charta of liberty and its secret is Reckon, Yield, Obey. It is the passport into the “ Lost and Found Department” of those who have lost their lives to find them in Christ Jesus. flesh and the devil. Without drawing too fine a distinction here, we may add that the crowd which has been so de- ceived by the world gets most attention from evangelistic preachers. I recall hearing a minister say he used to preach a lot on bobbed hair, but the longer he preached the shorter it got, so he stopped. It is easy to fall into the mistake of centering our fire on two or three worldly sins; such as theater-going, card-playing and dancing. Cer tainly there is a necessity for messages with no uncertain sound along these lines. I have never yet seen a Spirit- filled, soul-winning Christian who did these things, and I never expect to. But we may well reserve some of our ammunition for sins of the flesh. I do not mean adultery and other gross immoralities, although these do take their toll among be lievers, but there is a more subtle “ sin of the saints” that gets scant attention. It has been said that “ flesh” is “ self” spelled backwards, with the “h” left out. I here refer to the sin of selfishness under its many disguises. Among Christians today are those who would never think of going to the movies, dancing or playing cards, but whose selfishness in various forms is a reproach to the cause of Christ, a burden to their family and friends, and a grief to the Holy Spirit. It is claimed that a man wrapped in himself is the world’s smallest package. Surely sin comes in that kind of a parcel in many a life. Our Lord had this in mind when He referred to “ children in the marketplace,” and to His own generation who cared neither for John nor Jesus, but found fault with everything and could not be pleased. Our generation has grown up, pampered at home, and coddled at school, with silly notions about allowing chil- dren and students to do much as they pleased. The re sults are written large all about us. A mother told her new nurse, “Now I am letting the baby grow up on the new methods. Give him whatever he wants.” Later she heard the baby yell. She called upstairs to the nurse: “ Give him what he wants!” “He done got it,” the nurse replied, “ it was a bumble-bee!” We have been getting what we wanted for years and we have been stung. Such a condition among Christians is due to the fact that they neither know nor practice the Bible truth that not only were our past sins taken care of in the death of Christ, but also that our self-life too was crucified with Him. God says it is so, and we are to reckon it so, and ourselves dead to sin and the world. We are now risen in newness of life in Christ to live unto Him, and not to please ourselves. This truth is well-known in theory among Bible Christians; it has been drummed into our minds and written in our notebooks at Bible conferences, in Bible-believing churches and over the radio. But the fruits of it in practical personal living are woefully short. This selfishness of the saints, sometimes glorified under false colors, is the distress of pastors, the headache and heartache of earnest believers, and the greatest single ob stacle in the way of revival. SELF-EXPRESSION Many and diverse are the forms under which self ex presses itself. Sometimes churlishness and bad temper turn one into a Nabal, a son of Belial, with whom others cannot get along. Sometimes self-pity, or the martyr com £ ^ *" * * '» 4 ^ Ax * JA N U A R Y , 1964 11 J esus C hrist is com ing back again some day, to judge the nations and the world for their ungodliness and wickedness and disregard for God and His Word. This day of judgment is called in scripture, “ the day of the Lord,” “ day of the Son of man,” “ the tribulation,” the “ day of vengeance of our God,” “ the time of Jacob’s trouble” and many other highly descriptive, colorful names. The de scription of this awful day of Judgment occupies a large part of Scripture revelation, in the Old as well as the New Testament. All one needs to do is to read the scores and scores of passages about the “ day of the Lord” in the Old Testament. Jesus gave an elaborate description of this coming day in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. Almost the entire Book of the Revelation is occupied with a dramatic description of this terrible Tribulation day. This day of judgment, “ the day of the Lord,” will be ushered in at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. There are two periods of history which, according to our Lord, are first, the flood of Noah, and second, the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. When the disciples asked Jesus, “ Tell us, what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world?” , He gave them a long list of signs, political, economic, moral, industrial and spiritual, which would announce the imminent coming of Christ and the Day of the Lord. He refers us to just two periods of history in which all of these things were also present. These two periods of history are the flood of Noah and the destruction of Sodom and the cities of the plain. Just before the return of our Lord and the judgment of the Tribulation period, the days of Noah and the days of Lot, according to Christ, will be repeated. Remember, “ As it was in the days of Noah, and the days of Lot, so shall it be in the day of the coming of the Son of man.” A ll we need to do, then, is to study the brief record of the days of Noah and of Lot, occupying less than a half-dozen chapters in the Bible, to find out what to look for just prior to Christ’s return. When these days are being repeated, Jesus will come, according to His own promise. The striking thing about all this is that the days of Noah and Lot are being repeated before our eyes. The days of Noah and Lot may be summed up under five primary headings, according to Christ. 1. It was an age of appetite. They were eating and drinking, the implication being that this was their main purpose in life. 2. It was an age of sex. They married and were given in marriage. We shall see how true this was in the days of Noah, in the days of Lot and in the present day. 3. It was a day of commercialism. Jesus adds signifi cantly, “They bought, they sold.” It was, therefore, an age of big business, and of general trading. 4. It was an agricultural age. “ They planted,” says Jesus. It was an age of great agricultural surpluses. We shall say more on this in a moment. 5. It was a construction age, for Jesus says, “ They builded.” These are the five things which Jesus mentions. We have but to turn to the Old Testament to find the record, and then to our newspapers, to see what it is the same thing again today. We may well call this the age of appetite, of sex, of commercialism, of agriculture, of building and construction. See the Record When we turn to Genesis chapter 4, which records the history of man just prior to the flood, we find the record of this age to which our Lord Jesus Christ refers by Dr. M. R. DeHaan And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and de stroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed (Luke 17:26-30). 12 THE KING'S BUSINESS without suggestive gags and filthy suggestions. The sad part is that these filthy comedians are responding to public demand. This sordid condition is not only caused by, but aids and abets the downward trend of morals today. Entertainments which emphasize the nude in the name of art, strip-teasing and the exploitation of the immodest, have all produced a condition of Sodom and surely portend a baptism of fire and judgment like the one that fell on that wicked city. The trend in clothing, public appearances in shorts, our shocking bathing costumes, the perennial punning of gagsters about figures and “ bras” and “ girdles,” is re volting and nauseating to the minds which still have a vestige of Christian decency left. People who want to be called cultured will applaud and support and encourage this form of vulgar entertainment. I am not talking now about the unspeakable rottenness of the dives and the honky-tonks and the night clubs, but of the things which are open and publicly practiced by the people who ought to know better. Our magazines are an example of this very trend. I am not a sissy. I consider myself a red-blooded he-man, but my modesty is outraged and I blush to be seen read ing the average magazine with its advertisements featur ing the suggestive, if not down-right immoral. Take our advertising today. Why can’t we advertize a product, except against the background of a near-nude female? But why go on along this line? I trust you can see for yourself that the days of Sodom are being repeated be fore our eyes. The biggest problem of the F.B.I. today is the in crease of sex crimes, especially among juveniles. News items list every conceivable type of sex crime, from in decent exposure to rape. The days of Sodom are being repeated today. Read Genesis 19 for yourself, with all of its sordid implications. Then pick up your newspaper and turn on your radio. The words of Jesus will begin to mean something to you. This, indeed, is a dark picture. We do not like to paint it, but we, as servants of the Lord, have no choice but to preach the truth as it is given in the Word of God. To the believer and the student of Scripture, it is no surprise at all that these things are occurring, for we have been warned sufficiently. Things are happening just as the Bible said they would. To the believer, this dark and cloudy picture has a silver lining, for Jesus Himself said, “When ye see all these things begin to come to pass, then lift up your heads, for your redemp tion draweth nigh.” Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming again, and He has given us sufficient warning, in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot, so that we may recognize these con ditions when they finally come to pass. They are here today. The only hope is “ that blessed hope.” The world today is once more in the throes of a struggle, an inter national problem which defies all human solution. Man is seeking desperately to pull himself out of the quagmire of impending destruction, but the Bible says that the only hope is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, when the King shall come and set up His millennial reign and in Matthew 24 and Luke 17. Six things are mentioned in Genesis chapter 4: 1. It was an age of city building. In Genesis 4:17 we have the first record of the building of a city by Cain and his descendants. 2. It was an age of sex abuse, for we read in verse 19, “And Lamech took unto him two wives,” the first record in Scripture, or in all of history, of poly gamy. 3. It was an age of agriculture and of animal hus bandry. In verse 20 we read that Jabal is the first cattle breeder of all history. 4. It was an age of culture and an age of music. Jubal, in verse 21, is the first musician ever men tioned in history or in the Scriptures. 5. It was, significantly, the industrial age, the age of metal. We read in Genesis 4:22 of Tubal-cain that he was an instructor in the artifice of brass and of iron. 6. Finally, it was an age of violence and boasting and pride, as we see in the case of Lamech who not only committed murder, but boasted about it openly. This, in brief, is the record of mankind before the flood. Jesus says, “ Even so shall it be also in the days of the coming of the Son of man.” We marvel at the words of the Lord Jesus Christ when we recognize how accurate ly He describes the age in which we are living today in every detail. Sodom and Gomorrah The marvel increases and our wonderment grows when we turn from the days of Noah to the days of Lot. The record, indeed, is very brief, but packed with detail. Bear in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, “As it was in those days, so shall it be again.” The first mention of the conditions in Sodom and Gomorrah we find in Genesis 13. Lot chose to dwell in the beautiful plain of Sodom and we read God’s own comment, “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sin ners before the Lord exceedingly” (Gen. 13:13). It was an exceedingly sinful and wicked city. Sodom is a pic ture, according to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, of the world just prior to His Second Coming. The days of Lot were also days of warfare. Genesis 14 gives us the very first mention of organized war in all of history, either secular or sacred. The kings of the north swooped down and captured the cities of the plain, only to be delivered by Abraham and his army. How very significant. Here we have the first mention of warfare in the Bible, or in all of history. One of the first things which Jesus gave us as a sign of His coming again, was wars and rumors of wars. We have already seen that it was an age of gross immorality. The very word, “ Sodomy” and “ sodomite,” which suggest the most loathsome of all immoral sex practices, find their origin in the word, “ Sodom.” You can read sordid record in Genesis 19 for yourself. Sad to say, the sin of sodomy is the sin of today. Sex crimes, homosexuality, gruesome practices are recorded daily in our newspapers and reported over the radio. A generation ago they were quite rare, compared to the records of today. Organized clttfis for the practice of thé most lewd and loathsome crimes exist today. The matter of sex in itself, a holy gift of God for the perpetuation of the race, is the butt of public joking, wisecracks and gags. Some times it seems that programs are not considered “ tops” Jesus shall reign wher’er the sun Doth its successive journeys run; His kingdom reach from shore to shore, ’Til moons shall wax and wane no more. Copyright, 1951. Zondervan Publishing House. "an accurate description o f today9s age 99 JA N U A R Y . 1964 13
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