S a i l
Vacation Bible School results in more decisions for Christ than almost any other church effort. VBS ca n . . . win to Christ those who won’t attend other church services. . . deepen the faith and understanding of all who attend. . . build attendance for all church activities. . . combat juve nile delinquency . . . strengthen home, church, neighbor hood, and nation! Every church should have VBS! Our time to work for the Lord may be short. Pray and plan to invest your time in a really outstanding VBS program this year . . . to reach your community for Christ!
for Christ
There’s no time to lose! The most successful Vacation Bible Schools are the result of year ’round prayer and prepara tion. Select a capable VBS director early. Evaluate VBS materials carefully. For maximum pupil appeal, clear Bible teaching, and strong evangelistic impact, select Scripture Press’ timely VBS course! Send today for your FREE copy of the help-packed 1964 VBS Guidebook, with the special Planning Timetable . . . complete information about Scrip ture Press’ 1964 VBS courses for all ages . . . new publicity ideas . . . impressive array of handcraft and teaching tools . . . all tied to the new theme, MAKING TIME COUNT for Christ!
Begin VBS Planning Early . . S
The new full-color sound filmstrip, “Making Time Count for Christ,” dramatically illustrates how non-Christian par ents often become aware of their own spiritual needs through the changed life of a child won to Christ in VBS. It will challenge your church with, the soul-winning possi bilities of a vital two-week Vacation Bible School . . . stir members to invest time in this concentrated evangelistic ministry . . . encourage everyone to “make time count for Christ” by inviting friends to VBS. Frequent glimpses of interest-packed 1964 VBS lesson materials will make both teachers and pupils eager for your VBS to start. Ask for a free showing soon! MAKING TIME COUNT for Christ
Show the New VBS Filmstrip Soon ♦. »
Save time by ordering the 1964 Introductory VBS Kit now. It will give you a complete over-view of the teaching mate rials for all ages. The kit includes five teachers’ manuals, 'five pupils’ books, Nursery and Beginner handcraft pack ets, three handcraft kits (Primary, Junior, and Young Teen), list of Adult Elective Courses, handcraft brochure, samples of new VBS publicity pieces (poster, dodger, post card, doorknob hanger, hymnal marker, balloon, button, and clever h a t), and the indispensable 1964 Guidebook. . . a $7.50 value for only $5.50! SCRIPTURE PRESS
Order VBS Introductory Kit Now. . .
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