Drive the Lesson Home with UNION Teaching Aids American Sunday-School Union Lesson Helps for every age level. Skillfully graded Lesson Helps (based on International Uniform Lessons) bring to life the truths o f God’s Word with complete fidelity to the Scriptures, creatively presented.
American Sunday-School Union Lesson Helps meet your needs at every age level, in all departments. Samples on request. American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Dept. KP64
Christian Strategy for the
W e s t a n d at the threshold of a new year. It is like receiving a packaged present marked, “ Do not open until January 1st.” How hard it is to wait. But in the meantime we can be considering our strategy. How shall we begin? Here are some sug gestions: Begin realistically. List your fail ures. Face up to your deficiences. Ad mit your defeats. Confess your sins. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper.” Some are like the golfer who conveniently adds his score to suit himself — he will never improve his game that way! So get personal with yourself. Be realistic. Begin determinately. Something "must be done and you can do it. We have scorned broken resolutions so much that we have ended up making no resolutions. Aim if you would at tain. Say, “By the grace of God, I will do thus and thus in the new year.” Begin dependency. It is “not I but Christ.” You can be the yielded chan nel through which God supplies the resources and assures the results. I would recommend a personal encoun ter with the Holy Spirit until every area of your life is under His mono poly. Begin prayerfully. Be specific. Pray definitely about your weak spots. Ask and receive. Meet the conditions of prayer. Pray in secret. Pray prevail ingly. Pray Spirit-directed prayers. Pray with God’s people. Begin unitedly. Remember that “The church at its worst is better than the world at its best.” Get into fellowship with like-minded believers with a view to service. Keep your relationships with Christians on the highest levels of love. Begin selflessly. Put egoism on the cross. Let othersism flourish. Supplant the center of your life with its myself- ism with Himself-ism. The strongest psychology in all the world is found in the demonstration of love for God and for men. Begin expectantly. Perhaps this year Christ will come. Suppose time runs out and we shall find ourselves in His holy presence eternally? Watch therefore. Be ready. Anticipation is preparation.
balanced magazine edited fo r Sunday school teachers and work ers. Seasonal material and inspirational articles.
QUARTERLIES Primary through Adult, with excellent teacher and pupil helps. CHRISTIAN YOUTH Weekly take- home paper fo r the entire Sunday-school. BIBLE STORIES Weekly color take-
home leaflet fo r Primary and Beginner age, has lesson story with application and handwork. P ICTURE CARDS in fu ll color, integrated with other lower age group material fo r Primary and Beginners.
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