King's Business - 1964-01



You do not drink or why pay premiums for those who do?

Here’s all you do. Fill out the application at the right. Notice the amazingly low rates! Enclose it in an envelope and mail to American Temperance Associates, Box 131, Liberty- ville, Illinois. Upon approval, you will get your policy promptly by mail, and cover­ age begins at noon on the effective date of your policy. No salesman will call. Don’t delay! Every day almost 50,000 people enter hospitals. Any day, one of them could be you. Protect yourself be­ fore it’s too late!

hospital in the world. Choose your own! We pay in addition to any other insurance you. carry. And we pay direct to you in cash... tax free! We send out our payments to you Air Mail Special so you have cash in hand fast. And there is no limit on the num­ ber of times you can collect. 2) We cover all sicknesses and accidents. Your policy covers you for every con­ ceivable kind of accident and sickness except pregnancy; any act of war or military service; pre-existing condi­ tions; or hospitalization caused by use of liquor or narcotics. Everything else that could possibly happen to you is covered. You’ll be protected as never before—at amazingly low rates! 3) Other benefits for loss within 90 days of accident (as described in policy) We pay $2,000 cash for accidental death. We pay $2,000 cash for loss of one hand, one foot, or sight of one eye. We pay $6,000 cash for loss of both eyes, both hands, or both feet. We invite dose comparison with any other plan. There really is no other plan like ours. But compare our rates with others for similar coverage. Discover for yourself what you save. And remember, there is no limit on how long you stay in the hos­ pital, no limit on age, no limit on the num­ ber of times you can collect!

Why pay the penalty for those who drink or smoke? Every day you pick up the paper you read more evidence that drinking and smoking can shorten life. Because they are among America’s leading health prob­ lems—leading to cancer, heart trouble, sinus trouble, liver trouble and many other diseases—they’re a prime cause of the high premium rates most hospitaliza­ tion plans charge. But why should .you pay the price for those who drink or smoke? You no longer have to! Here’s why. Our rates are based on your superior health The new American Temperance Hospi­ talization Plan is not offered to drinkers and smokers, because of the high rates they cause. We can bring you a whole new set of rates that are unbelievably low because they’re based on your good health as a non-drinker and non-smoker. Also, your American Temperance premi­ ums can never be raised because you grow older or have too many claims. Only a general rate adjustment up or down could affect your low rates! And only .you can cancel your policy. We cannot. HERE ARE YOUR AMERICAN TEMPERANCE PLAN BENEFITS 1) You receive $100 weekly- even for life The very day you enter a hospital you begin to get $100 a week long as you are hospitalized, even for life! Good in any lawfully operated


Read over your policy carefully. Ask your minister, lawyer and doctor to examine it. Be sure it provides exactly what we say it does. Then, if for any reason at all you are not 100% satisfied, just mail your policy back to us within 30. days and we will im­ mediately refund your entire pre­ mium. No questions asked. You can gain thousands o f dollars... you risk nothing.



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