King's Business - 1964-01


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Yung Sik (V-5)

npw o men sat quietly for a few ■JL moments and then one said, “Why not receive Christ as your Saviour now?” “ There is no reason why I shouldn’t,” was the ready re­ ply. Together they bowed their heads in prayer and the great miracle of reconciliation between man and God on Calvary’s cross was experienced. Two men from opposite sides of the world, they had met one evening in the lobby of a hotel. The Christian layman witnessed to a stranger. This resulted in a sinner’s accepting Christ as his personal Saviour. The Chris­ tian had felt that there was an urgen­ cy about this meeting, believing that most likely it was the only time he would have to talk to this stranger. And it was! At that moment the lost man was interested and he listened courteously. This was not by accident. The Spirit of God had prepared his heart and mind. Other occasions for witnessing are equally urgent although circumstan­ ces may be different. People may not meet again under such favorable con­ ditions. There may not be adequate time to present Christ. It may be difficult to gain an appointment or to have a private conversation. The present opportunity is favorable and should be used. It is an important moment when you have another person’s attention to your witness. He may be on the thres­ hold of making new friends and asso­ ciates which would deter him from making a favorable decision for God. The present opportunity may be seri­ ous because you may be the only per­ son who has access to his life. A busi­ ness man past fifty years old respond­ ed to the invitation of a friend to receive Christ as his personal Saviour, stating, “ No one has ever spoken to me persdnally about the Christian life or invited me to become a Chris­ tian.” The very insecurity of life is a cause for urgency. Actually your wit­ ness may be the last opportunity for someone to hear the Gospel and re­ spond. Opportunities for witnessing are al­ ways urgent, too urgent to neglect. The present is the only sure moment.


Boon Ok (V-2)

Dong Cho (V-3)

Moon Ja (V-4)

Dae Kit (V-1)

Y O U C A N —So Easily and What a Blessing! Know personally the joy of bringing Christian love and care—food, shelter, clothing, and school tuition (charged for in Korea)—to a needy boy or girl for only $10 a month—just 30 cents a day. The fine-looking children pictured here are all victims of tragedy, but have been rescued and brought to one of our Orphanages. Now they pray earnestly for a loving “Daddy,” “Mommy,” “ Big Brother” or “Big Sister” to be their sponsor. Invite a friend to be a co-sponsor, $5 each. Tell your Sunday school, your class or other organizations about this work, dedicated to bringing up these orphans in the Christian faith, some to be Korea’s future Christian leaders. B e a S p o n s o r f o r O n e o f T h e se These children are now being cared for, but sponsors are sorely needed for them and for many others if this great missionary rescue effort is to go on. The child you select as your own orphan will know you as sponsor. You will get the child’s photo, address and life story, as well SPONSORS ARE CHANGING THIS


a? lhe ° rPhana8® history' and picture. Your letters will be promptly answered in Eng­ lish. And you will find this contact thrilling and blessed.

Dae Kil (T -l), a helpless little boy, abandoned in the streets of a Korean city, found and tem­ porarily cared for by a local police officer. Sub­ sequently, he was brought to a c o m p a ssio n Or­ phanage. Dae Kil, like all the children pictured on this page, is typical of hundreds of children who are victims of tragedy, now in COMPASSION Homes and praying earnestly for sponsors. Won’t you be one to answer their prayers? Help Train Christian Leaders Each day the children are taught the Bible, sing Christian songs and learn to pray. They attend church and Sunday school and are led to receive Jesus Christ as personal ‘ Saviour. The Lord is honoring this work with increase, and sponsors report a blessing because they are privileged to have a part in it. LARGE8T WORK OF ITS KIND IN KOREA

Compare these two buildings. Above, an orig­ inal orphanage and school as Everett Swanson found it—old, Inadequate facilities, over­ crowded and in need of replacement. Below, the Love and Hope Orphanage—new and modern, Indicating the type of Home being built by COMPASSION and its faithful sponsors.


CUP AND MAIL TODAY!-------------------------------------J EV E R E TT SWANSON, Founder and Director □ Yes, I wont fo sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number_______ If ! this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar ! child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl □ Age. With God's help I will send $10 a | month to Chicago office. Please send my child's name, picture, address | and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. | Enclosed is support for G Urst month, □ one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving j | O Please send folder, "Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." I Name ______________ __________________________________ J Address __ ______________________________________ ! City ------------------------------- State _________ Zip Code _______

—because Korea's severe winter has set in. Help us NOW take more forsaken and ragged children into our Homes. Become a sponsor and join in spreading the word of this work of compassion. COMPASSION. . . Cares for more than 20,000 Korean orphansr Maintains 175orphanages (includes 15 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb and blind children), supervised by Bible-believing staff and board of directors. Provides more than 25,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government.

Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. COMPASS ION (Tlw Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation— Est.

I Dept, k m 7774 Irving Park RC, Chicago, III. B0834 Phone 4SM11I ■----------------- — -----— ------------------------------------I



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