King's Business - 1964-01


Mrs. Nelson says: “ It has been encour­ aging the last year seeing the Holy Spirit working so mightily in the Catholic and Protestant churches. It was the last prayer of our Lord that His children would be one and I am sure we will yet.” Well, is she implying here then that we, “ His chil­ dren” should be one with the devil’s chil­ dren? John 8:44-a. Is that the type of oneness we seek? Is that what Jesus had in mind when He prayed that we should be one? The only way for His children to be one, is for us to be SEPARATE from such religious systems. This is the dogmatic declaration of Scripture: II Cor. 6:14-18. And so we might well ask, is this ecumenical movement then, the work of the HOLY SPIRIT, or “ ANOTHER SPIRIT” ? W ill the ecumenical movement unite the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, or bring in the harlot church of Revela­ tion? Mrs. Nelson says, “ Please think about this and truly pray about it.” Well, there are some things about which we need not pray. This is one of them. God has spoken! A SUBTLE ACCUSATION Mrs. Nelson further states in her letter: “ It is a pity to me that we cannot love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.” Well, this has been the theme song of the liberal, the cult and the critic for years. The moment a man dares to speak out on Scriptural values, such as these, he is immediately met with the retort: You’re not showing love. Well, who showed the more love, Paul or Pilate? By what standard of reasoning are we to say that the man who dares to rightly divide the Word of truth is not showing love, and that the man who disregards Scripture in order to “Win friends and influence people” is showing love? I am a graduate of BIOLA, and must say that this is a subtle accusation that cannot truthfully be laid on the doorstep of the school. On this subject, their teaching was very plain and positive. We were to hate the. system, but love the sinner! And con­ trary to popular opinion, these two quali­ ties go together. The more a man hates sin, the more he will love sinners. And the less he hates sin, the less he will love sinners. A MISSION FIELD Someone has said that the greatest mis­ sion field in the world today is the un­ evangelized church-membership of Amer­ ica. And I have seen this type of mission­ ary movement in action. I’ve seen it work in my own ministry. We must remember, that just as witch doctors have been saved, even so, Roman Catholic priests have been converted. Liberal preachers have been bora again. And multitudes of the civilized heathen within these ranks have responded to the Gospel of Christ, which is “ the power of God unto salvation.” For this is the way the Holy Spirit is working so mightily in these churches! And so I re­ peat again, this is our mission field. “ The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labour­ ers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:37- 38). Eschoi Cosby

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CHRISTIAN OR PAGAN? In reply to Mrs. W. Argyle Nelson’s objection to Roman Catholicism’s being classified as a cult, I would like to ask: How would she classify it? Christian or pagan? According to Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, the Mass, one of the most common rituals of the Roman Catholic Church, did not begin until about 394 A.D. Is it then, Christian or pagan? Wax candles were first introduced, according to Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, about 320 A.D. Christian or pagan? The worship of images and relics was first authorized about 783 A.D. Chris­ tian or pagan? Holy water was invented about 840 A.D. Christian or pagan? Canon­ ization of Saints began about 993 A.D. Christian or pagan? Prayer beads were invented about 1090 A.D. Christian or pagan? The sale of indulgences began about 1190 A.D. Christian or pagan? Con­ fession was introduced about 1215 A.D. Christian or pagan? In short, we might say: Roman Catholicism: Christian or pagan? Not one of these doctrines or practices are to be found in Scripture. All of them are of pagan origin. In fact, when the Roman Catholic Church (The Church and State being united) was in the process of capturing the heathen hordes round about them, they proposed to make Christians cf their captives,' not by preach­ ing the Gospel, but by military force. (Perhaps many have forgotten about the Inquisitions.) But someone has very ap­ propriately said that while the “ Chris­ tians” were Christianizing the pagans, the pagans were paganizing the “ Christians.” And that’s the way these pagan rituals came into the Roman Catholic Church. Remember, when you mix something else with Christianity, you always get some­ thing else, never Christianity. Further­ more, according to the Roman Catholic Church, how is a person saved? By grace through faith in Christ, or by the rituals of the Church? By the rituals of the Church, of course. Just the same as all other pagan religions. And so, I would ask again: Roman Catholicism: Christian or pagan? The Gospel or “ Another gos­ pel” ? How would you classify it? PAGAN PROTESTANTISM Perhaps we should also say that liberal Protestantism, which denies, among other things, the authority of the Scripture, the deity and virgin birth of Christ, and His sacrificial atonement on the cross, is also just as pagan as Roman Catholicism. And our present-day ecumenical movement is designed to unite these two pagan forces. So if we should unite these two forces of religious paganism, what would we have: Christianity or paganism? THE HOLY SPIRIT vs ANOTHER SPIRIT


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