ATTEND THE 29TH ANNUAL TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE JA N U A R Y 2 6 —31, 1 9 6 4 Featuring Outstanding Bible Conference Speakers
Dr. Sam uel H. Sutherland President The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.
Dr. Louis T. Talbot C h an cellor The B ible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.
Dr. C h arles L. Feinberg Dean, Talbot Theological S em in ary The B ible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.
Rev. Richard A. Bennett B ible Conference S peaker London, England
Rev. Don P. M cFarland B ible Conference and M issio nary Speaker, Pocket Testam ent League Englewood, New Jersey
Dr. A rnold T. O ison President, Evangelical Free Church of Am erica M inneapolis, M innesota
Dr. Ralph H. Stoll Pastor C alvary Independent B aptist Church Altoona, Pennsylvania
Dr. Lehm an S trauss B ible Conference and M issio nary Speaker H ighland Park, M ichigan
M ajor W. Ian Thom as Director, Capernw ray M issio nary Fellow ship of Torchbearers North Lancashire, England
Dr. Corn eliu s Van T il Professor, W estm inster Theological Sem inary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A T NINE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS F irst B aptist Church of DOW NEY 8348 Third Street Dr. M ilton C. Gould, pastor M A N H A TTA N B EACH C om m unity B aptist Church A rtesia and Prospect Dr. R ussell Jones, pastor
LA CR ES C EN T A First B aptist Church 4409 La Crescenta Avenue Rev. Bernard Travaille, pastor
Valley B ible Church of N O RTH RIDGE 8212 Louise Avenue Rev. Don M. Lam berson, pastor
F irst Brethren Church of LO N G BEACH 1925 East Fifth Street Dr. Charles W. Mayes, pastor
NORTH LO N G B EA CH Brethren Church 61st and Orange Dr. George O. Peek, pastor
Dr. W alter L. W ilson B ible Conference Speaker Kansas City, M issou ri
Tem ple B aptist Church of ONTARIO 224 West C alifornia Boulevard Rev. W alter W. Scott, pastor
SAN G A B R IEL U nion Church Pine at Las Tunas Dr. Joseph H em phill, pastor
Sessions will also be conducted mornings and evenings at the BIOLA CAMPUS AUDITORIUM 13800 Biota Avenue, in LA MIRADA Mornings— 8:00 A.M . 9:00 and 10:30 A.M . Evenings— 7:30
For farther information write,
B IOLA E X T E N S I O N D E P A R T M E N T 558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles, California 90017
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