King's Business - 1964-01

Tli«BibleInstituteHoar CALIFORNIA Arroyo Grande>San Luis Obispo KCJH 1280

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RADIO: The Christian’s Tool Against Communism

9:00 A.M . M TW TF 7:30 A.M . Sun. 9:30 A.M . MTW TF 8:30 A.M . Sun. 8:30 A.M . MTW TF 6:30 P.M. MTW TF 8:00 A.M . MTW TF 7:00 P.M. MTW TF 8:30 A.M . MTW TF 9:00 A.M . M TW TF 11:00 A.M . M TW TF 12:30 A.M . M TW TF 8:30 A.M . MW F 8:30 A.M . MW F 8:00 A.M . MTW TF 7:30 A.M .Sun. 9:30 A.M . MTW TF 7:30 A.M . MTW TF 8:00 A.M . MTW TF 7:30 A.M .Sun. 8:30 A.M . MTW TF 8:30 A.M .Sun.

Bakersfield-Wasco K A FY Chico-Marysville KHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU KWSO

550 1050 1290 1130


94.5 (FM)

Lodi-Stockton KCVR Los Angeles KBBI KCVR

1570 1570

107.5 (FM)

K TYM 1460 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 KGER 1390 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara K A AR 104.7 (FM)



Redding-Red B lu ff KQMS San Bernardino K FXM

b y D r. Fern C . Stukenbroeker, Federal Bureau o f Investigation

1400 590 1350 1080


Santa Cruz KSCO San Diego

T h e c o m m u n i s t s desire not only to change our economic, political and social institutions, but also to change the very nature of man, to change him from a child of God to an obedi­ ent slave of an atheistic dictatorship. The creation of Communist Man is a key aim of communism today. “The rearing of the new man,” Mr. Nikita Khrushchev told the 22nd Con­ gress of the Soviet Communist Party, “ is one of the main achievements of the Party.” This Communist Man — whom the Party extols in the highest terms;—is the striking arm of revolution. He is a fanatical, dedicated individual, blindly loyal to the Party, who is an extreme danger to our way of life. To the communists, man is merely a piece of living matter, devoid of soul or spirit, who can be shaped, molded and directed by purposive manipulation. Under communism, the human heart is tom apart and even its most inner recesses are exposed to ideological inspection. Any inner life — any life or private meditation, of prayer, of communication between man and God — is expressly forbid­ den. He becomes a trained robot, a creature of the state. The communists, however, are find­ ing the task of creating Communist Man most difficult. “ The rearing of the new man,” said Mr. Khrushchev, “ is a long and complex process.” One of the main stumbling blocks is re­ ligion — man’s faith in God. “ Com­ munist education,” adds Khrushchev, “ presupposes the emancipation of the consciousness from religious preju­ dices and superstitions which still prevent some Soviet people from man­ ifesting their creative forces to the full.” For this reason, the communists are unendingly hostile to religion. Com­ munism and religion are irreconcil­

able. The communists are doing ev­ erything they can, through the_ in­ doctrination processes of the Party, to destroy man’s faith in God, to quench the inner flame deep inside man which reflects that he has been created in the image of God. As long as man can maintain an inner sanc­ tuary of freedom, regardless of how dark the communist night, the com­ munist dictator can never rest in peace. A fundamental question of our time is: can communism, with its atheistic ideology, persuasion and coercion, re­ mold human nature, make man into something different from what he is now? Can the purposive manipula­ tion of a totalitarian state liquidate the divine spark in man? Our answer is NO — communism can never permanently cage the spirit of man. Clergymen and religious broad­ casters are today playing important roles in Americans fight against the communist enemy. By strengthening a man’s faith in God, by deepening his spiritual values, by encouraging him to be a good citizen in a demo­ cratic society, you are strengthening the moral fabric of American life. America’s heritage of freedom — belief in the dignity of man, in the supremacy of the law, in the creative development of the individual per­ sonality — these are our answers to the communist conspiracy. Life in a free society, emphasizing man’s search for the truth and the pioneering spirit of the mind, gives validity to our American way of life. E ditor ’ s N ote : This address was given by Dr. Stukenbroeker of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during the 20th Annual Convention of the National Religious Broadcasters meeting earlier this year in Washington, D.C. The N.R.B., an organi­ zation of the N .A.E., is composed of Chris­ tian broadcasters and Christian radio sta­ tions across the country. TH E KING'S BUSINESS

KBBW 102.9 (FM)

860 910


San Francisco K FA X Santa Maria KCOY

1100 1440

7:00 A.M .Sun. 9:30 A.M .Sun.



93.1 (FM)



790 790

8:00 A.M . MTW TF 3:00 A.M . MTW TF 8:30 A.M . MTW TF 8:30 A.M . MW F

Ashland-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO



Portland KPDQ KPDQ

800 11:30 A.M . MTW TF 11:30 A.M . MTW TF

93.7 (FM)


Blaine-Vancouver, KARI Seattle-Tacoma KGDN

B.C. 550 11:30 A.M . M TW TF 630 11:30 A.M . M TW TF 1330 11:30 A.M . MTW TF

Spokane KCFA

W alla W alla KTEL

8:00 A.M . MW F


Yakim a


1390 10:00 A.M . MTW TF OTHER STATES

Albuquerque, New M exico K A R A 1310 K A R A 99.5 (FM) Aztec, New Mexico K H A P 1340 Billings, Montana KURL 730 Caldwell-Boise KBFM 94.1 (FM) KBGN 910 Denver KLIR 990 KLIR 100.3 (FM) Lapeer, Michigan W M PC 1230 Miamisburg, Ohio W FCJ 93.7 (FM) Newton, Kansas KJRG 950 Phoenix, Arizona KHEP 1280 Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL 970 Springfield, Ohio WEEC 100.7 (FM) Tuscon, Arizona K A IR 1490 KAIR 1490 Inchon, Korea H LK X 1060

7:00 A.M . M TW TF 7:00 A.M . MTW TF 8:00 A.M . Sun. 8:00 A.M . MTW TF 8:30 A.M . MTW TF 8:30 A.M . MTW TF 12:00 Noon MTW TF 9:00 A.M . M TW TF 3:30 P.M. Tues. 10:00 P.M. M TW TF 9:00 A.M . M TW TF 9:00 A.M . M TW TF 8:30 A.M . MW F 11:30 P.M. MTW TF 8:00 A.M . M TW TF 12:30 P.M. Sun. 1:30 P.M. Sun.

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