been so kind to them — but Uncle Jack had forgotten all about Sunday school and church! Lollie felt like cry ing but Kippy spoke up bravely: “ I thought — I thought — we were going to Sunday school and church,” he said. Uncle Jack thumped the table with his hand. “ By George! I forgot! I told Margaret I’d see to that. Well, one Sunday won’t make any differ ence, and you’ll be here for three more Sundays . . . we can let it go once, can’t we?” The children could see he was not pleased one bit. Lollie finally found her voice. “ I’m sorry, Uncle Jack, but we always go . . . we wouldn’t want to miss.” Aunt Rose got into the conversation. “ You know, Jack, how strict Mar garet is. Do you children know where you want to go to church?” “Oh, yes,” Lollie said at once, “ 1 have the address in my purse.” How glad she was that they had met Tom and Tim! “ It sure spoils our plans,” said Uncle Jack regretfully, “ but we can’t dump you kids in a strange city and a strange church. I guess we’ll have to take you in and stay with you.” “ I’d like to go to Sunday school,” said Alice eagerly. “Well, we’ll make the best of it,” Aunt Rose said kindly, “ at least we can get in the evening at Disney land.” This was the hardest part of all. Lollie and Kippy were quiet while the dessert was brought in. Then it just had to be said. “Aunt Rose,” and now Lollie’s eyes really were full of tears, “ I am sorry to be so much trou ble, but we go to young people’s meeting and church at night too.” Uncle Jack looked angry and Aunt Rose was surprised. “ That’s a lot of religion for two little children,” she said. “ I’ve a notion to call Margaret,” exclaimed Jack, but his wife said calmly, “Now don’t make a fuss, Jack. I guess we can stand church for a day. Goodness knows, it’s long enough since we went to one. Let’s not worry Margaret. You promised her yourself.” After dinner Lollie and Kippy walked out to the kennel and, as they watched the playful antics of the attractive puppies, they talked it over. “We couldn’t do anything else,” Lollie decided. “ Let’s not worry about it, but just pray tonight.” “ I sure w ill!” Kippy agreed fervently. “After today maybe Uncle Jack will just send us home!” Sunday was beautiful and sunny. The children looked very nice in their Sunday clothes when they came down to breakfast. Their uncle, aunt and cousins were all dressed up too. Gone
were the jeans and T-shirts, Alice looked like a little blonde fairy in a pink nylon dress, and impulsively Lollie told her so. “ I love you!” said the younger girl. The Wilson twins saw Lollie and Kippy when they came into the build ing and made them feel right at home. They introduced them and their relatives to the Sunday school superintendent and the pastor and many other friendly people. “ I feel as if a big weight has drop ped off my back,” said Lollie, to her brother. Kippy nodded, “ I believe our prayers will be answered today.” The services were all the Wilson twins had said they would be. The Grahams seemed to enjoy themselves. As Lollie sat down beside her aunt, she was happy to have Aunt Rose take her hand and hold it. Alice sat on the other side of her mother. Kip and Jim sat next to Uncle Jack. The children never listened more intently in their lives. In their young hearts they were praying that the minister would say exactly the right thing to help the Grahams. Pastor Nelson was young but he loved the Lord and he loved peo ple. He also had a good knowledge of the Bible. He gave a simple, sincere message, with some good illustrations. “ I like stories,” whispered Alice. Lollie was surprised to see that Aunt Rose was crying and that Uncle Jack sat with bowed head when the invita tion to come to Christ was given. She just held her aunt’s hand tightly. W ill you go up with me?” whispered Aunt Rose. Lollie couldn’t talk. She nodded her head, and as she and her aunt rose to go forward, Alice, and then Jimmy, and last of all Uncle Jack, followed by Kippy, came. A number of other people had joined them, and they all knelt at the front while the pastor explained the way of salvation more fully. Then they were shown into a side room where all four Grahams accepted Christ as their Saviour. Lol lie and Kippy were the happiest they had ever been in their lives. Tom and Tim Wilson were waiting at the back of the church. “My mother and fa ther want all of you to come to our house for dinner,” they said. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and re joicing in the Lord. On the way home after the evening service, Uncle Jack said, “ There is just one thing more needed to make this day perfect and complete.” “ I know what you mean,” said Aunt Rose. “Let’s call Margaret.” “ That’s it,” said her husband, “would you chil dren like to have a word with your mother?” Shining faces were the an swer!
Another difference that makes a difference!
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