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® g j g j g g e \ k j A Saint Goes Home n n n n h n n h n n n n n n n n n h n n n n h n n n h I t is w i t h sorrow that we announce the passing to his heavenly home of Dr. Orville R. Sheffield, Los An geles physician and psychiatrist, who took two degrees from BIOLA. He had retired from practice about six years ago and had spent the last few years in a rest home. A very humble and modest man, Dr. Sheffield combined qualities and characteristics not often found in one person. Born on the Mediter- ranian Sea between Malta and Tel Aviv March 31, 1891, his grandpar ents were Czechoslovak and Yugoslav respectively and were residents of Russia. Dr. Sheffield had a most impressive educational record, having attended ten schools and earned nine degrees including two from BIOLA: Th.B. in 1940 and B.Chr.Ed. in 1941. Dr. Sheffield was ordained to the Gospel ministry at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Los Angeles in 1940. He carried on a strong spiritual ministry both in connection with his profes sional work, and in Sunday school and mission. classes. He practiced medicine and psychiatric counseling in East Los Angeles among the for eign population. His background gave him an unusual aptitude for this for he was familiar with Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German, and French. The Doctor was not married, and he must have spent most of his money and all of his spare time on books. He had accumulated around 3,000 volumes, divided about evenly be tween medicine, psychology and psy chiatry, and religion. The collection was well rounded in each category, and contained some late books on the various disciplines. A large section of the library consisted of second-hand books that must have been gleaned diligently from many sources. Many rarities in religion and the religious aspects of counseling were included. He made his own contributions to this field with two weighty doctoral dis sertations presented to the Los An geles Baptist Seminary, with the fol lowing titles: The Christian Physician and the Use of Christ’s Healing in Mental Disturbances, and A Critical Analysis of the Biblical Description of the Effects of Evil Spirits upon Man Compared with Certain Case History Studies of Severe Phycho- social Maladjustments. In 1957 Dr. Sheffield’s entire library was donated to BIOLA along with his home. Without doubt it is one of the finest collections ever presented to a Christian institution. It has greatly enriched the BIOLA Library. JANUARY, 1964
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