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Dr. Ernest W. Wadsworth, general di rector of the Great Commission Pray er League, died November 14, 1963 at his home in Wheaton, Illinois. Dr. Wadsworth was 86 years old. Dr. Wadsworth was known throughout the evangelical world for his tireless efforts in behalf of spiritual revival. His constant insistence was that only through concerted prayer effort would revival be possible. Some of his last words were, “ tell the people to pray for revival.” Herold B. Street, former executive secretary of Evangelical Literature Overseas, has been appointed manager of the KAIM Bookstore, Honolulu. The bookstore was opened by the Christian Broadcasting Association, Inc., an affiliate of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dr. Lee to many. Hobey Lowrance, chief pilot for the Missionary Aviation Fellowship, re ported recently that plans have been made to begin immediate service to Venezuela. Radio and air transport facilities are planned for the mission aries of the Orinoco River Mission. Missionary pilot Dan Derr and his family will make their Venezuelan headquarters at Ciudad, Bolivar. Dr. Paul S. Rees is the editor of a new 40-page missions magazine to be published beginning March of this year, by World Vision, Inc. Entitled WORLD VISION, the monthly peri odical will include interpretative re ports, articles, photo spreads all re lated to Protestant missionary activity in pioneer areas of the world. Norman B. Rohrer is managing editor, and Dr. Ted Engstrom will serve as editorial advisor and publisher. Alvin T. Lewis, president of Las Delicias Bible Institute of the Orinoco River Mission, announced that the In stitute will celebrate its silver anni versary this year. Situated in the mountains of Caripe, Monagas, Vene zuela, the Institute has held classes continually since 1939. Dr. Clyde Narramore, consulting psy- JA N U A R Y , 1964 G. Lee of Memphis, Tennessee, recently celebrated their fif tieth wedding an niversary. Dr. Lee’s ministry in evan gelism a n d Bible teaching has been the source of bless ing and inspiration
chologist of Pasadena, California, Dr. Robert Smith, president of Bethel Col lege and Theological Seminary, and Ethel Barrett, gospel storyteller were among the speakers featured recently at the Third Annual Mid-winter Na tional Sunday School Convention held in San Diego, California. Some 125 workshop sessions were led by Chris tian education specialists. Dr. John F. Walvoord, president of D a lla s Theological Seminary, an nounced the appointment of Dr. John A. Witmer, assistant professor of sys tematic theology, as acting librarian, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Dr. James F. Rand, librarian since 1949. Dr. Witmer will serve in his new position in addition to his teaching duties, until a full-time pro fessional lirarian is appointed. Dr. David Allen, well-known Bible and Sunday school conference speak er, was the featured speaker recently at the Regular Baptist Press Sunday school workers’ conferences held in Seattle, Washington and El Cerrito, California. The conferences featured over forty workshops covering every phase of Sunday school endeavor. The headquarters for Regular Baptist Press are located in Chicago. The Press publishes departmentally-graded Sun day school literature under the slogan of “ God’s Word for the Family.” Inez Robb, syndicated newspaper Columnist, questioned the. Rev. Andrew Q. Morton of Scotland, a Presbyterian minister whose computer led him to the assertion that the Apostle Paul actually authored only five of the epistles attributed to him, “ . . . if St. Paul is not the author of the suspect epistles,” wrote Miss Robb, “ can the computer tell us who is? For whoever wrote the other let ters was imbued with the same fervor and faith that set St. Paul on fire. If the computer can deny authorship, should it not prove its pre-eminence, its worthiness of the Nobel Prize, by attributing authorship?” Victor Mendez, principal of the San Carlos Public School in Bogota, Colombia, was removed from his posi tion because of the influence of a parish priest of a Roman Catholic Church in the area. Mr. Mendez.was converted in 1962 and has since been harrassed by the priest. Recently the priest accused Mr. Mendez of steal ing a letter, although the letter had been given to Mr. Mendez by the priest himself. The police were sum moned, and Mr. Mendez was jailed.
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