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America’s 28 Favorite Hymns SELECTEDINA NATIONWIDE POL MÊÊÊÊÊÈ StereoI I(A$9.96value) $798
When a nationwide poll to select Amer ica’s best-loved hymns was announced, the response was enthusiastic from coast to to coast. Perhaps you were among the tens of thousands of Christian music lovers’ who voted for their favorites, naming the ones which have meant the most in spirit ual refreshment, as well as in listening and singing pleasure. Now you have the unique opportunity to bring the 28 top choices . . . AMERICA’S 28 FAVORITE HYMNS . . . into your own home. Here is the best in Christian music to play over apd over again to your heart’s content. Here are the top 28, on two mag nificent LP records—a permanent collection for your record library, featuring Chris tianity’s finest, dedicated musical artists. F R E E B O O K LE T W ITH A L L T H E W O RDS P L U S STO R IES A B O U T T H E H Y M N S Imagine the inspiration and enjoyment you and your family will experience as you
hear these great hymns . . . the pleasure of singing along as the familiar words and music unfold. Included with your two rec ords, you receive a booklet with the words of all 28 hymns . . . plus interesting stories about the authors and how many of these beautiful hymns came to be written. From the very first selection, The Old Rugged Cross , sung by Claude Rhea to the twenty-eighth, Holy , Holy , Holy by the powerful Moody Chorale, you’ll find en richment in every minute. Who wouldn’t be thrilled by the Lutheran Hour Choir’s voices blending on A Mighty Fortress Is Our God . . . by Frank Boggs singing Amazing Grace and What A Friend We Have in Jesus . . . by the beautiful harmony of the Sere nades Quartet on Rock of Ages? NOW — A W O N D ER FU L O PPO R T U N IT Y FOR YO U TO S A V E M O N E Y Without doubt, if you tried to buy these hymns separately, you’d spend forty or
fifty dollars—if you could even find all of them. But now you can have all 28 on the two long-playing records . . . not at the usual price of $3.98 each . . . but both, the complete album (worth $7.96) for just $5.98 as an introductory special offer. •(If you wish stereo instead of hi-fi, you pay just $7.98 for the two records that are worth $9.96.) Don’t miss this extraordinary offer. You need send no money—we’ll gladly send your album C.O.D. Pay just $5.98 (or $7.98 for stereo) plus a small amount for postage. (If you do send payment with your order, we’ll take care of the postage!) Either way, your complete satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed. Tear out the coupon . . . check whether you want hi-fi or stereo . . . then print your name and address and mail it today. We’ll rush your albums (and your booklet with all the words) to you promptly so you can hear and enjoy them right away.
1. The Old Rugged Cross Claude Rhea 2. How Great Thou Art Bill Mann 3. What A Friend We Have In Jesus Frank Boggs 4. In The Garden Ralph Carmichael and his Orchestra 5. Amazing Grace Frank Boggs 6. Rock 01 Ages Serenaders Quartet 7. Sweet Hour Of Prayer Paul Mickelson Orchestra 8. Abide With Me Dick Anthony Choristers 9. Beyond The Sunset Bill Pearce & Dick Anthony (vocal duet)
10. Whispering Hope Charles Magnuson & Lew Charles (piano & organ) 11. Just A Closer Walk Dick Anthony Choristers 12. A Mighty Fortress Lutheran Hour Choir 13. Nearer M y God To Thee Bill McVey 14. God W ill Take Care Of You Flo Price 15. Have Thine Own Way Lord Haven of Rest Quartet 16. Just As I Am Billy Graham Crusade A Cappeila Choir 17. Onward Christian Soldiers Paul Mickelson Orchestra 18. Jesus, Savior Pilot Me Haven of Rest Quartet
19. M y Faith Looks Up To Thee Bill Mann 20. Blessed Assurance Claude Rhea 21. Ivory Palaces Moody Chorale 22. I Need Thee Every Hour Abilene Christian College A Cappella Choir
To: Word Record Distributing Company Dept. KB-14, Waco, Texas
Please rush me the brand-new two record album o f AM E R IC A ’S 28 FAVORITE HYM N S (and the booklet that includes all the words) on your satisfaction-guaranteed offer. Please send me the: □ Hi-fidelity album at $5.98 (for regular long-playing 33 14 rpm players) □ Stereo album at $7.98 (for stereo record players only) P le a se a lso ch e ck : □ Ship the album C.O.D. O Check or money order enclosed (postage prepaid)
23. Lead, Kindly Light Dick Anthony Choristers 24. The Love Of God Frank Boggs 25. Near The Cross Jerry Barnes with the Kurt Kaiser Singers 26. Jesus, Lover Of M y Soul Bill Mann 27. Faith Of Our Fathers Frank Boggs 28. Holy, Holy, Holy Moody Chorale WORD RECORD D ISTR IBUT ING COMPANY Waco, Texas
1 1 1
. J (To ovoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 42)
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