Electric Pressure Cleaners - Cold
Service Parts
Standard Accessories
Spot 10/12
Spot 15/15
Spot 15/21
Spot 20/15
Spot 20/21
Control Box
118 90019200 $1,163 C 118 90019400
$922 B
118 90019300 $965 B 118 90019300 $965 B 118 90019300 $965 B
213 610
213 620
213 630
213 650
$120 D $292 B
$120 D $292 B
$120 D $11 D
$180 $99 D $114 D $0 D
223 40925 223 40030 223 1460702 223 1460702AR
223 40925 223 40030 223 1460702 223 1460702AR
223 40925 223 40039
107 40440 223 40113 223 1262443 223 1262443AR
Gun Lance Hose, or Hose
$0 D $0 C
$0 D $0 C
$poa $poa
Hose end - Gun side
——- 1/4” female swivel on Gun side ——-
——- M22 14mm Coupling on machine side ——-
Hose end - machine
Hose O Ring Turbo Valve Kit Piston Kit Oil Seal Kit Water Seal Kit Gasket Kit Suction Fitting Filter Capacitor Pressure Gauge Switch Switch Gasket Blue Plastic Cover Combo Set Assembly Oil Dip Stick Seat
$18 D $0 D $153 D $0 D $109 D $0 D $15 D $0 C $0 D $360 D $7 D
$18 D $190 D $240 D $175 D $290 D $7 D $43 D
$18 D $190 D $158 D $175 D
223 40639 223 1880 223 2623 223 1876 223 2624 223 2767 223 40439
223 40639 223 1864 223 2628 223 1865 223 1866 223 2040 223 40440
223 40639 223 1864 223 2629 223 1865 223 1874 223 2040 223 40440
$190 D $240 D $175 D $290 D
223 1864 223 2628 223 1865 223 1866 223 2040
$0 D $7 D $43 D
$7 D $0 D $0 D $4 D
223 1260540 223 1260660 223 1266810 223 1263790 223 1265080 223 1279225
223 1263510 223 3226 223 2320280 223 1341140
$0 D $211 C $17 D
$0 D $69 D $6 D $2 D $0 D $poa
223 1340050 223 1342700 223 1342710 223 1460150 223 1540140 223 1372740
Nozzle Piston Spring Ceramic Piston
$0 D $16 D
223 1260120 223 1540272 223 2260420 223 2715
Screw Screw Gasket Kit
$0 D $0 D
BE Pressure Supply Pty Ltd - Price List 2024 November
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